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Proton Pump Inhibitors and Dexamphetamine

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May 9, 2016
I was prescribed Dex recently for potential ADHD (I'm technically trialling it) and I read about lowering the acidity of your stomach to increase absorbtion of the Dex. I have to say, I screwed up in one regard which was taking a slow release raberprazole (2 X 20mg) because about an hour later I took 30mg of Dex and it was just normal. About 3 hours later though I took another 40mg (this was about 11pm) and I didnt particularly feel much until at about 4am it kicked in HEAVY, like it felt like good MDMA, but at the same time was too much, I don't think you are supposed to get that high off Dex and not 5 hours after you dose!! Apparently proton pump inhibitors will slow down the absorbtion of amphetamines but also increase the absorbtion. My heart was pumping really hard and I tried meditating for about half an hour but honestly I freaked out and went to hospital, the fact that it kicked in really heavy so late made me think I had done something beyond my understanding and I should go to hospital. Does anyone know if the hospital will notify my Dr and potentially have my Dex taken off me? Also, I was written 5 scripts and have only recieved one so far, I am hoping I can still go to the chemist to get them even though I screwed up. I am looking for info from anyone that knows anything about this? The Drs at the hospital had no idea about PPIs as drug potentiation. They gave me midazolam and valium but it barely did anything and I ended up demanding that they let me leave about 10 hours later because I was panicking and the valium wasnt doing shit, I needed some xanax or something. Is it okay to tell Drs and nurses that you have a benzo tolerance, will they give you something stronger? Anyway, just wanted to share this story.

Edit: Is it kind of irresponsible to prescribe someone 5 repeats of 100 pills of 5mg Dexamphetamine when they admittedly have a problem with drinking??
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As a nurse it can go two ways when talking about drug use. If you come across as drug seeking you wont get what you want. If you have a legitimate tolerance the nurses will talk to the docs. Its up to the doctors.
they cant treat you if they dont know whats up, if you have a large benzo tolerance of course a midazolam and valium (not IVed?) isnt going to help at all. id have said that i have a benzo tolerance as i have had panic attack and anxiety issues in the past and took them long term and seemed to need higher doses than most. as consumer said its at the doctors discretion though the nurses can only do so much.
Its pretty easy to differentiate between the two camps. Benzodiazepine tolerance is not unusual especially with over 50's who have been on them for years but certainly not limited to that group. We dont see a lot of drug seeking behavior with benzos. Painkillers of the opioid variety are a different kettle of fish. Even then if you have an injury that warrants that kind of pain relief most nurses will ask the doctors to take that tolerance into account whether its been illicitly aquired or through legitimate treatment. We dont want people in pain. It delays healing and generally makes our job harder. Some doctors are resistant to that but then we will usually call the pain management team after a day or so ( unfortunately we have to demonstrate high pain scores for a period of time before getting them involved ) and they usually sort that shit out.

Always be honest. We cant treat you if you are not. Just dont come in looking for drugs. Its a waste of our time and yours.
Does anyone know if the hospital will notify my Dr and potentially have my Dex taken off me?

No the hospital won't notify your prescriber, unless they work in the same facility in which case your records will be in the system and if your doctor/prescriber checks it then sure he'll see you had an admission to emergency regarding an overdose.

Also, I was written 5 scripts and have only recieved one so far, I am hoping I can still go to the chemist to get them even though I screwed up. I am looking for info from anyone that knows anything about this?

Yes. your scripts are still valid. Just take your drugs as presribed. Get them filled out as normal. A chemist is going to freak if you try to fill all of them at the sametime.

The Drs at the hospital had no idea about PPIs as drug potentiation. They gave me midazolam and valium but it barely did anything and I ended up demanding that they let me leave about 10 hours later because I was panicking and the valium wasnt doing shit, I needed some xanax or something. Is it okay to tell Drs and nurses that you have a benzo tolerance, will they give you something stronger?

