Post cycle - Blood work advice needed


Jan 25, 2010
Hi guys,

I'm 24 and I just finished a test prop 125mg EOD cycle for 11 weeks, about 8-9 weeks ago and just got my blood test results a couple of days ago and they're not looking good. My test levels are only 0.8 nmol/l.

I ran Nolva for 4 weeks as PCT 40/40/20/20 3 days after my last shot. I'm really worried about why my levels are still so low after 8 weeks even with PCT. Is this common? I have run a couple of test cycles in the past over the last couple of years but didn't crash like this.

I've also been using Ostarine for about 6 months at 15mg a day and 2 months at 3mg a day to help with a joint injury. I've heard this can be suppressive in doses over 25mg although i wouldn't have thought it should be any issue at the dose I'm running at. If anyone could shine any light on this that would be great..

I'm going to try and get some Clomid to run for 4 weeks instead. Can anyone give me advice on anything else I should be doing now?
Next time run Clomid and Nolva. Nolva prevents gyno, but Clomid stimulates natural test production in the testes. It is essential for PCT.

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

So many people just don't fucking get it and I get tired repeating myself.

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

Do you understand now?

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

PCT=Clomid and Nolva

Ostarine is also suppressive even at that dose when used for long periods of time. You can run it on cycle but don't run it during PCT or after PCT. Furthermore, you are pretty foolish for running an experimental drug for months at a time when the long term effects are not known. Your dick could turn black and fall off tomorrow for all you know.
alright.. im going to try run another PCT with clomid nxt week 50/50/25/25. Is there any point rerunning nolva with it as i would assume estrogen would have settled by now? However i will be getting more blood work to confirm.

And yes i know i shouldn't be running the osta long term however at the time it was either that or quit gym as i couldn't even curl a 7.5kg dumbell at the time i started it due to severe joint pain in my elbow..

i will try dropping it tho and hopefully that helps with recovery.
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Fuck that pyramid dosing. Stick to 50mg for the Clomid and run Nolvadex as well at 20mg. Your PCT should be 4 weeks. Get off the Ostarine.
Alright thx for the help . I'll give all this ago as soon as it comes in nxt week
I have run this pct twice. It took a while to get the stuff again so by the time I started My T was already 10nm/l . During pct I felt an increase in libido and quality of life etc. although 6 weeks after pct I tested at only 10.5nm/l. It was as though my T was elevated then it dropped off once pct was over. Is this because of secondary hypogonadism? Or mayb E2 was too high due to a rebound effect??

I've since run the pct again and I've just finished and my T has more than doubled to 22nm/l. Lh was 5. However I'm worried though it will drop off again now that I've stopped. Does any1 have an idea what is causing this and what I can do to prevent it from happening again?
To add to this unfortunately i don't have any other test results on me but from memory they also tested prolactin and thyroid both which were perfectly normal
Make sure that you get your blood results done at least 2 weeks after you finish your pct. Any closer, and they could be representative of the clomid In your body.

actually 3 weeks would be even better.

The cause could be anything from your lifestyle to your diet. It's hard to say.
Exactly- there are a few too many variables here mate, as well as the fact that you are just going from memory on your test results my advice, get new tests done see what the issue is as of now. And next time follow a proper PCT like Guido said. I have run ostirine @ 25mg /day fro 12 weeks, i liked it but I blast and cruise so, I never really come off. My advice to you don't run any thing that can be even remotely suppressive during PCT its a bit of common sense. And yeah what you have told us, we can not give you any really solid advice like Animal mother said too many variables, diet, life style, ect ect.
I'm still suffering low total & Free T. I've had another blood test done by an endo last week my results were:

Total T: 8.8nm/l (8-27)
Free T: 165 pmol/L (225-725)
LH: 2
SHBG: 35

Prolactin was tested at 90 mIU/L (45-375) 3 months ago
TSH was tested at 2.96 mIU/L (0.5-4) 3 months ago

Like I said in my above post, my T was at 22nm/l right after the last PCT I ran. However it's dropped significantly since.
Please I need some advice. What else can I do to get my T levels back to normal without dropping again?
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What if your test levels were already low BEFORE running your cycle ? If that's the case, you either have to live with it, or get on trt.
Are you taking any meds ?
Fly makes a good point. If you do not have a pre cycle reference it may be difficult to tell any thing. Secondly medication can be an issue. Well there is not to much you can do exercise raises levels naturally, but if you are already do that not much you can do mate. A little bit more info is needed, like diet, medications? Other wise it may be time to talk to a doc.
I'm still suffering low total & Free T. I've had another blood test done by an endo last week my results were:

Total T: 8.8nm/l (8-27)
Free T: 165 pmol/L (225-725)
LH: 2
SHBG: 35

Prolactin was tested at 90 mIU/L (45-375) 3 months ago
TSH was tested at 2.96 mIU/L (0.5-4) 3 months ago

Like I said in my above post, my T was at 22nm/l right after the last PCT I ran. However it's dropped significantly since.
Please I need some advice. What else can I do to get my T levels back to normal without dropping again?

Its always good to take baseline readings prior to cycling then you have a reference for the future if needed...

Looking at your first results to compare 0.8 nmol/l. against 8.8nmol/l the trend is upwards and low side of normal.. It may raise further in time, without baseline readings you have nothing to compare...
Exactly all you can do is wait and have bloods done periodically; talk to a doc and see if the readings if consistently low call for a HRT protocol. And looking back on your usage of Ostirine over such a long time and your improper PCt you may just have to sit tight and wait. In the mean time focus on your diet, training and think of this as the cost of an education. Next time really research your cycle in advance, because the compounds used on cycle are important but the ones used for your post cycle recover are twice as important after all that is what is going to allow you to maximize what you keep from all that hard training.
I did have some baseline measurements done. Back in 2011 I had a couple of tests. They were 17 nmol/l and 20 nmol/l. I've been on anti-depressants for 2 months now (Valdoxan) which is a new one which apparently only works on melatonin receptors and doesn't affect test levels.

Since May last year I've been sitting on 8.8-10.5. Is there any point in running a PCT again? Maybe for a longer period of time? I had been seeing a doctor from March last year until October which I was then referred to an endo. The endo gave me the results from last week and told me that I have an above average sperm count and that medically I was fine. He would not consider me for HRT as I'm still in the 'normal' range. Is it worth speaking to another doctor, or are they all going to say the same thing?
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I did have some baseline measurements done. Back in 2011 I had a couple of tests. They were 17 nmol/l and 20 nmol/l. I've been on anti-depressants for 2 months now (Valdoxan) which is a new one which apparently only works on melatonin receptors and doesn't affect test levels.

The past year I haven't had a result over 10.5. Is there any point in running a PCT again? Maybe for a longer period of time? How can I be considered for HRT? My result is still in the bottom end of the "normal" range. The endo told me medically you're fine and that was it...

Exactly...!!!! Normal range... I personally wouldn't worry about it.. The reason you're depressed may be due to the lowish test, dump the anti-depressants + Ostarine and get back on cycle.. Are you sure the Test Propionate was just that..? Are you positive there wasn't NPP in there somewhere or similar compound that is regarded as particularly suppressive, mixed with the Prop'...
I do believe it was prop. Although I bought an extra two weeks worth at the end which was unlabelled and a different batch. When I switched to this, I do remember having ED issues which I thought was strange. But I'll never really know. If I was to cycle again, would I be risking my base line measurements to drop even further than what they are now once I come off?
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It may have been NPP because test would have given you no ED issue, in fact you would have had the opposite. Listen to GF you will be kosher mate.
I do believe it was prop. Although I bought an extra two weeks worth at the end which was unlabelled and a different batch. When I switched to this, I do remember having ED issues which I thought was strange. But I'll never really know. If I was to cycle again, would I be risking my base line measurements to drop even further than what they are now once I come off?

Its always difficult if not using genuine pharma products... There is the possibility as suggested before of another compound in the mix (especially the unlabelled vial end of cycle) If for instance this was a 19-nor compound EG: Nandrolone the longer ester and its suppressive nature could have completely messed with your PCT timings.. (its just a thought)..!!

It depends what your future plans are, and how serious you are about body-building..? Another cycle without a heavy suppressive compound and correct PCT might return levels back to normal, who knows..? If you are serious about body-building maybe at a higher level, then cruise-blast might be another option...
You know I wasn't even thinking longer esters. But you do bring up a valid point, if it was that it could have been a big arse monkey wrench in timing. GF is right though you may want to sit and think about goals, long term goals and the reality behind them before you run another cycle and ESPECIALLY if you choose to blast and cruise.