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Misc Prednisone cured drug cravings


Jun 29, 2017
So this is weird, I heard that prednisone could induce a sense of wellbeing and even hypomania in some people that take it. I've been given it in the past as a kid but never noticed anything different.

This morning I took 30mg and in a few hours, I felt weird. I was stimulated, not at all like amphetamines but it seemed that it had the effect of completely getting rid of depression and suicidal/homicidal ideation. I was thinking of buying some oxy of the dark web but I don't want to (not because it's illegal/dangerous but the cravings have gone). Even my craving for alcohol have gone.

I'd still take amphetamines because it doesn't give me the same motivational boost but I'm surprised how it's definitely not a placebo.

Could this point to an adrenal problem? I have autism and have heard that it can cause problems with the HPA axis. I've noticed that I don't get immediately angry when encountering bad situations. I used to feel rage at the pit of my stomach or adrenals so strong even from reading something before I took prednisone. Now, that's gone,.
Could this point to an adrenal problem?

I don't like the word 'problem' in this context.

Assuming that you're otherwise healthy, you're descended from a long line of prehistoric humans who were perfectly content to sit on a rock on the side of a mountain and sharpen a spear all day or something.

Contemporary society places different demands on people and the sparkly types label people like you because you make them uncomfortable. I'm not convinced that anything is wrong with you.

How's your exercise regimen?