Ok don't get me wrong. I fucking hate doctors and nurses, especially emergency doctors and nurses more then then i hate anything else on this planet. I like literally boil up into a ball of rage thinking about how many times i've almost died or suffered the most insane fucking pain ever because of the prejedices of those who work in those departments.

However that said in your case you were suffering an overdose. All emergency departments are setup to do is stabalise use so you can be transferred to another unit so the specialists in that area can deal with you. They ER will look at your vitals and treat to those issues i.e. slow measured doses of diazepam (valium) until your tachycardia (crazy heart beat) goes down

Look at the end of the day if you aren't really suffering from physiological problems and you were still panicking and freaking out at ER the worse case scenario is they shoot you up with a fuckton of diazepam and have you transferred to psych. And you do not want to ever get into the mental health system.

Edit: Is it kind of irresponsible to prescribe someone 5 repeats of 100 pills of 5mg Dexamphetamine when they admittedly have a problem with drinking??

No. It would be highly responsible to prescribe an alcoholic with diazepam. If anything the dexamphetamine will probably help you reduce your alcohol intake.

Just take your pills as prescribed. I believe with those with ADHD treated with dexamphetamine that they strongly recommend you take your dose in the morning and not late at night.
Ok don't get me wrong. I fucking hate doctors and nurses, especially emergency doctors and nurses more then then i hate anything else on this planet. I like literally boil up into a ball of rage thinking about how many times i've almost died or suffered the most insane fucking pain ever because of the prejedices of those who work in those departments.
Gee thanks for slagging off my entire profession. Next time you get hit by a car or break your leg, back or whatever go see a naturopath. Slagging off ER nurses who have one of the highest stressed hard working jobs making on the spot decisions who daily save thousands of fucking lives across this country because you didn't get your opiates is pathetic. If you had a broken leg you would get pain relief no matter what your history. If you gave off any signs off drug seeking behavior and believe me we have seen it all then unless you have an obvious injury requiring pain relief we will give our opinion to the doctors. We deal with this shit every day along with people who have lost limbs, had their baby stop breathing, their mum or dad have a heart attack, a guy who fell off a motorcycle with all the skin debrided off his legs and his bones snapped in 6 places. But you didn't get your fucking opiates. I apologise on behalf of the nurses. I am guessing your attitude and situation had nothing to do with it. Come and do our job mate before you bag an entire profession who are dedicated to helping people and saving lives. Can I ask how you almost died in an ER and were ignored by nurses and doctors? That makes no fucking sense at all. What was causing your excruciating pain? Because the people who work in ER are some of the most skilled and dedicated people out there. It sounds to me more like sour grapes because you needed a fix and were disappointed because you didn't get your opiates. If i am wrong then I appologise but to slag off an entire profession that I myself work in is crap. Rant over.
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Gee thanks for slagging off my entire profession

I will. Considering the time i was left to die on the floor of the ER. I barely was able to say my name (so i wasn't giving any lip) before the triage nurse told me to go away. After I collapsed in front of her onto the floor and lay shaking/fitting for about half a hour (as told by friends) before a passing nurse noticed me and had me sent to intensive care.

Considering all the times I"ve had to go to ER and hospitals I've always been shocked to see the arrogance and disdain that my family and fellow patients have subjected to by nurses and doctors.

I'm sick to death with our medical system and cunts that work in it. If you can't deal with patients and the public then don't fucking do it. Oh yeah but wait, once you finish your residency you can fuck off into private practice where you can charge an arm and a leg. And those who don't have the intelligence or ability to go onto such professions that end up clogging the public health system with arrogant bullies who hate themselves, their patients and the job.

I've had several relatives with cancer. The inflated costs and bullshit attitude they've gotten from specialists and the staff that run those centres is staggering. And lets not get into malpractice and corrective surgery I and my family have had in order to correct mistakes. My time dealing with birth of kids and the lies and mistakes is just breathtaking. I've seen nurses lie when recording stats and other patient data. Once a nurse had claimed my son had been crying. I had been holding him in my arms the entire time, literally he had not cried and this bitch lied to the head nurse and paediatrician claiming he was crying. Fuck man I don't even talk to nurses anymore outside of hello, yes and no. I refuse to fall into the traps you pricks play with patients.

