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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Pregabalin (Lyrica) - Definatley dissociative


Feb 14, 2017
after taking 100mg (a high dose, given my low tolerance to drugs in general) of pregabalin today, I got some interesting effects. There was profound pain relief, appetite enhancement, sedation, stimulation, anxiolysis and anxiety. Nothing unusual there. But over the next two hours the experience progressed, and I found myself in a state similar to my nutmeg 'trips' when I was younger, an experience similar in some ways to cannabis. Lightly mind-fucking.

There was euphoria and strange Tactile sensations, my mouth became increasingly dry and sticky, and there was a strong 'rush' as if to say "hold on to your balls, things are gonna go up a notch" and indeed they did. 2 hours in and the peak arrived. I was very dissociated, all the colours were brighter, sound intensified. My skin numb yet with electric sensations.

There was an ominous headspace at the peak. I can't say it was truly psychedelic but definatley dissociative-psychedelic to a degree. I felt very alien and detached, somewhat anxious but decided to explore this state. My creativity was enhanced to the level it used to be when I used cannabis or took a light dose of a psychedelic. I layed down in the dark and closed my eyes and was greeted by a mild hypnogogic, daydream state as well as mild geometric patterns of dull colours and intensity consisting mainly of grids and tunnels. This was mild in comparison to psychedelics but was still immersive to a degree.

About 4 hours in and I'm walking my labrador, finding communication difficult at first, feeling very detached and noticing everything looks more vivid or like a new improved version of itself. I'm immersed in watching the dogs play, feeling very childlike. Smell and sound and colour are intensified though my vision seems a bit low quality or foggy, like I need glasses. I become more comfortable and socialise more than usual. I find pregabalin gives me alternating periods of anxiety and anxiety relief, stimulation and sedation. I head home and watch a British talent show I normally have no interest in, and find it suprisingly very emotional. I am very hungry and procede to eat mine and my brother's pizza, and a packet of biscuits before coming down somewhat. I have a beer and feel it hit me stronger than usual.

It's currently evening and the effects are about a quater/third as intense as earlier. It's about 5-7 hours in, I don't know the exact time. My sense of time is skewed slightly on this drug, often elongated but I know the peak is over and I am functioning normally. Enjoying playing around with the mild tracers this substance often produces. The time is 10pm and I feel no need to take the anxiety meds I religiously take every day at 8 pm for my anxiety, which peaks at night.

I would definatley say that this drug raises gaba levels as I read somewhere, and that it has dissociative effects caused by downstream effects on Nmda caused by blocking glutamate release and thus having a much less intense yet similar effect to an Nmda antagonist.
To a lesser degree it also produces anticholinergic effects by blocking the release of acetylcholine. That's my understanding anyway. As for the euphoria and entactogenic effects, whether these are a result of less avaliable glutamate or other substances or whether, as theoretical pseudo-pharmacology has it, seretonin agonism/release I do not have any idea.

Pregabalin is a rewarding and sometimes medicaly useful drug, but also one with little known about the risks of long term use, such as potential neuro-degeneration (minor brain damage). So obviously I don't advise regular use, depleting acetylcholine doesn't sound healthy to me and this can be an addictive, tolerance building drug like any other. I would classify this drug as a mild dissociative overall, alongside gabapentin and zolpidem, though it has aspects comparable to many classes of drug.

Thanks for reading.

Tagged by Xorkoth
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Thanks for the report, narcomick! ;)

Never tried it myself but effects sound like Ambien taken with Ritalin?..
Depleting acetylcholine is something not in my alley, good to know.

Please add paragraphs if possible!
I've never taken zolpidem but can imagine there is a similarity to atypical dissociatives like zolpidem and aminita mushrooms in many ways. Never taken amphetimines but definatley caffeine-like stimulation. I do however take zopiclone which I find synergises well with pregabalin which has a similar though more bearable taste. And yeah i'll edit the post slightly as it needs paragraphs and other things.
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I've been prescribed pregabalin for many years for neuropathic pain related to an old, though severe, injury at doses as high as 450mg 4x daily (yes, I realize this dose is WAY beyond the general therapeutic window) but never experienced any kind of dissociation from it. Aphasia yes, dissociation no.

I found the effects at extreme doses to be more of a distorter of proprioception than actual dissociation. I suppose these effects could easily be conflated, especially in the no-short-term-memory state produced by pregabalin. I never experienced dissociation from massive doses of gabapentin either, just sedation and blurry vision.

Gabatril (aka Tiagabine) is another story all together, even at doses well within the therapeutic window....