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Proper way to wien off percocet


Sep 10, 2010
OK I have been taking about 100 to 140mg percocet for the last 4months and I'm thinking its time to stop but really dont wanna quit cold turkey and get sick cause ill just get more so I'm not sick. i got a few sober friends that are gonna help me out and make sure i don't take more than i should so I'm just curious what would be the proper way of trying this method w/o getting sick? i have tried cold tukey before and methadone and suboxone and i think those 2 are just enablers so and advice would be appreciated thanks
OK I have been taking about 100 to 140mg percocet for the last 4months and I'm thinking its time to stop but really dont wanna quit cold turkey and get sick cause ill just get more so I'm not sick. i got a few sober friends that are gonna help me out and make sure i don't take more than i should so I'm just curious what would be the proper way of trying this method w/o getting sick? i have tried cold tukey before and methadone and suboxone and i think those 2 are just enablers so and advice would be appreciated thanks

Well you could always start weening off the opiates by taking smaller doses everyday. Or you could start using weaker opiates and lower your doses slowly.
If you could get beta-blockers like atenolol or benzo's they will help immensly with your withdrawal.
I also like gabapentin for opiate wd's ...look intothat one.
As in 100-140 mg per day? Per week? Per month? If your doing that much a day then a serious taper would be in order. But if you only used that much per month then I wouldn't worry about WD at all.
Percocet contains tylonel, if you're taking that many percs a day you should definitely taper off and while your at it do a cold water extraction on them. Thats so much tylenol.
try weaning by 10 mgs, ATLEAST every week.... by id say go down 10mg every 2-5 days, than once ur at 30-40mg, do the same thing just by 5mg every 2-5 days...once ur at 5, just jump off...ull feel slight WDs, but nothing u cant handle, kapeesh
Yea i forgot to mention the apap Tylenol. When you take them do you do the extraction? If you did that much every day without Tylenol extraction your liver is definitely damaged.

Do what everybody says in this thread. Just taper off slowly by taking lower doses everyday.
And like I said if you have access to any beta blockers or benzos your taper could be a breeze.