Post IV use risks...please help


Apr 22, 2015
I can't seem to find what I'm looking for anywhere.

what I'd like to know is how long after your last IV use do you run risks for things like blood clots or embolisms.

not so much worried about diseases or infections.

its be about 48 hours since I IVd a tiny amount of leftover Dilaudid, ending a 6 day bender. Was only using the Dilaudid shields.

I cant tell if it's just my anxiety or what but I've been feeling terrible...took a zubsolv yesterday so I don't think it's withdrawals, so I'm worried that there's a clot lurking around my body somewhere or I'm having complications from the fillers. No I did not use a micron filter, yes I used a clean qtip.

Please any input, advice, encouragement, links anything helps. I just wanna know about how long until I'm fairly out of the woods as far as immediate health risks. Those of you with anxiety understand how import reassurance is...I keep telling myself if something terrible we're gonna happen it would of by now...but that's not how it works is it?

thanks in advance
a desperate junkie looking for some hope
Probably all in your head
,go for a walk and drink as much water as possible. Btw where do you find or buy the micron filters? I have always used the Q tip as well.
im sure your fine...i used needles several times daily for years and years and never got any embolisms lol. Hella abscesses tho!
If you're very concerned I think you should speak with your doctor about this, they have tests to detect clots. In many cases people can feel if they have a clot, the sensations can range from extreme pain to pins and needles. If you feel you have a clot you can always take an aspirin and go to the hospital.

Out of curiosity, do you feel ill or have any symptoms?

I think it's very easy to exaggerate the damage we do to ourselves through drug use. I have lived with the belief that my liver and stomach were damaged, though my bloodwork was always stellar and recently I have had X-rays, CT scans, and an endoscopy, which all came back normal but still have lingering paranoias regarding those organs specifically.

I think it's hard to accept sometimes that we were able to use without health ramifications when most people do have health consequences for the same amount of use.

Get checked out by a doctor if you're concerned and learn from this experience. You got lucky but may not be as fortunate in the future if you continue to use without taking proper precautions. Good luck!
Amen on the liver paranoia. I took 10-12 10/325's of Vicodin for about 5 years daily and surprisingly my liver enzymes are fine. Chalk it up to a blessing I suppose.
10 325s is only just over 3g of paracetamol a day. Probably no worse than drinking a few pints a day (don't quote me on that though).
The last thing we want to do is encourage people to consumer more copious amounts of APAP/NSAIDs, but I always wondered how long it took for the "average" person to get liver dysfunction misusing pills with stuff like APAP in them. . . I guess one use is technically correct, because you cannot know if you are going to be predisposed to an issue with it, where you proceed to eat 3-4g and BAM liver count shootsssss UP