Anxiety Pregabalin withdrawal or psychosomatic? have other meds, help me choose! Gabanauts and rest ;)


Dec 17, 2019
So family doc substituting my doc didn't put Pregabalin this friday, instead he put Valium(Apaurin)I don't even have that in psych letter but have experience with benzos 10mg, The only problem is: I have nightshift today from 11p.m.-07.00.a.m.?
I had the weirdest but somehow restful sleep but now I'm in this Fight or flight mode, anxiety not so bad but from my scale it's bad. My work is administrative/sales/management/ for half a globe distant client. I'm from SE EU.
I had Covid last week and before that was also on sick leave cause sciatica-fybro-quadriceps(pains, tingles no feel in it) two surgeries on knee ACL reconstruction!, It's a great job and I don't wanna go on sick again just for one day!, but don't wanna use and get kindling effect from benzos.
So I'm adult ADHD with neuropathic pain( pain is bearable), anxiety is higher.
I have 10x1 alprazolam, Diazepam obviously, Dexedrine 5x5mg, prescribed 30x100mg Modafinil, 1x 50mg tramadol, couple Germans paracetamol 500/codeine30mg pills.
I haven't took daily benzos so I forgot what's the best way, wait till I can't think or take like 30-60mg diazepam in divide doses?
Should I go with Moda or Dexedrine(first time I have it). I know that or in my exp. the two doesn't go well, but Moda amplifies as I remember Buprenorphine CYP3A4 enzyme inducing., and what's with modafinil and benzos? I'm trying to find studies but seems to me that benzos don't do their job on moda?
I have some amps half g. so* I'm not trying to get recreational effects I'm asking this for harm reduction purposes and to be able to last a battle with next 24 hours!
All ov you Gaba-nautsPregabalin is some nasty shit and don't worry I have tollerance to all?
My first thought was Dexedrine cause it's mild 5mg with diazepam and I have 5hrs till shift starts, go with Modafinil and take Bupe with it before work? Thinking to much a?
Did you take the modafinil daily, and for ADHD? I would usually recommend against it during any sort of withdrawal due to it worsening anxiety and tension. Similar for dexedrine even when 5mg are a pretty low dosage but it will probably worsen fight or flight. 50mg tramadol is too little to give real effects.

Did you take the diazepam already, does it help you? Benzos should be the best guess for pregabalin withdrawal.
Please can you keep us updated? I have to withdraw from my daily (300 mg) pregabalin. Have not yet started as I’m doing the topiramate withdraw first. That one is nasty enough. Pregabalin will be worse. I can use any tips
Please can you keep us updated? I have to withdraw from my daily (300 mg) pregabalin. Have not yet started as I’m doing the topiramate withdraw first. That one is nasty enough. Pregabalin will be worse. I can use any tips
Pregab doesn't need to be worse, I never got much withdrawal from it independent of dosage, up to 600mg/d and occasional 1.2g over the course of a few (at least three or four) months and quit cold turkey with just kratom and it went without problems. I know I've been lucky but just want to say it can also go that way. But I would of course recommend to taper it by yourself before telling your doc that you want to stop so that you have it at hand in case of withdrawal symptoms.
I'm in this Fight or flight mode, anxiety not so bad but from my scale it's bad.
10x1 alprazolam
Pop a xan. if it helps keep control of it.
Hopefully this is short lived.
Maybe taper off the preab slowly if possible?
Going in blind here as uncharted territory and there be dragons.

Pregabalin will be worse. I can use any tips
Taper it down to almost nothing over time. Either splittin piles or weighing by whatever means.
All ov you Gaba-nautsPregabalin is some nasty shit and don't worry I have tollerance to all?
Yeah anything can get nasty quick.
Pregab is def one drug I do not trust but on occasion get my buzz on (rarely). Have had some very dark experiences coming off of it even at low doses. NM.

Maybe overthinking it is this something you are prone to?
I know I am....
I came off 7-10 grams a day in jail with no medical help and began to hallucinate auditory and visual I thought I was going to go insane
I saw that post the other day ;), I have my psych everything is ok I tapered Pregabs and 4yrs ago was GHB dependant so just need to wait till tomorrow for pregabs, no diazepam
Please can you keep us updated? I have to withdraw from my daily (300 mg) pregabalin. Have not yet started as I’m doing the topiramate withdraw first. That one is nasty enough. Pregabalin will be worse. I can use any tips

took Amfexa 10mg after meal (dextroamphetamine), Concerta my prescription is out for now, don't feel nothing apart from extra energy but that's ok for now and one diazepam it's the same maybe slightly energetic but will update when done with shift and when pick pregabs. just so we can all be a little but smarter will keep you updated.
Thank you for now!
I'm thinking in an hour after shower 100mg modafinil with 2mg bupe (it helps with pain), as for modafinil I remember that also had some antianxiety properties while ago or it was my manic state being without meds. In that state sugarpills can be Lyrica if that's written on them ;-)
So here is the update today afternoon doc prescribed me pregabalin 56x150mg, took 300mg at 1pm to rest and sleep as tonight I work nightshift.
I'm already tapering with circulating clonidine and diazepam and lorazepam also circulating thus not forming dependency in 4 years I learned that.
Xanax I have and try not to touch it cause in kindling it's the main culprit and honestly Xanax always made me just anhedonic!
So I worked through shift with one tramadol 50mg, buprenorphine nasal saline spray with 2mg in 4ml. Before work took 50mg modafinil not 100 than in half shift about 3am took 2x paracetamol/codeine 500/30mg followed by small amps(sulphate) in capsule, got rid of the pain and hour later followed by 1mg xanax to relieve tension.
I think and the plan is if neuropatic thing is not serious to have 2 followed by 1 more box of pregabalin.
The thing is if you can stay home Pregabalin doesn't need to look that hellish as we psychonauts put ourselves in that perception. and long taper doesn't work for me because it looked like today morning I'm out<> double edge sword (I ask myself out how?, but with what other med?) till hour before doc shift when psychological effect of waiting is the strongest!
Now I'm baseline played with my daughter and took 50mg sublingual moda with coffie then will eat.
I think Spravato( ketamine) nasal is approved but only for TRD, and dissociatives like memantine(Alzheimer only) and other psychedelics like micro-doses psylocibin and weed should help!
But last two are ilegal and on weed I turn into lazy ass psychedelic creative wanna-be home writing watching movies witch is perfect again for tapering and getting of meds.
So yeah I'm with pregabalin 3-4 years and now I can be without and when I take it 3 days after in like 450mg dose it hit me almost like first time little dirtier.
So stick to max dose 150-450 and that's it for now, and if you are taking it couple months only it's not that hard to leave it but then anxiety can come back with vengeance! better than most benzos, I'm allergic to Clonazepam which only worked well butt...
So Thanks ,Stay safe I hope I helped for now
It helps me to tell someone who understands in this part there are no friend who understand this and I get him/her, don't wanna burden no one with this. except you guys