Mental Health Prior drug use and the effectiveness of lexapro?


Dec 4, 2017
Hi everyone,

i have a history of prior drug use including marijuana, ecstacy, cocaine, alcohol etc.

I partied pretty hard when i was younger from 18-22 i am now 28 and I have been dealing with depression for a long time which came on gradually as i used these drugs.
I have started lexapro 5 weeks ago and i feel a. it better, but i am wondering if anyone on here has had experience with depression/anxiety caused by illicits and how you have gone with SSRI's as treatment?

Thanks all for your help,

I don't have any direct experience but I do know lots of people in your situation. If you are not combining the drugs (they are in the past), there should be no problem.

One thing I would like to encourage you to do however is to see the depression more broadly. It likely has roots that preceded the drug use and possibly even precipitated the drug use (though at 18, it may have been just curiosity). Address the thoughts that surround and support depression with CBT, mindfulness etc. These are powerful and practical tools but you have to create a habit of using them. Most of us unconsciously adopt very negative and discouraging mental voices that do not promote true self-knowledge and healing. learning to change your thoughts to effect changing your reality is a good skill to work at.
Yeah, ecstasy is a big cause of causing depression long after use. It even helps to take a prozac 24hrs after you've come down from the E to help your brain get back into shape quicker.
But I've dealt with this when I was younger, but I wasn't on Lexapro. But I'm on Lexapro now and it is wonderful for Depression + Anxiety. I used to suffer from depression + panic attacks, I haven't experienced an untriggered panic attack in a year.
I found Lexapro worked well for depression but not anxiety.

Unfortunately losing weight on lexapro is next to impossible. I put on 40kg whilst on it.

Am now on cymbalta. After taking ssri's for 6 years now Ive found they stop working. Then again I am a habitual drinker.