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Possible to contact the dead using DMT?

How do you know that your memory of your entire life up the point that you're reading THIS sentence wasn't fabricated, and this is the only moment in time that ever has existed and ever will?

Because there's a guitar standing over there from that time I bought a guitar and a house from that time I bought a house and when I walk out the door there's a gate where I built a gate etc
^ I don't think you two understand me. We're both driving at the same idea: absolute knowledge is impossible, so you've just got to look at the evidence, make an educated guess, and take a leap of faith.

Necromancy is no exception.

Let's look at the evidence. As far as we know, a human being's thoughts, and ability to communicate these thoughts, are enabled by a healthy, functioning brain. If that brain is rotting away, communication with it is highly improbable.
^ I don't think you two understand me. We're both driving at the same idea: absolute knowledge is impossible, so you've just got to look at the evidence, make an educated guess, and take a leap of faith.

Necromancy is no exception.

Let's look at the evidence. As far as we know, a human being's thoughts, and ability to communicate these thoughts, are enabled by a healthy, functioning brain. If that brain is rotting away, communication with it is highly improbable.
Oh right! Yes, must have misunderstood, because I'm entirely in agreement with you, yes. :)
Good answer roger.
That exactly how i feel.

My bad, I didn't know I was supposed to throw centuries of cumulative advances in humanity's collective knowledge out the window, because they conflict with what I want to believe.

I'm just trying to find a way to contact my mother who suddenly died about three weeks ago at not even age 60.
i truely am sorry for your loss. it must be very hard. i really do hope you find what your looking for bud. the best of luck :)
i'm sure it can make you think that you're talking to the dead...

i never contacted anybody dead on DMT, but i met an advanced alien race who showed me the true way of the universe and how it relates to me and all other lifeforms. i wanted them to show me more but i came down before they could.

damn shame, but the alien's leader told me something i've yet to fully understand: "reality is the reality of knowing what reality is"...

i guess i'll have to ask him about it on my next DMT trip...
You have my condolences volcano,it must be a very difficult time for you and yours.

I can understand why you would want to contact your mother,but at this moment in time i think you should leave powerful psychedelics alone,it`s important that you grieve for the loss of your mother from this physical plane of exsistence in a more natural way so that you can come to terms with this over time.

Time is a great healer!

Maybe in the future,if you still wish to experiment with dmt you`ll be in a better space to do so,this is only my opinion.

Personally i believe that everything that goes on outside of us also goes on inside of us,i have lost people over the years and although their physical bodies have gone from my eyes i can still see them from within.As long as we remember then the deceased live on,i`ve even had them come to me in my dreams and given me messages,as long as i live they will never die,and just as i have a child now,when i die i will live on through him and all those other lives that i have touched,and so the cycle goes on.

We are eternal.

We owe it to our ancestors to remember them to keep their spirits alive,for they gave us life and live on through us as we live on through them.

DMT may help you,but leave it on the back burner for now and let nature take it`s course.

calculateddesign - cool avatar <3

I think it is definitely alright if you go into a trip with the intention of talking to a dead person - and if it manifests in some way, in this trip and you gain something, then even if it was just all in your head, it still has value.

Run with it.
from my experience from using DMT i believe it can take you anywhere. It enters you into a whole other spiritual world. So if you are taking to the dead then so be it.
All of existence is an elaborate detailed "dream" or construct within The One Mind. You and I and your mother and my late partner are all characters in, elements of, that Big Dream.

Anything is possible. If DMT makes your mind able to do anything, as I have read (have not yet tried n,n,-DMT), then YES it is possible. If you experience it, then it is an actual occurrence within the universe, each as "real" as the other. You cannot say an experience "in the mind" or in a trip "does not exist" because it is "only in the mind"... it happened, you saw it, felt it, THEREFORE IT IS REAL SOMEWHERE/SOMEHOW... ALL OF YOUR ENTIRE PICTURE OF "REALITY" occurs inside your mind, so everything is as "real" as everything else, and is ultimately just a piece of The Dream of The One Mind.

I say go for it. Whatever happens happens... if your mind has something to teach you it will teach you... if the experience happens for you, then it is "real" by definition.

