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Pretending to be simple when the police come


Oct 29, 2018
Has anyone ever found themselves in the clutches of dibble and been so desperate that they pretended to be simple to try and get away with it? I remember when the judge looked at me sternly and said "if i may say so, prison is a very possible sentencing outcome for you mr ismene - i am very concerned about the quantity of mescaline you were found with..in fact ive a good mind to throw you UNDER the fucking jailhouse.." . In utter desperation i sort of made my eyes bulge and looked around - my eyes flitting from side to side in terror as if to say "no anything but that!".. When all the time i was actually thinking "its my first offence and its cactus not mescaline so dont threaten me with chokey you fucking old divvy".
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The best course of action when faced with dibble is to be submissive. They like that...
most of my experience with them i genuinely was simple- after a few days without sleep i can't even do basic mental arithmetic. ime they assume that all addicts are complete idiots anyway so you don't really have to pretend.

i did think it in my best interests not to let on what absolute cunts they are as an institution. i'd do my best to hide my utter contempt but its difficult when they are coming over uninvited all the time.
In my experience I’ve found that repeatedly and aggressively shouting “Do you know who I am?” Is the best way of dealing with the police.

In my case they'd probably say "yes, you're that cunt we pulled for selling heroin and crack, growing weed and possessing magic mushrooms..."
most of my experience with them i genuinely was simple- after a few days without sleep i can't even do basic mental arithmetic. ime they assume that all addicts are complete idiots anyway so you don't really have to pretend.

i did think it in my best interests not to let on what absolute cunts they are as an institution. i'd do my best to hide my utter contempt but its difficult when they are coming over uninvited all the time.
They do.
Some how I was presented in the youth court yday. Represented by an arseholes I shouldn't have called to the party.
Before the began, prosecution and defence were chatting as old friends in their 70 s, and mine says to the other ooh you're looking ever so well... And the other replies, ah yeah, must be the drugs keeping me going.
Then my bastard one snide lokk over the shoulder goes indeed, that's what she keeps saying. Bastards.
2 year restraining order, not allowed near my dad's house nor to ring his landline, nor send letters to him just in case they open them. Arseholes.
Call his mobile... Which the crafty cunts had me blocked from ringing, and he's hard of hearing anyway so hismoby no good for a chat.
What are the fuckers trying to hide and slide? You can't Bury truth for ever.
I don't think the cops wanted to pursue this thing but at the same time family fall outs are their bread and butter.
I'll add my dad has no problem with me at all, and they kept saying. So in court. They also added that I've not really done anything wrong but annoy my siblings, no violence no threatening stuff, and between respectable hours I did call.
I'd only kick off when they started name calling junkie etc and stopping my dad going to his own doors and windows.
Never mind the vax will rot them inside to out. My dad's had vax but he is immune to fuckery.
@pinkpapaver that is horrble, i really hope your siblings come round. what a horrible thing to do. i hope you're holding up ok under the circumstances.
Not simple. But I got caught in a raid on a very low rent drug den once and when asked what I was doing there spontaneously said I was a researcher doing fieldwork. They asked to see my arms (for tracks) and then I was let go without another question.

They’d raided about a minute before I was ready to jack 2 points of ice from the gram hurriedly shoved up my arse.
In my experience I’ve found that repeatedly and aggressively shouting “Do you know who I am?” Is the best way of dealing with the police.
Did not work so well for me, I mean if my intent was to get tased and kicked a few time...i was very successful
My first police encounter was plain clothes cunts stopping some friends and I for smoking weed in a car as teenagers. For some reason one of the cunts kept insinuating the weed was mine and I've got more of it (neither was true, i was just the brown guy with long hair). I just looked at him in disgust the entire time for trying to put words in my mouth or thinking I'd be dumb enough to think he was my pal and fess up to anything either.

I still remember his dickhead shit eating grin to this day with police interrogation tactics 101 (lol) failing miserably.

I'm Lebanese you CUNT, I won't talk even with an AK pointed at my face.

And props on the dave smith reference.