I actually recorded certain events on my phone. When i showed the doctor the incontrovertible proof that the nurses were lying he shrugged his shoulders and said he couldn't go against the records they had written, falsely, down and that was that. We ended up getting transferred, wasting tens of thousands of dollars of medical resources for a condition that wasn't there. The nurses at the other unit were actually shocked that we were there when it was clear as day that was nothing wrong.

And don't think i'm sitting there yelling and giving lip to the nurses and doctors. I treat you pricks like your fucking bombs or chefs/kitchens. I would never ever return back the worse fucked up meal ever cooked to be corrected knowing how childish and infantile kitchens are. The same with medical "professionals". I don't over do it but I give you people so much leway. Oh hey yeah that thing you told us that would take ten minutes, and actually took 5 fucking hours...you no worries. I love sitting around hospital/wards doing fuck all.

You know I wouldn't mind the medical system getting things wrong. But the fact of the matter is whether its a crowded ER where people have waited hours or its in or out patient care, you people don't communicate. There is no explanation about what's going on, why we have to wait hours or what to do if things get worse. There is no attempt to treat us like humans. We're all drug seeking abusive violent freaks who have to be treated like little children at all time.

Waiting for a certificates, referrals etc to be typed up can cause you to age several years. The number of times i've watched doctors, not attending to patients, hide at the nurses stations not doing anything more then gossiping is countless. The fact you idiots think that we don't have ears or eyes is something that amazes me. What it takes an hour to write a fucking paragraph on the hospital letterhead?

And then the ego. Massive egos, the belief that you're singular superior to any person is amazing. On reddit a couple of weeks ago was a AMA from a radiologist who got cancer. Their description of becoming a "mister" (patient) and how they found themselves treated by their very own colleagues and nursing staff was music to my ears. They talked about how the doctors would refuse to communicate with them over their treatment and issues. How getting attention and care was a never ending mission. The never ending mistakes and complications caused by lack of care and attention. And this was one of your own. How quickly you cunts turn on your own colleagues (and he was paying an arm and a leg in a private american hospital).

I work call centres for decades. I've had people pull knives on me (working reception), thousands threat. scream, beg and cry. I've spent 8 hours at a time on hundreds of calls. I've probably spoke to somewhere in order of 80,000 people. And yet you know what. I've never dared to ever treat a single person like how a triage nurse or a doctor treats in Australia treats a patient, someone in pain, fearing the future, someone panicking and scared.

I've never hung up on a customer and never demanded their obedience or that they stop yelling and screaming or else they'll be ejected or refused service. If I had treated a single patient like how the medical personal at a hospital in australia treats a patient I would have lost my job.

So yeah. Until things changes i'll fucking say it how I see it!
Your anger speaks volumes. You still didnt say what you were dieing from. Fitting on a floor for half an hour before a nurse noticed you? Why didn't your friends get someone. Sorry i call bullshit. Keep your beliefs. They clearly wont change. If you believe EVERY nurse is some kind of incompetent uncaring monster its speaks volumes about you and not about us.
alright idk anything about doctors and what they'll say but im an alcoholic and addicted to dextroampthetamine so yeah i'd say it was irresponsible and anyone whos an addict should be really hesitant to let doctors prescribe them addy or dex or even vyvanse. but from what i hear doctors are pretty relaxed when it comes to prescribing amps. anyways i cant count how many amp induced panic attacks ive had but i know theyre fuckin awful and benzos have always helped me when i can get them but i have no benzo tolerance so shit that sucks i wish you the best of luck
Your anger speaks volumes. You still didnt say what you were dieing from. Fitting on a floor for half an hour before a nurse noticed you? Why didn't your friends get someone. Sorry i call bullshit. Keep your beliefs. They clearly wont change. If you believe EVERY nurse is some kind of incompetent uncaring monster its speaks volumes about you and not about us.

a "friend" gave me under false pretences a premixed shot - a hot shot to borrow from the Americans. When i look back at what happened I'm lucky to be alive. I think she was trying to murder me. When i took the shot, I actually reduced it by 3/4 before taking it. And even then what happened soon was horrendous. If I had taken all of what she had given me I would have died. I know that. Basically i had taken some drugs before going to a house party over at St Leonards.

