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  • BDD Moderators: Keif’ Richards | negrogesic

Problem solved, good information here, Benzo paradoxical/opposite effect


Oct 5, 2010
I cold turkeyed effexor/abilify/depakote. The withdrawal from doing this has been awful. Several severe panic attacks daily, mood shifts frequently, aggression, worsened depression. My psych said these symptoms will go away when the withdrawal from the psych meds (especially effexor) wears off). He suggested temporary benzos to control withdrawal effects from psych meds.

Long story short I started slow with 2mg klonopins twice daily. Didnt do shit. The next day I kept trying, ended up taking 12mg kpin to go to sleep in one dose(insomnia is a huge problem right now, and I figured I just had a tolerance or something). Felt perfectly alert, not drowsy, and only mild anti anxiety properties.

Went back to doc next day, he suggested ativan. Same shit and no relief. Was taking at least 8mg per dose.

Yesterday I took a shitload of klonopin 16mg (I always take benzos on empty stomachs) and mixed it with 8m ativan at the same time in another huge dose, at night (my goal was to sleep). Nothing. Went to the ER because I was hallucinating from lack of sleep (5 days no sleep).

Conclustion: I am having a parodoxical reaction to benzodiazepines. This is rare he said and has never seen it. He said the mgs of benzos I was taking would put a normal person into an overdose considering I have almost no tolerance to benzos. I cant take atypical antipsychotics (seroquel), so we were out of options, tried every sleep med on the planet nothing worked.

Treatment plan He gave me versed in the ER and I slept for 14 hours. I told him I had taken soma in the past and it makes me sleep, surprisingly, he gave me a bunch of soma in a script and it is working for sleep.

Not sure what I'm going to do when I run out of soma, or if I will encounter the same experience of severe insomnia again. Going to a new psych doc Monday.

I feel this information may be very helpful to people who have had this issue. It is very uncommon.
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I have overdosed on Soma in the past. I am terrified of it. Am going to try marijuana use and drop all the other meds including Soma because I'm terrified of it (Even though its the only thing that helps me sleep). Will update.
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