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Problems with daughter's mother


Jul 12, 2015
My daughter's mother just packed up and takes my kid! Called the cops trys to get me arrested for nothing! They didn't take me.she packs up walls away the cops didn't make her leave no one did.then low and behold she goes walking buy with some dude 10feet ahead pointing/staring in my window. They walk up the road then back down and he's definitely following her.I can't afford to be arrested. Its so fucked up 4 Years I was faithful! I knew the past 3 weeks something was up because she treats my like a fuckin ghost! I'm so fuckin heart broken right now!
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That's terrible. I wish I can advise you on what to do. I hope everything works out for you.
I had a feeling she didn't love me anymore. After calling the police today she seemed mad I wasn't put in handcuffs. So she wanted to leave with my little 3 year old daughter and then I watched that happen. Walk by the same day with some dude! I can't stop looking out the window I'm real worried!
If they did not arrest you then, I would think they are not coming back. Seems to me the right time to start researching your legal options including retaining a lawyer. I'm not sure what your options are for a amicable rout, but I would look into this. Local gov often offers options around this. If this is an option I would look into it as you have a great chance of getting a better deal and have a better chance of not lining some lawyers pockets.


I would just give this some time to let both of you cool off a bit. Throwing fuel on the fire at this point will do nothing good.

I'll definitely check the link out.what hurts me the most is not knowing where my daughter is! And who my ex has her around.no I did nothing wrong besides not to he treated like I don't exist.I'm a loyal and honest guy.I'm a loving father/boyfriend.I care a lot about her it hurts that she would even be around another guy not even 24 hours broken up! The cop seemed to feel sort of bad when I told him the reason we were arguing.
I'm sorry man. It sucks but you got to just fight for you kid. Like the user above said, get a lawyer.
Yeah I understand. Its just a hard situation at the moment
Im down and out today.im so depressed right now.I have no one to talk to really.and I do love the girl.but she obviously doesn't feel the same.I really miss my daughter :(
Crying.... That's all I've been doing! I have 0 friends to talk to or to spend time with I miss the fuck out of my kid
:( Sorry boo. Maybe try and get out of the house? Take a walk around, or exercise. Do something to get your mind off it while you get a lawyer.
She ended up coming back at 10 p.m the day after all this happened.saying she had no other place to go.we still haven't spoke.if it wasn't for my daughter she wouldn't be here I gauruntee that! I do love her.but she pulled some dirty shit on me.telling the cops I choked her etc.obviously not true because I'd be in jail.woke up this morning dry heaving my nerves are so shot.my daughter won't hug me nothing because of all this.its confusing my kid and it isn't fair to her..
3rd time she has done this with the calling the cops etc.I keep telling myself 3 strikes she's out! Especially if there is another man in her life.the cops being called I can forgive.cheating and bringing my little girl out all night hanging out in the worst part of town in the cold walking around with my little girl isnt right
We're on the internet, all we can do is give you advice. Our BEST ADVICE is to talk to a lawyer ASAP. If you're telling the truth, she has acted in a manner which could get her removed as your daughter's permanent guardian, but worrying yourself in circles is doing jack shit to help.
Definitely stand up for yourself. Never stay together for the kids if the relationship is toxic. Children deserve to see perhaps one of their parents respecting themselves and having a healthy relationship rather than witness a toxic relationship where their parents are unhappy and one is a cheater and they stay together miserable. This kind of behavior may be something that they subconsciously emulate in the future and that's no good.
I come to bluelight not to only get advice but to talk to other people who might of gone through the same situation. I have no reason not to tell the truth about what'd going on.child services came yesterday to speak with me.it was short.just wanted to see what happened. A friend called me a couple hours ago saying he ran into her downtown I guess she was at a soup kitchen with her new boyfriend and the new guy in her life and her were making all kinds of threats. I called the officer that came and left a message with him and let him know.my friend said he would sign a statement saying it.just so it's on record.and I definitely can't afford a lawyer right now.but I imagine there Is help out there for single father's.
We're on the internet, all we can do is give you advice. Our BEST ADVICE is to talk to a lawyer ASAP. If you're telling the truth, she has acted in a manner which could get her removed as your daughter's permanent guardian, but worrying yourself in circles is doing jack shit to help.

You need legal advice from someone who can actually DO something. Child services, anything. See if you can call in favours from friends.
^Exactly! I didn't want to be harsh, just to push you to research what you can do (which it sounds like you're doing, and informing the Officer of new developments was a good idea as well).
I plan on documenting everything that's said for court and child services. Right now she's back upstairs sleeping in my bed if it's wasn't for my kid I'd change the fuckin locks
keep a diary of all her behaviours with dates, but dont leave it where she can find it. dont give her any opportunity to root through your stuff.