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Prometazine and oxycodone dose for opiate naive


Jun 18, 2015
How much promethazine and oxycodone should I take. I have 25mg promethazine tablets and 5mg oxycodone tablets. I've never had a high opiate tolerance and it has been months since I last took hydros. I'm looking for a pretty strong nod but nowhere near ODing. I weigh about 160lbs.
20mg oxycodone, 50mg Prometh increase dosage if needed after 1 hour.
At the same time, they should kick in around the same time.
Promethazine is no joke. 50mg should kytfo . I used to fall asleep with my lights and TV on lol. Just make sure your somewhere you can pass out. It is a possibility. Don't mix other stuff in with combo. You have a nice one right here. Just lookin out. Same time is good. You could also take the prometh +/- 15 minutes to mess with the effect. Post back telling how it was. Be safe. Have fun. Speed King
I would have to add that you are not opiate naive in terms of pharmacology if you have ever taken one.

It is pretty much same as losing your virginity :)
How the fuck do people get promethazine I've never seen it on the streets
not to common on the streets because its a antihistamine you dont hear to often " ay man you got any anti histamines" haha
now prometh and codeine thats a diff story and so much better
promethazine is just a stronger version of the weak otc antihistamines here in the states out side of the US it is OTC in many parts
and if you got stomach issues or allergies like i do its not a prob to get it from your doc

25mg of prometh should have you feeling good 50 mg is a bit to much for many
50mg that alone can knock you on your ass and i agree its not something to joke with
So I tried 20mg oxy and 25mg prometh this morning on a completely empty stomach and it was great. the dosage was perfect. It took about 20 min to start and really hit me at about 40-50min . After about a hour my stomach started bothering me a bit but went away pretty fast.

I think I'll try it again in couple days with 50mg prometh and crush up all the pills first.