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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

PROSCALINE 39mg orally - First Time - "An Extra Ordinary Experience"


Moderator: PD
Staff member
Jun 30, 2015
PROSCALINE 39mg orally - First Time - "Tripping into the Ordinary, An Extra Ordinary Experience"

I have experience with a few dozen classical and RC psychedelics, as well as some dissociatives, stimulants, depressants, empathogens, and weird botanicals. I'm prone to idiosyncratic reactions and dislike a lot of well-loved substances, so keep that in mind before extrapolating from my experiences.

The material reacted as expected when tested with Mecke, Marquis, and Mandelin reagents.

I'm in a good mood today, but my friend's mood is low and stressed. I'm at home and the day is threatening to be clement and sunny, but hasn't quite made it. I'm pretty sore today from a deep tissue neck and shoulder massage I received for some issues that I've been having. I'm also feeling rather stimulated from a latte that I had earlier that I clearly didn't need, but had anyway to stave off caffeine withdrawal. Otherwise, I've only had my usual 2 tablets of ashwagandha today. My erotic interest is already pretty high this morning. I slept well, but cuddled with the cat a little too long and just missed my blood sugar window. I feel a little wonky today, which is why I've been planning to take a psychedelic for...three and a half months? I've been noodling into depression and general malaise for a long time, but have been too busy to have a proper experience. I think I have vaped some EPT, had a very light dose nasal 2C-B, an oral 15mg 2C-D experience two weeks ago, and a light 5-MeO-MiPT experience in the last 90 days, none crossing the therapeutic threshold.

I had planned to take a DOx today, but time got away from me. I like how long-lasting PEA experiences often allow me to dwell in a meditative mindfullness state for some time. I imagine that would have benefited me considerably, maybe even staving off the re-emergence of depression. On the other end of the spectrum, my friend is hoping for an experience that will derail their preoccupation with work and guilt for taking a weekend for personal time. One of the DOx would have been more suitable, perhaps, but I was excited to explore proscaline and the duration lined up with the day. I have been looking forward to trying proscaline forever, but this is the first time I've come across it. I've heard that it's a slightly more stimulating, lighter, shallow, more hedonistic 'scaline than mescaline, but with a shorter comeup and fewer side effects. I've also heard that it combines beautifully with 4-sub-MET/MiPTs.

11:20 Took 39mg +/-2mg orally about two hours after eating a hearty breakfast. My friend takes 41mg +/-2mg

11:25 Feel a definite PEA alert.

11:32 Noticed the effects beginning to creep up a bit more.

11:40 The comeup continues. It's stimulating, but a euphoric stimulation (something I don't typically get.) It feels good in the body so far. No signs of tension, but I'm taking some magnesium just in case.

12:00 I'm feeling quite peaceful alongside my modest increase in energy, so I took the last few minutes to tidy the house some more. It's very satisfying. I can tell my blood sugar is a little and that I need to eat. I decide to just drink some juice; other stuff seems a wee bit too complicated at the moment. I'm barely in touch with my hunger, still feeling replete after my hearty breakfast.

I've been unusually sensitive to causes of disgust, like oniony body odor and funky trash smells, so I've endeavoured to remove them from my space. Effects are still growing slowly; I'm at a + now. It feels more delicately feminine than I had imagined it would. I imagined that it would be a little pushy, but the state feels like a gently unfolding cherry blossom within. I like the quality of this experience, but would like it to be 2.5x stronger. Ever mindful of the slow development of 'scaline chemicals, I refrain from increasing the dose. My friend suggests that we go see how music sounds on this material (which they found enhanced, and which I did not.)

2:05 I feel like the peak finally arrived about twenty or so minutes ago. This was just after I had spent the better part of the intervening time in erotic endeavors, which can make it hard to identify when the peak actually hit. I haven't found the material to be particularly visual. The visual sharpening that arrived in the ten minutes after dosing has remained constant, but that's it open eyed. Occasional CEVs that are nondescript and not very PEA-like. Mostly just repeating geometric patterns and swirls made out stippled dots. No beautiful mescaline/methallylescaline color palette. Side effects are currently nonexistent, but I wonder if the stimulation, while modest, will lead to impotence, appetite suppression, and/or jaw tension .