There are so many things that are utterly beyond our normal daily consciousness's ability to comprehend, it is very arrogant to declare "everything about you is connected to a physical brain so if the brain is rotting then everything about you is totally and completely gone forever"... what a childish arrogant presumptuous remark... YOU HAVE NO IDEA what is really happening beyond your tiny little viewpoint... it could be ANYTHING... what you BELIEVE you know is just a belief in yourself, a faith in fairy tales your own mind constructs and clings to in order to feel secure, it is just a security blanket... anything is possibly true.

If an experience of contacting the dead is real for you and has meaning for you then it is as "true" as anything else.
Thanks for the replies guys. I've done N-N,DMT about 6 or 8 times. Only once did i have a +4 but it's easy if you smoke enough lol

Will report back when I try
The simple fact of the matter is that nobody can KNOW if we can contact the dead or not.

Only individual people can know for themselves what their experience is. With or without DMT.

Volcano, my condolences. With or without DMT. keep your eyes, ears and heart open. The process can be amazing. No one on an internet board can tell you what you will or will not experience. But I will say life is interesting. Death and grief sort of nudges us to reevaluate what Love is. And as stated in other posts, that can not die. :)
Graham Hancock wrote a book about contacting the dead on psychedelics after his father died. It's called "Supernatural". He talks about taking DMT.

Yeah this book is totally worth reading and makes you think. Personally, I think the possibility exists until we can prove otherwise. I'd much rather keep my mind open to possibility than closed until there is a real way to determine a yes-no answer.

One thing that comes to mind is, if we are individual manifestations all of the same consciousness, if we are all like mushrooms arising out of the one same mycelium like signularity, and if the universe truly is like a hologram, then if I am alive and have an image or version of you in my seemingly individual mind while alive, and your individual body is killed, that version in my mind remains in the realm of the living, albeit not quite as it did when inside of its own fleshy container, but still it remains a part of the living world. What better meeting point for the denizens of the material end of the spectrum and the ethereal end than the vistas of the mind?

It reminds me a bit of the scene from the end of Contact when she meets up with a version of her father, which the alien life form used through her mind's memories as a familiar form to establish contact with her human mind.

Basically there's 2 main points to this: 1) once we're dead, what may remain will no longer be the dense, physical or material end of the vibratory spectrum of matter/energy, and 2) most religions have always sort of pushed the idea of a singular unity that is god that all are apart of, even if it leaves out the comforting language and merely describes it as the shimmering void of eternal consciousness or whatnot.

So take those 2 points, and think how a nonphysical being might be able to interact with a physical one...well, perhaps if there were some halfway point between the physical and nonphysical that could serve as a meeting point? And that is where I think the versions of the living that we build and construct in our minds come into play. It allows us, whether via external reception of information being communicated into that image or construct of the formerly living we hold inside of our minds, or even if it is a purely imaginary experience, role playing if you will, to connect with a version of the dead.

I'm not saying I believe in it either way, but i surely don't know enough to rule it out. I personally don't see any benefit in deciding either way so I just keep my mind open to any possibilities so that I don't tune out any experiences that I might have otherwise experienced.
Are you sure this isn't a joke? The answer is obviously "no". If someone's body ceases to respond to stimuli or function organically, you taking drugs... I'm really not going to bother. This should be closed. May as well have just asked yourself if you believe in a god and responded.

I am going to have to agree with this.

It would be nice if you could, but the obvious answer is no. You can cope with it better, and you might be able to take drugs to trick yourself that you can contact the dead, but that just isn't going to happen.

Your mom is dead, and this might seem like a way to go into an alien world where you can communicate with her, but I am sorry, that isn't going to happen. I don't think you can overdose on DMT, so it wouldn't hurt to try, and hopefully be at peace with her demise.

Ethnobotanist psychonaut extraordinaire suggests that the entities we encounter on DMT may be dead people.

2:08 "They are human beings . . . they are in the pre-natal and post-life phase. In other words, these are either the unborn waiting in some limbo-like dimension, or they are in fact people who have had a sojurn in the domain of organic existence and have moved on. Let me not kid you--we're talking about dead people..."