I don't recall exactly but about half an hour after the shot my head started to hurt and i'm talking like a thousand elephants on your brain. I curled up and was just in so much enveloping pain. Lights were blinding. I started vomiting and losing consciousness. I don't know how but i ended up in hospital with another friend. You have to excuse me but my memory of the night isn't exactly crash hot.

All i remember was being held up, by my friends because i could no longer walk, at Triage shaking uncontrollably saying my name. I remember two other things. The utter look of disgust and hate on the nurses face and her disdainful dismissing of me and my friends when they told her that I was having an overdose. Now classic middle class kid. No tats, no trackies, or rat tails. Hell i was dressed up re the party so apart from my gay friend and the overdose there was nothing else that could have offended her sensibilities.

They must have dragged me to some chairs because the next bit I remember was lying across them shivering like I been plunged into ice water. I was shaking and convulsing so much, partly because i couldn't stop myself and partly because of the pain in my skull. It was like someone was trying to drill themselves out from the inside. My friend was shitting himself, later on telling me me that he had gone back to triage but the nurse had told him to go away and sit down. Apparently i must have fallen from the chairs because next moment i'm on the floor just losing my shit (they had put jackets on me to keep me warm) when i remember a nurse walking by, backing up and then looking down at me asking me if i was ok. At that point it felt like i was in a tunnel and she was at that far end...and her voice was really faint. Next bit i remember was waking up in ICU. Lots of beeping machines, line going into the arm, doctors putting something in the drip and me vomiting. Lots of passing out followed by several hours of vomiting, shitting and vomiting. I was discharged the next day with the doctor telling me that i was very lucky. They said I suffered a cerebral haemorrhage and that extremely dehydrated when i was admitted.

My friend told me sat in ER for about half an hour. I remember the ICU unit at RNA that night (in between vomiting and shitting) and there was fuck all people in it that night. No major car accidents etc. The argument that they were super busy and that there were more medically critical people ahead of me cannot be substantiated in this case.

Like I said before the disgust, arrogance and hate displayed by the triage nurse was just astounding and was the real reason why i was left to die on the floor of the ER. I guess the only saving grace was that another ER nurse recognised something was amiss.
That does sound like a horrible experience. All i ask is dont tar us all with the same brush. I didn't sign up to deal with blood, puss, vomit and shit for the money. I did it because i want to help people. 95% of nurses i know are the same. Thats why we consistently are in the top few most trusted professionals. I think a lot of peoples experiences are a lot more positive than yours. But i do understand the resentment.
Asking that not all nurses be tarred with the same brush is reasonable, but I also think it's reasonable to point out that there definitely seems to be a powerful prejudice against "certain types" (for the sake of this discussion, drug users, but I imagine other groups have similar problems) in the medical system.

There is, in my experience, and what I've observed in the experiences of friends and discussions with hospital workers (some of whom are also friends, or family members), a massive difference both in the quality of treatment received and the attitude of those giving the treatment when someone turns up at hospital with a drug-related problem, compared to when they turn up with something that has nothing to do with drugs.

This is to a certain extent understandable, I know enough people who work in hospitals in various capacities to know that they put up with a lot of craziness on any given shift, and that over the years burnout becomes a factor, and that an inordinate amount of this craziness comes from (or at least seems to come from, I don't have any numbers) groups such as drug users, but that doesn't necessarily make it excusable.