As the peak arrived, so did some more stimulation. It has been mild, but I had to remind myself to experience it as euphoria and not anxiety. It feels out of place alongside the dreaminess of the space. While not truly dreamy in the sense of LSA or methallylescaline, it lacks the forced immediate consciousness of the present experience that substances like DOC and 2C-B can have in the plateau. Neither does it have the inward journeying orientation of a material like psilocin. Rather than meditative focus or internal journeying, I feel instead like I'm drifting towards sleep. It's as though I'm watching a durdling procession of mundane ideas muddle their way towards sleep, but never arrive. There is no accompanying hypnagogic imagery. While my friend enjoyed proscaline's effects on music, I didn't find it enhanced or immersive. In fact, I weirdly found that I mostly ignored it as I drifted.

There was some increased emotional appreciation early on in the experience, but it was lighter and gentler than the MiPT family, much lighter than MAL or mescaline. It was more like the EPTs--a delicate, open, honest appreciation of the other person, but without the deep heart-opening push. That's not to say that heart-opening wasn't present. I felt a surge during the peak, but it was abstract, felt more in the body than anywhere else. It was disconnected to anything in my immediate experience. Neither have I been getting a lot in the way of tactile enhancement. Overall, it's a nice, positive space, if a bit if a vacuous one. I'm clearly at a ++, but it feels a fairly vacant, generic. It's the psychedelic club soda. There's not a lot going on cognitively, nor visually. My experience isn't enhanced, but I don't feel the frustrating debilitation that PEA underdoses can leave me with. I can see why someone would really enjoy taking a 4-subbed tryptamine alongside this, although I will not be doing that today. My friend at said they quite like the space on its own and would not want to combine it with anything else.

The light stimulation pulls me gently away from dreamy reverie, while the reverie pulls me away from activities like going for a nice walk in the park. It's not an uncomfortable tension, but not helpful one either. It definitely feels a little pushier and less delicate now, but is still quite friendly. I wish I could push the dose without increasing the stimulation. Still, I suspect that this is a material that might warrant pushing the dose into subtantially higher terrain for it to shine.

2:25 My libido is still high, but I suspect that its actually hunger and that my wires are crossed. I get horngry even when sober. It's finally time to make myself some food. I'm finally getting noticeable OEVs, for instance breathing and rippling when looking at surfaces like carpet. I'm also getting a tiny bit of back tension; no sign of pupil dilation. The experience feels a little like a thin, minor underdose of methallylescaline, but with the neutral somatic sensations of a solid common dose.

2:35 Just ate some cereal and drank a lot of OJ. I was really hungry, but food seemed a little bit challenging. While the stimulation that I'm getting from this isn't unpleasant, it feels different than usual. For one, I get the feeling that getting an erection would be impossible right now, something I haven't experienced from a stimulant since BZP was legal over a decade ago. The closest thing I can compare it to is the stimulation from 5-MeO-MET, but milder.

3:24 I just returned from a nice long walk outside. It was pleasant, and the material enhanced my appreciation of the spring blooms a bit. I have stress, though, that this experience is felt predominantly in the body. In fact, it's almost entirely somatic. There is mild tension and mild stimulation, but generally just a strong, neutral somatic sensation that I associate with strong 'scaline experiences, but without the strong cognitive experience that accompanies them. The feeling is neither pleasant nor unpleasant, just weirdly strong when there's so little else going on.

When I got back from my walk, I took some time for silent reflection in my bed. While OEVs are still there, they are still quite subdued. Maybe some very subtle pastel pink smears here and there on blank walls. CEVs were just walls of flesh and muscles, faces straining beneath them as if gestating or maybe struggling to be born.

My second period of reflection was no more productive than the first. There's a quality to it that I find twisting, inaccurate, unhealthy. A weird H.R. Geigering of the lattice mescaline's headspace, subtly warping away from that clear reflection to a distortion. The themes aren't emotionally disturbing, but they aren't valuable if I'm seeking valid insight. Side effects are still minimal, but there's a bit of jaw clenching. The somatic sensations are so strong that I'm perversely curious to see how they'd manifest at a higher dose. Extreme muscle tension, sure, but probably some pretty intense somatic euphoria.

3:36 This stuff does seem to come in waves a bit now that I'm in the plateau. As I write this, it feels stronger than it has up until now. I feel like I've broken through to a more positive space emotionally and somatically, as if some resistance has slipped. The body feel is now...dark and cool. It's definitely more pleasurable than it is neutral, with cool little shivers manifesting. I had some nitrous, which was mostly uneventful apart from relieving some muscle tension (on second thought, it was probably the second tablet of magnesium I had prior to the nitrous.)

