• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Art Post some ART that you're feeling today - and why?


Ambrosio Lorenzetti
'Allegory Of Good Government'
Asclepius--those are so amazing. The elephant.

This is something made by a 5 year old in my Kinder art class.He said it was a baby bird that can't get up. I think it is beautiful.

I've been Stumbling a lot of good art lately, but couldn't be arsed to post any in this thread until now. Had to post it, the world's largest carved pumpkin:


^ that is fantastic!^

Here is another by one of my students (8 years old) for Día de Los Muertes:

This is part of a big Depression era (WPA) mural that is in the Beach Chalet in San Francisco. I love the subtle color look of the paint in the plaster.

just discovered society6 on threadless.... i cant stop browsing now. the inspiration is endless.... definitely going to buy up a few of these prints by some amazing artists





Asclepius--those are so amazing. The elephant.

This is something made by a 5 year old in my Kinder art class.He said it was a baby bird that can't get up. I think it is beautiful.

That is really beautiful. I'd keep your eye on this kid, big things are to come I'd say! I love how it looks like an egg inside it (though I'm guessing it's a wing).
^definitely.... that painting looks like it could be found in a surrealism colllection in a museum somewhere... good stuff!
Well, the amazing thing is that if I posted the rest of the class' work you would probably say the same thing. They were learning about color mixing with pastels. They had to pick a primary color and make a smudge (the innermost circle), then surround that with a second primary color and keep them separate. In the third ring they smudged the same two colors together to see what they got and the next ring was the third primary color. I got the idea to have them put beaks and legs on just to make it more fun for the little ones. The reason I love this kid's work though, is that he wanted his bird to be upside down and gave me that very poetic description of why!
aw cool! that's a pretty nice technique you're teaching them there :) I'm gonna have to try that haha! Srsly.
Here's some of my all-time favourite amateur work. I'm always feeling these, any day of the week.




part of a series by a guy named michael wolf. took pictures of faces against the windows of crowded tokyo subway cars. i like this one.

not really a fan of it how it's cropped into the dimensions of a cellphone pic though.