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Prayer request **THREAD**


Apr 29, 2009
Its been a while since Ive wrote on this board some of you know who I am some dont.

I was sitting here trying to think of some thread I could open up that might be of some help to others. I know alot you guys in here arnt beleivers in Jesus or Christianity but for those of you who are in need of prayer please write in your prayer requests. I will check this thread daily and pray for each one of you as needed. And if theres something that you dont written out int he open just message me.

I guess Ill start:

My wife relapsed about 2 months ago, she was doing good, but relapsed again. She said shes going back into treatment tomarrow Monday, but I need you all to please pray for me and her, that we can rebuild our relationship and gain trust back.

Thanks guys
I'm going to move this thread over to P&S as per MDAO's suggestion :)

I am not religious but I wish your wife well with her treatment and rehabilitation <3
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May your wife find the strength in herself to overcome addiction. May your paths be free of troubles, and both of your thought and sight be clear.
if it was about an accident or something similar i wouldn't comment on praying if it makes you feel better

but since it's about a drug addiction i can't help but point out that each minute spent praying is one minute of action lost

for you, rather than pray, talk to her, go buy flowers, read her stories, whatever

as for others, praying to the christian god is as useful as praying to zeus
they (we)'d better go help someone through actions instead

ps : i'm addressing the religious prayer idea, not that trying to attune our minds together may have consequences or no
I will think of her in my prayers. If you want, you can PM me her name and I will focus on her for a bit <3.

I'd like you to pray for me to continue to have strength and work through my emotional blocks and challenges, and have courage to live the life I want to live.

Thank you! This is a lovely thread to see here. :)
Quit being an ass. I already asked you once, I won't ask you again nicely. -- MDAO
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Can I respectfully ask that people who DON'T believe in prayer just keep their opinions to themselves? The OP said that he is aware some don't believe in prayer but he is talking to those of us who do.

Are spiritual/religious people even welcome in P&S anymore? Is it too much to ask to have a thread just for prayer requests for the religious people here (and not knocking or taking anything away from those of you who arent)?

I thought the concept of this thread is really nice, and NEEDED. It would make me really sad for this to turn into yet another debate about God/prayer when there is already a megathread on the front page for just that.
I'm going to move this thread over to P&S as per MDAO's suggestion :)

Thanks, n3o. I'm stickying this thread for the sake of anyone who would like to request a prayer, good karma, helpful intentions, positive vibes, or the mercy and good favor of whatever cosmic forces are running this big show called life.

I'm going to ask that we treat this thread the way we treat the BL shrine, and refrain from arguing over what each other have chosen to pray for, whom or what we've chosen to pray to, or how we've chosen to word it. I say this so that people can feel free to pour their hearts out here and be taken seriously, and feel some glimmer of hope in times of great need.

In this spirit, n3ophy7e and I have decided to put a link in The Dark Side to this thread here in P&S, since this topic is not fully within the bounds of that forum's guidelines, but may be very much of interest to that forum's clientele, and certainly fits here.

So mote it be.:|
Non religious people are allowed to pray as well.

IMO, prayer is not a religious thing to do.

SececaRD, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family :)
If anyone wants to pray for me or send good vibes my way I certainly won't complain.
God, I ask you to please protect girlygrrl and help her overcome anything that stands in her way. <3
I'm thinking most of you should study some studies and experiments done on prayer. Of all foundations, the Templeton Foundation did quite an extensive one. The results were not at all surprising; at least to those who use logic and reason.
^ Agreed. Prayer is a central part in many people's spirituality. If it gives them comfort, then let them be. Seeing that this is P&S, I think it is fair to have one thread aside for that purpose without much philosophical interference.

If anyone feels they can make a thread to argue (respectfully) about the status of prayer, then by all means you are welcome to open a new thread on that topic. But please leave this one for the purpose it was started for :).
I'm totally loving this thread!
I hope all goes well with your wife sean!

It was my ex boyfriends first anniversary of his death just recently - it was a complicated death and hit the media again on the aniversary. It'd be great for prayer to be sent his family's way, they are still grieving and it's this is like shit hitting the fan take 2.


God, I ask that you give courage and insight to the family of coopie's ex boyfriend during this difficult time. <3

(btw I'm actually praying about these requests, I'm just writing out here the general energy I'm trying to send out) :)
Drug_wench is going through a hard time at the moment with sickness and depression, so any prayers for her will be greatly appreciated by the both of us. :)
No words come to me right now, but know that I send all the wordless positivity that is mine to give to drug_wench.