5:07 Time dilation is pretty pronounce on this material. It definitely comes in waves, but I feel like it's making its distinct character more known as it progresses. Revisiting the erotic was nice. The post-coital period was odd, though--neither of us could work out whether we had fallen asleep and dreamed or had experienced psychedelic visions. All I could bring back were fragments of images of middle aged women wearing corsets. My friend was transported to the Meiji era, complete with Samurai battles. When I resurfaced, I felt relaxed and refreshed, as if I'd had a nice nap. I felt more integrated into the space.

It's definitely wavier than most PEAs, and feels better when I surrender to the direction it's trying to drag me in rather than guiding it myself. Regrettably, those directions don't seem to be very interesting, but it makes the experience less stressful if I just to go with them. Overall, I'm quite thoroughly done with this experience and have been for some time. My friend, on the other hand, is having a grand old time and really likes the material. For me, it feels rather basic in a way that's functionally adjacent to 4-HO-MALT. On the other hand, I have to keep in mind that I may be biased by the creeping depression and accompanying anhedonia that was the reason for this experience. Just last week I found an event that I'd looked forward to for a year just left me feeling underwhelmed and deflated thanks to that depression. Considering that, my analysis of this experience could very well be shaded. Hopefully with its intensity and duration, this experience will reset me for a month or three. Interestingly, proscaline produced only a hint of that emotional pain feeling psychedelics often induce for me on comeup, but it was easier to acknowledge and move past than on most others as it only occupied a small segment/fraction of my conscious experience. It did drag on for most of the two of the comeup, but it's been gone for hours now.

I'm noticing that I'm getting photrealistic afterimages of whatever I'm looking at lingering for a sec when I close my eyes, sometimes frame-stuttered images.

5:34 Still going strong, but I'm confident that the downswing has begun in earnest. It still comes in waves, though. My friend just commented that they felt they were tripping really hard suddenly, where they hadn't been before. I have a bit of a metallic taste lingering in my mouth, but I suspect that may be from the nitrous. This state is much more pleasant in the plateau (now that I'm relaxed.) The little shivers of pleasure are pleasant.

6:04 Starting to get pretty gassy, so that's a sure sign of comedown for me, or at least of the experience having gone long enough that the drug has transited my GI tract and is interacting with the 5-HT receptors of the gut. Back when I drank alcohol regularly, this is the part that I would toss in some booze for good measure. Kava sounds good in its place, but I don't want to risk disrupted sleep. Fortunately, it's no lysergamide so no cramping or discomfort is present. I've been yawning for a while, too.

The descent is considerably faster than I expected for a 'scaline. The peak, while veeeerry slow to arrive, lasted a good four hours, but the plateau is disappearing quickly. Okay, actually going over it I have the chronology of this as follows: alert/onset at +:05, peak at +1:30, plateau at +3:30, descent at +5:30. The weird thing is, as the space developed and deepened I felt as though the plateau was substantially stronger than the peak, as well as more relaxed.

Overall, I am not impressed with this when compared to MAL or mescaline or...really, most other psychedelics. While I have to stress that it was at no point unpleasant or difficult--it was overall fine--it just didn't have a lot to recommend it on its own. It was like MAL without the tripping, and the space was fairly drab. It was interesting and informative as a point of reference, though. I found it possible to identify a space that was clearly and indisputably what I would class as psychedelic, but one without much in the way of sensory distortion or psycholysis. Instead, I found myself in a remarkably ordinary cognitive space. Symbols didn't disolve or take on enhanced meaning. Everything was as it should be mentally. My attention wasn't narrowed or splintered, but I found myself easily distracted. Music faded into the backdrop of my thoughts exactly like it would were I sober. I take psychedelics to achieve non-ordinary states of consciousness. This was an ordinary state of consciousness, yet I felt I was tripping. I don't think it was just an association with the somatic sensations of psychedelics like MAL either. It had a narrative or visionary quality instead. In fact, I'm really suspecting that this was an underdose. Like my 1.5mg experience with DOC, this may just have shown the underpinnings, the architecture of the experience, while another 10-20mg at least might open up the fullness of the experience. I'm not sure how enthusiastic I would be about the muscle tension and stimulation that might bring, but perhaps like DOC it could be fine if channeled properly. Regardless, it seems like a shallower material than MAL, and while I knew that going in it took me off guard how lacking it was in character compared to say 2C-D. This is more along the lines of what I expected of allylescaline or TMA-2 based on the reports that I'd read.

