post some pop!

@Robi You are a fabulous, wonderful old bitch.. Those corn bloody buggery dollies!! La Croix, sweetie, La Croix!

How have I never heard of this band? Thanks for hooking me up!
Glad you enjoyed! They never did well in the US but their greatest hits album was a surprise top-seller in the UK. I bought a cassette tape of their first album (with that song on it) at a thrift store back around 2005 because I liked the cover, thinking the band name meant the American South instead of the British north/south divide.
Yay pop

I suspect these idiots were Aussie.. Or hmm British going by the accent?

@Robi You are a fabulous, wonderful old bitch.. Those corn bloody buggery dollies!! La Croix, sweetie, La Croix!

Stabbing American Horror Story GIF by AHS

This was a fave with my young fag boy (Patsy v1). I gotta remember some others.. Good times. No matter how depressed and f'ed we were, there was always time for a disco in the lounge room.. With him absolutely rocking my clothes. He was hot++ but thought vagina was the grossest thing hahaha. So no luck there.