I also suspect that the prejudicial attitude and behavior a lot of medical/hospital workers display towards drug users is a large contributing factor towards the craziness that evolves out of these interactions, and that if they could show a little more compassion and understanding then these interactions would run a lot more smoothly and things would turn out better for all involved. I think how quickly the conversation here devolved because of ingrained attitudes and assumptions each side had regarding the other is a pretty perfect example.

Cool, stay the fuck out of hospital then.

You're kind of making his case, aren't you? See also Consumer's immediate assumption that Chug's was pissed off because he "needed a fix," and not over genuine mistreatment.
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My immediate reaction was one based on a bit of anger at being referred to as a cunt. I was wrong for doing that.
Not to be too pedantic, but nobody called anybody a "cunt" until after you jumped on Chugs with your generalized accusations, and even then he only used the word to refer to the profession as a whole, not directed at you specifically.

Anyway, I'm not trying to drag this into a "he said/she said" situation, and I respect that you're owning up to the fact that what you said was wrong, I just wanted to point out that this whole interaction displays the same dynamic that plays out in real life between drug using patients and medical professionals.

Drug users are never going to be the easiest patients to deal with in the first place, and if you throw in one or two bad encounters in the past they'll almost certainly be on the defensive whenever they come in contact with the medical system. So you're going to have an inordinate amount of conflict originating from drug users, and over the course of years this is going to create an impression on medical workers. That's just life, and it doesn't take the responsibility off the drug users who do behave badly.

But imo medical workers also have a basic responsibility to keep this in mind and make a conscious effort to avoid developing this prejudice and applying it to every drug user the encounter - if not out of basic human decency, then because doing so will help prevent encounters from escalating into conflict and perpetuating the whole cycle. If they can't handle that, if they can't maintain just enough open mindedness and compassion to judge each patient on an individual basis, and to treat patients based on their objective medical needs and not the subjective impression their behavior and personality and background creates, then they probably shouldn't be working in a capacity where they deal with patients in the first place.
Well if we are being pedantic i was angry after Chugs generalised accusations against er nurses which came before my generalised accusations. Oh no. Its he said she said.

I still apologise to Chugs but i was responding to my WHOLE profession being judged in a negative way which is just as unfair as how SOME drug users get treated in hospitals.

Hopefully my last words in this thread.
My girlfriend is a nurse.
If you saw what sort of shit she has to deal with every single shift, and the hours she works - for the pay she gets - you'd respect nurses and medicos a whole lot more.
Just sayin'

Well, I would think that people who are in need of medical care deserve to receive it, regardless of their disposition or their attitude towards medical workers. This seems self evident to me, whereas you seem to feel that, if someone has a negative attitude towards medical workers based on his past interaction with them, he should be required to avoid the medical system entirely. You don't see the problem with that?

My girlfriend is a nurse.
If you saw what sort of shit she has to deal with every single shift, and the hours she works - for the pay she gets - you'd respect nurses and medicos a whole lot more.
Just sayin'

Not sure if you're addressing me or not, but I have plenty of close family members and friends who work in the medical system - just inside the family I have a parent and sibling who both work in ER, one of them in the busiest hospital in the state, I have an uncle who was a paramedic before his back gave out, and a cousin currently working as one. So I think I have a fairly reasonable idea of what working in the system entails and the toll it takes, at least as much as is possible from an outside perspective.

But that simply doesn't justify prejudicial behavior on the behalf of doctors. If anything, the responsibility they bear(and which they take up willingly and knowingly) means they need to be held to a higher standard of behavior.

The reality is that emergency workers, especially doctors and nurses, hold a huge amount of power over the lives of people who are generally at their most vulnerable, and if they can't maintain respect for the the basic human rights of their patients and the ability to treat them kindly, appropriately and fairly, regardless of how they might feel about the background, circumstances or life choices of the patient, then they shouldn't be there. I understand that there's a high rate of fatigue and burnout in the field, and that might explain why prejudicial attitudes develop, but it doesn't excuse them.
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