9:00 Cracked open a bottle of fine wine set aside for special occasions, and I drank 3/4 of it. Delicious, but it didn't dent my headspace. I'm still solidly in the midst of a pleasant declining plateau, and I'm glad I didn't opt for kava. I would definitely have been up all night--damnable personal metabolic idiosyncracies. When I told my friend that I wanted to take a "real psychedelic" tomorrow, they asked what I was talking about. I told them that I thought the experience was "bland" they exclaimed, "I love it!" "Of course it is," they said, "that's what all of the reports said. This is the mescaline 2C-D, the phenethylamine miprocin. I don't want to spoil this space--I wouldn't want to take it more than once a year. It's grand. Music is great, video games are great." Personally, I couldn't disagree more, but I'm very happy that they enjoyed it so very much. I'm just wondering when I'll be able to sleep.

9:20 While still unable to dream of sleeping, I suddenly feel simultaneously drunk and ready for dinner, so I think I'm approaching being down.

11:40 Still feeling stimulated, but my friend went to bed. It think there's a chance that I could sleep, but it's a slim one. I'm still trying to rehydrate - the last few hours I've been pretty thirsty as well as gassy.

1:07 Although not particularly in the mood, I got off twice more this evening in an effort to make myself tired enough to sleep. Now, while I still feel the effects, I feel pretty confident that I can sleep.

7:20 Woke up without a hangover or headache, feeling good. Couldn't sleep any later.

My friend and I reviewed our experiences from the day before. In my friend's opinion, I went into the experience with the wrong expectations. The reports they had read were more in line with the reports that I had read describing escaline and allylescaline--neutral, clearheaded headspaces felt mostly in the body. After a very stressful week, my friend wanted a clearheaded experience that allowed them to fully engage with the day without dwelling in the past and the future AND an experience that left them mostly clearheaded, one that didn't challenge them to confront the problems in their life that they'd already spent countless hours thinking over fruitlessly. Like miprocin, this proved ideal for that for them. I, on the other hand, was hoping for an experience that added something to my even-keeled headspace, ideally something that would narrow my focus like DOC does (but MAL and mescaline don't, if I remember correctly.) In short, I was looking for an additive experience, my friend was looking for a subtractive experience. It excelled in the latter. When I said that I preferred 2C-D, my friend was astonished, calling it tofu by comparison. While I feel 2C-D has its own flavor, this really felt like an underdose, or just scaffolding for another drug experience. We both were surprised at the almost complete absence of side-effects given the somatic intensity of the experience. My friend had nothing but some gas cramps. As for therapeutic effects regarding depression/anhedonia, there were no noticeable effects. I don't think that I noticed an abatement or improvement of my outlook on life over the following week; work was unusually rewarding, making it hard to say for sure if it was that or the proscaline that put me in a better place. I'm inclined to think that it made no difference, although there certainly hasn't been any deterioration either. All in all, I don't think I'm curious enough to chance a higher dose evaluation, but if I ever come across it again I'll probably ask my friend for their thoughts at a higher dosage.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Thanks for the report. :) That's unfortunate it didn't have the music amplification effects for you. I will say I have taken this I believe 4 times. The first time is the one I wrote my TR on, and it was a wonderful experience where I was SO into playing and listening to music, it was phenomenal. Subsequent trials I have found a bit boring or otherwise not as good. I think it really doesn't change your headspace much, and moreso has effects on mood and emotions. The first time I took it, it developed into a really profoundly euphoric and effortless space that I loved. The second time I did it I actually got pretty anxious (mostly from external circumstances but I also dosed higher, 55mg I believe, and the stimulation was more pronounced) and found it dysphoric and wished I hadn't taken it, but again I was uncomfortable because of my setting. I didn't bother taking any notes on the other 2 times, I found them nice but unremarkable.

I remember someone saying in PD some time ago that for them it was incredible at like 120mg or something like that, a profound and beautiful psychedelic experience, and that people were dosing it too low. I feel that may be the case but the stimulating aspect of it makes me a little wary of pushing the dose that high.

I really wish that the escaline I got hadn't turned out to be a botched synth, because it sounds really interesting to me, more like mescaline, except more potent. And undoubtedly unique in its own way. But it's got a variety of unidentified peaks in the GC/MS so I'm not gonna touch it.

But yeah, proscaline is no mescaline... but what is? Only mescaline. I do hope to try MAL soon though, finally. Been wanting to for a long time.

