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Prohibition of drugs. Criminals love to see it. Why do we make their day?

Face it, the government, many citizens and a host of others are scared shitless to do it. Unfortunately, there isn't really a model, with a population such as the US, for anyone to draw on. Therefore, abstract fear prevails.

There is nothing psychologically special about Americans and they would likely have the same result of reduced overall use as seen elsewhere.

Mind you, at this point in time, Americans are thinking strangely as you guys do not seem to mind being the laughing stock of the world. I guess that pride is taking a step back thanks to your political situation.

I am surprised that you military has not deposed your putrid leader.

As you seem to know, cowards can never be moral.

I have access to pure pharma fent, not worth it at all. Even the pure stuff is shit, no euphoria, just knocks u out and it only lasts 1-2 hrs. I'd rather shoot morphine any day of the week. that is banging stuff.

Careful on the depth of your addictions to a single drug.

Mix up whatever you take on various days so that at least your body will not get addicted even if your mind is.

Our best drug researchers in Canada have called that type of mixing, --- intelligent use of freedom of choice.

Pharmaceutical companies would not benefit from the legalization of drugs

That is the last thing I will care about.

Do you not think they have a strong enough hold of American balls already as they continue to gouge you and kill our young?

That is the last thing I will care about.

Do you not think they have a strong enough hold of American balls already as they continue to gouge you and kill our young?

I do not disagree but the government needs these facilities for money and trust me they make a ton off it
I do not disagree but the government needs these facilities for money and trust me they make a ton off it

Yep. The white collar crimes of your politicians is well known and tolerated by your people.

That is why the U.S. is the laughing stock of the world.

You progressed when Obama was in office with a lot of good legislation and have sat back when Trump insulted all the voters who voted for those changes by reversing the majority of those policies.

He has backed you up even further than the gains you were making yet your population just let him.

I liked the old Americans. This new crowd is not worth spit, although I like the way your next generation is thinking.

Perhaps enough of them will vote and put your country back on the right track, and I do not mean right wing.

I do sympathise with the right's desires for security, but their methods are draconian instead of measured.

Pharmaceutical companies would not benefit from the legalization of drugs

How do you figure?

If pharmaceutical companies could legally take the place of dealers, selling addictive drugs that are currently legal, I'd imagine that would be very lucrative.

Unless by "legalization of drugs" you just mean pot :/
Commerce, while important, should not over ride our moral sense.

War against our own, when no form of prohibition under discussions have ever worked.

Harm reduction is priceless. Ask your children.

The war on drugs is causing exactly the consequences it was designed to cause.
If the aim was to stop black market drug trade Law Enforcement would not really bother to enforce possession and would go straight for big time traffickers, maybe going through some small and medium fish for info.
While choosing to use recreational drugs is oftentimes a dangerous or even reckless undertaking, the harm caused by Draconian drug laws only amplifies the overall harm to society with the creation of a black market money laundering rehab industrial prison 12 step just say no propaganda police state and makes an utter, abject, and twisted mockery of the word freedom.
The war on drugs is causing exactly the consequences it was designed to cause.
If the aim was to stop black market drug trade Law Enforcement would not really bother to enforce possession and would go straight for big time traffickers, maybe going through some small and medium fish for info.

I agree that the king pins are protected by our politicians.

G D white collar criminals with the judges in their pocket.

While choosing to use recreational drugs is oftentimes a dangerous or even reckless undertaking, the harm caused by Draconian drug laws only amplifies the overall harm to society with the creation of a black market money laundering rehab industrial prison 12 step just say no propaganda police state and makes an utter, abject, and twisted mockery of the word freedom.

I agree with your view of freedom.

It does not exist anywhere for humans who have a tribal instinct.

That is all of us.

We do have liberty, but we are not free from each other as we all rely on each other.
