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Pressure in scalp after mdma

That things about the sanity payments sucks man. Well follow like you are doing. Could i ask you what are you eating? Sugar?
If you notice the fading and there arent signs of anxiety or depresion you are lucky man. :)
The anxiety symptoms can be quite subtle though, i found they where implemented as a latent issue that needed to be triggered to rear its ugly head. For example i was seemingly fine for 2 years after my heavy use and final OD experience, but when a relatively mild stressful event occurred (that most people would easily and quickly get over), it created cripplingly PTSD and paranoia for years and years after. I found general anxiety can be manageable until it finds some issue or fear it can latch on to and then it displays is full power.
Ive been feeling a light fade in the pressure however i went drinking a couple days ago and it seems like its back now. Gonna keep away from alcohol for a While.
yeah man..i realized that alcohol, even a little bit, did bad to me, that increases the zaps and my bruxism. I think i should wait more healing till my body response will be better.
Had an anxeity attack yesterday, was on the Train home when it hit. It feels like its constantly looming. Like it Will come back if i Think about it too much. The pressure is fading however the Zaps are still there. Im super nervous about this, have been eating a lot of fruit and weggies, ginger and so forth.
you are doing ok....seems like its going to be a months travel, but surely it will get better. i still have some light anxiety as well, but its far better than the last year, i want to say to you, that in your case , at least is not forever, shorter term than myself even =).
make a diary with this events and loos at the decrease, that helped and its helping me today.
you are doing right, you are far better than a lot of people here, maybe it will take months, but dont worry, fear not, one day is going to be part of the past ;) .
i have learnt to wait long...but the waiting have gifts
Thaks guys, your feedback is Helping alot, ive been okay today. The pressure is still there and the Zaps come and go, ive had no anxeicty but im nervous that it Will come back.
The pressure has faded alot still there though, the Zaps come and go. Havent had Any anxciety.
I've had this happen before, it fades away with time. Nature's way of telling you that something happened in your brain.
The pressure has come back, and getting anxeicty attacks now and Then. The doctor told me i was fine and couldent find anything wrong with me. He told me it was me Thinking too much about it. I have been sticking to an antiinflamatory diet as you advised and getting exercise. Its distracting me alot from work, fuck i wish i could do something to heal it.
It's probably just anxiety. If it's not causing pain, then try to forget about it Your doctor is likely right.

Did you test this MDMA to confirm what it actually was?
Im trying to ignore it but its there, i didnt test the mdma, but it felt like the other times i had done it, but i have no idea if there was something Else in it. i spoke to the other People i rolled with and they have no issues. I told My doctor that it seems to increase when i drink alcohol but he pretty much laughed at me.
you will feel better soon, i've had several brain zaps in the past from mdma abuse. i learned my lesson and i hope you did as well. brain zaps are seriously messed up, sometimes when i'm really tired i'd get a teeny weeny brain zaps and i haven't touched mdma in months.
Mdma takes a while too clear from your memories more than anything else. Its a psychoactive thing so your brain is just getting used to how everything looked before u tried the E. So its all good, get well and keep a positive mood :)
Hey guys thanks for the feedback. Im still dealing with this pressure thing trying to stay positive. Have a problem with My attention span Which i credit mostly to me worrying about it. The anxeicty hits me kinda outta the blue and goes away after a While, but i cant really tell what triggers it. Hey trance how long did it take for your pressure to go away ive been dealing with this for about 2 monts now, trust me ive learned My lesson, never going anywhere near it again.
Hey guys thanks for the feedback. Im still dealing with this pressure thing trying to stay positive. Have a problem with My attention span Which i credit mostly to me worrying about it. The anxeicty hits me kinda outta the blue and goes away after a While, but i cant really tell what triggers it. Hey trance how long did it take for your pressure to go away ive been dealing with this for about 2 monts now, trust me ive learned My lesson, never going anywhere near it again.

well mine faded away after 1 month, in your case it might take more. have you been exercising, eating right?
Dynamo you'll be fine. I got MRI and EEG results back and they are completely normal. I have pressure from time to time as well. It sucks I know because then you wonder if it'll ever go away. Every other symptom is gone. I've just learned to accept this bullshit and that it's not going to go away unless we stop dwelling on it. I've been eating better and exercising as well. Only taking multivitamins at the moment. I'm a little over 2 months like yourself. Stay clean for now. No caffeine, weed, alcohol, and especially no drugs.
Hey guys, im def doing better the pressure has faded alot but still there, been trying to not to Think too much about it, and just carry on with My Daily rutine. Have anxeicty that comes outta the blue but ive learnt to try and ignore it untill it goes away. This situation is still a Big part of My thoughts and My worrying about it takes alot of My time, but im doing better and even though the process is slow im pretty confident that some Day itll be part of the past. Thanks for the feedback, its very soothing to hear that you who have been through the same tell me that ill get better. Im Living Healthy.