I have never really heard of this before but this is an A+ new word. =D
Proscaline is a contender for worst psychedelic in my book other than the fact I find it very hard to meaningfully call it a psychedelic at all. 2C-D is great - I believe the Tofu label that gets quoted ad nauseam is misunderstood if not outright wrong based on Shulgin not taking it to +++ levels. Anything has little character if you under dose and 100-200mg is nearer the mark as was actually show in Phikal
It just reinforces YMMV, I guess. The reports I saw before I ever tried methallylescaline seemed overwhelmingly negative, but I found it to be an excellent material. Before proscaline, I saw lots of love for proscaline in reports, but trial #1 wasn't particularly promising. If they ever come back, I'll probably try some of the other 'scalines, maybe the TMAs, before this one
I really want to try cyclopropylmescaline, PIHKAL has very favorable reports. I ordered that plus AL, MAL, TMA-2, TMA-6, proscaline and escaline and the guy never got the others synthed except escaline and proscaline and the proscaline was very pure but the escaline was not... I also got stiffed in MAL several times from different sources. I really love mescaline so I was pretty excited about all those analogues. It's cool though because I just got a pound of san pedro cactus powder. :) It's hard to imagine that any of them would be as good as mescaline.
I liked your report OP! I had never heard of this compound. Your analogy to club soda of psychedelics and the minimal side effects makes me think it might be a good combo drug; unless there are contraindications?
It probably would be. I wouldn't imagine that there would be all that many concerning interactions, but as a relatively rare and barely studied drug, I can't say for sure.
This sounds a lot like around 8mg of 2c-t-4, just without the 20 hours of no longer tripping, but being too residually stimulated to sleep without some heavy sedatives to overpower being strung out...
2C-T-4 seems to have some real fans, and a lot of other people did not like it. I almost had a chance to try it, but my buddy's stash got taken by the cops so it was a no-go.
2C-T-4 seems to have some real fans, and a lot of other people did not like it. I almost had a chance to try it, but my buddy's stash got taken by the cops so it was a no-go.

Even during the peak of the experience, the trip was very artificial feeling and rather boring actually. It lacked the comfort factor that I get from other 2c-t-x's. The visuals weren't particularly impressive and the headspace isn't far removed from baseline. No euphoria or dysphoria, the experience just sort of 'is', for lack of a better way to describe it off the top of my head.

All the of that could have been overlooked if not for the incredibly long period of no longer tripping but strong residual stimulation that seems to go on forever. Even benzodiazepines have trouble overcoming it to allow one to sleep.

Its possible that I was under shooting the dose I would have required to make the experience worthwhile for me personally(anywhere between 4mg and 25mg), but given the side effects profile and general unpleasantness of the experience, pursuing higher doses just was not something I would be interested in doing.
I heard that 2C-T-4's character was notably dissociative. Proscaline didn't have that flavor. Mind you, it could be that I was underdosing, too. I just had an experience with 4-AcO-EPT yesterday far felt vanilla, and I know from experience that it's got plenty of character. Underdosing likely played a role
I heard that 2C-T-4's character was notably dissociative. Proscaline didn't have that flavor. Mind you, it could be that I was underdosing, too. I just had an experience with 4-AcO-EPT yesterday far felt vanilla, and I know from experience that it's got plenty of character. Underdosing likely played a role

2c-t-4 does have a distinct dissociative effect, it's just the least interesting dissociative acting compound I've tried. And most dissociatives don't have the extended period of insomnia and agitation for hours after the experience is over.
And most dissociatives don't have the extended period of insomnia and agitation for hours after the experience is over.
They sure do for me, but I hear ya.

That's actually what saves me from taking them. I don't want to in the morning, but by the time I'm interested, I'm not interested enough to risk wrecking my sleep
They sure do for me, but I hear ya.

That's actually what saves me from taking them. I don't want to in the morning, but by the time I'm interested, I'm not interested enough to risk wrecking my sleep

2 or 3 hours of residual stimulation after some dissociatives is normal IME, but the tail end of 2c-t-4 just goes on and on and on for often 12-18 hours after the primary effects wane. Traditional dissociatives also lack, or at least possess a much lower level of, extreme time dilation.

Imagine looking at your alarm clock, seeing its 3:54am. Spend what seems like hours trying to get to sleep, tossing and turning, looking at your clock again, and seeing its 3:58 am. It not only lasts forever, but the time dilation makes it seem many times longer than it actually is. No compound produces time dilation on par with 2c-t-4...
Oh gross, that sounds awful. I can't sleep forever with LSD and 2C-E & cannabis both produce extreme time dilation for me. Neither are close to that bad, though!