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Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction From Effexor?


Feb 12, 2012
Hello. I'm going to fill in some pretty personal details here. I was put on Effexor in early December of last year. Immediately, I noticed sexual side effects. I could barely get off, and sometimes I ejaculated without the orgasm, which I could still attain later. Hence, I did not want to be on it any longer. After just over a month of use, I stopped taking the Effexor, cold turkey, no weaning. I think that was around January 26th or so. That's just an estimate. As soon as I stopped, I noticed that I reached orgasms way too quickly. It seemed like premature ejaculation. Not just this, but I could just masturbate again in 15 minutes or even less if I wanted to. Same thing, I came in less than a minute when I got hard.

I thought, perhaps, this maybe had something to do with my other medication: Lamictal. So, I discontinued that as well. Still the same issue, to this day. I am really very worried that this may be Post SSRI Sexual Dysfunction manifesting itself. The only other thing that I had put into my body that I could think of is nicotine. I also noticed, last night, after I took a benadryl, that when I woke up and masturbate, it felt normal once more. Is this a histamine issue? I tried 100mg of 5 htp to see if that would help, but it didn't.

I'm kind of rattling on right now, but this does make me very very anxious. I am worried that my sex life has been permanently altered. I'd have been a little more accepting of this if I were older, but I am 22. My mind usually goes right to the worst case scenario. If this is related to withdrawal, then is it permanent? Thank you.
For how long have you had Lamictal? Cant find anything like what youre describing beeing connected with Lamictal. But whit Effexor youre right on spot with the uncontrolled orgasms and lowered libido. Give it 2 more weeks. Id be very much surprised if it didnt wear off. No worries mate. Id even safely say you can go back to the Lamictal. (I take it you are bipolar?)

let us know how it develops.
For how long have you had Lamictal? Cant find anything like what youre describing beeing connected with Lamictal. But whit Effexor youre right on spot with the uncontrolled orgasms and lowered libido. Give it 2 more weeks. Id be very much surprised if it didnt wear off. No worries mate. Id even safely say you can go back to the Lamictal. (I take it you are bipolar?)

let us know how it develops.

Thank you for the reassurance. I appreciate it. :) Pretty close on your guess: Borderline Personality Disorder. Yeah, I mean, I went on Lamictal just over a year ago, and I didn't have issues, but with Effexor, that was day one, pill one. So, I really think that's what it is. My libido is fine now, it's just the sensitivity. I'll absolutely update you guys with time. Most people I've heard who actually have PSSD have more than one symptom as well. I'm trying to get set up with a psychiatrist again, so I can ask him, too.
I was on zoloft for about 7 months and my sex drive got very low and ability to orgasm was very difficult.

Luckily after ceasing use (tappering), things returned close to normal but I have noticed that my sex drive is a little less than what it used to be. It was originally quite high, so now I have probably returned to around normal levels. I also find I come a little quicker than I used too. not quick, as in a few minutes, but I have difficulty going for the half hour plus that i used too. that said, my girlfriend knows exactly what I like so that may have something to do with it.

if you do some reading you will notice that SSRIs can be associated with continued sexual problems even after their use if finished.
I would speak most specifically with a physician, maybe more than one. This isn't really the best place to get very specific information about regulated drugs.

retarded ejaculation is a very common & expected side effect of most SSRIs. however, nefazodone & bupropion have less prevalence with RE. maybe look into those if looking to switch. i have had a few patients switch.
Man oh man, I wish I could easily see what sex folks are when they post! For the record, I'm a 53yo male and I started on Zoloft about 6-8 months ago. It's definitely a bitch on your sex life and I know I sound old to many of you, I'm not ready for the rocking chair yet (unless my woman's staddling me on my lap! LOL). I've found that not only is my libido lower (and I've ALWAYS run high), the most frustrating thing of all is that I can get hard but as I get close to orgasm, I soften up a bit. Finishing is very difficult too. The other problem I have is that I'm prescribed a pretty high dose of narcotics daily for chronic pain. Those things can make it difficult to even get hard and forget about finishing! Yes, all of these things are not a friend if your goal is to be a sex maniac. I personally do my best to manage what I take to make things work out for all involved. Good Luck!
This is why i am such a huge fan of bupropion. It's a norepinephrine dopamine reuptake inhibitor that does not effect serotonin to any real extent thus you get none of the SSRI/SNRI sexual dysfunction that anti-depressants are famous for. In fact it's the only anti-depressant that can increase your sex drive :D . I was on effexor once and after being on it for a month and a half or 2 months i stopped taking it. I think i might have had 2 orgasms in the whole time i was on it since it made me feel like my cock was rubber ffs!

As for lamictal i am on that as well and i find that it causes no sexual dysfunction at all. I have heard other people say that it does though so maybe some people get it from lamictal. But then again since it is used to treat bipolar disorder perhaps it's just manic people like me bitching about their sex drive not being through the roof anymore :\
It's been 3 months since I stopped Effexor and I still have sexual dysfunction. This shit is utter poison.
I was put on Effexor a couple of years back and took it for only 3 days and found it almost impossible to ejaculate so I stopped and came good after about a week. Nasty stuff and scared the hell out of me but I don't think it's side effects will be permanent.