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Post a Recent Pictard V. shake what ya mumma gave you

ValeTudo is one rad adventurous dude.

But my god, does he make me regret my conservative life choices.

not the fear brother hear is a conservatino from my last trip the perth to prove i havent gone completely native
I'm clapping at my daughter's first birthday :D Only bad thing is now, it's 1am, daylight savings so it's really 2am for me and I should be waking up about 6-7am so I can help my wife clean up the house after the birthday party (which ROCKED! =D)


And another better shot of the birthday cake and birthday girl in question. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LITTLE DARLING, the big 1 =D:D<3<3<3<3=D


You want to experience pure happiness? Look in your child's eyes on their first birthday or any other day! =D Bed soon for me! If only I was tired :|
waz!! She is so cute!!! Good job on that one, you guys! =D
wazza she is absolutely adorable!! Happy birthday to her! <3

P.S I always love photos of 1 year olds post-cake-eating. I think more ends up on their face than in their belly :)
We had a mini-meetup this past weekend thanks to belarki. He got off his arse and set up an awesome date that began at drinks in the valley, continued to atmospheric dining at Garuva and ended with post face-stuffing beverages at Bowery. I was driving so I had a mocktail - a mocktail, I know. :| Lucky it was tasty and involved strawberries and mint and stuff. :)

Anywho, onto the pictures;


belarki and Sykik looking all dapper and suave


Busty and myself - I'm still suffering from the molten hot chilli prawns Busty dared me to order in this photo. I'm surprised I'm not sweating! :p

belarki and Sykik however were super-cool and we are definitely hooking up some adventures for the near future. You guys rock, thanks again for organising it belarki. :) <3
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Me + Da` Grey Area
in the Hunter
a coupla months ago.
Wow, you're looking extra-sharp here UnS. Missing your fase! I want to meet this Grey man at some point, too. Make it happen! :)

Good God, was that really you Shnouz?! Is it a mirage?!! Great to see you back around these parts, it's been way way too long. :)
Nice shots COTB. Well, it looks as if those of you that did make it enjoyed yourselves.
I Rates

Hey Miss S'chil'e

Me 'n' possibly Miss A
were anglin' for an upcomin' meet
up nearer you cats
round 'bout Early Dec (?)

Lost you guys in the Cit'a las' time
but I was inner state.

The only way is up...
up north...
an' I look forward to The Summer Wind.

Unsquare, you're pretty much a modern day Captain Jack Sparrow.





Met this guy at a pub.
He was doin' it right:


At Maitreya



(I missed this, hence the late post)

Holy fuck, this is directly in front of our camp!

I traveled up there in that silver X-trail!

Bare foot was a must at MUDtreya. Good to see you weren't being wimpy and trying to wear shoes like some of the other punters. The frog eaters who camped next to us had their gum boots sucked right off of their feet. Now that's muddy!

Preying for good weather next year.

Hope to see you there :)
belarki and Sykik however were super-cool and we are definitely hooking up some adventures for the near future. You guys rock, thanks again for organising it belarki. :) <3

Awww I wanna come and play with you guys in Brisvegas!! <3
He got off his arse and set up an awesome date that began at drinks in the valley, continued to atmospheric dining at Garuva and ended with post face-stuffing beverages at Bowery.

You failed when you left the Bowery and didn't cross the road to the BEAT..... ;)
I haven't been to The Beat for years, but I would go check it out one day again. I probably wouldn't recognize any of the house beats, but hey... it could be fun.

I took a recent pictar but I always look so angry in pics. I'm smiling on the inside...
Oh God - the dirty Beat. I loved that place when i was in my late teens/early 20s. Jen-E & Edwin's sets were legendary back then. It's been around so long, my mum used to go there too! That place, for all of its seediness, is an absolute institution in Brisneyland.