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Porn you find just stomach flipping gross but seems popular

Zopiclone bandit

Jan 25, 2018
What kinda filth you come across online that you have watched & really wished you had skipped it but it seems alot of people are into it (for some strange reason)

For me the most foul thing that makes me feel like puking just thinking about it is bukkake by far, what the hell is wrong with people that want to do that & the worst was some porn that had a 200 man "bukkake" event, they all lined up & did their thing into a huge bucket then the lady did her final act:(:?
I swear hell isn't big enough to hold those kinda people.

Rimming is also right up there for me but from what I learned from my ex (who was into some really weird stuff) it's alot more common than you may first think!
I swear hell isn't big enough to hold those kinda people.

Why? It's consensual.

I don't know if stomach flipping but personally I'm not into choking, slapping, etc. Seems really degrading. But then again I don't watch porn anymore anyways. Got better things to do.
Almost nothing is stomach flipping for me in general, in porn I think only fish/crustacean/insect stuff will bring me there.
What else?
Ah ofcourse I cannot begin to comprehend the existence of Scat porn.
I'm conflicted on rimming but totally get bukkake. Not quuuuite my thing but I'd try it, sure.

I don't like porn, as I find it boring/fake, & I'm just not a voyeur at all. But I find anything with feces, people playing at being babies & wearing diapers, & I've never heard of insect/crustacean stuff but that sounds horrific too. I HATE spiders.

And it makes me really sad & turned off to see poor mutilated 'curcumcised' cocks. Also hate fake tits, or toys made of plastic/synthetic materials.
A conspiracy of the world's controlling powers conditions everyone from a young age to be unable to consciously see the word "fnord"; instead, every appearance of the word will unconsciously generate a general feeling of uneasiness and confusion. Fnords are scattered liberally in the text of newspapers and magazines, causing fear and anxiety in those following current events. (However, there are no fnords in the advertisements, encouraging a Consumerist society – leading to more power for the controlling forces!)


For example, when you find yourself watching an infomercial on TV, that's because of fnords on all the other channels. When, reading the newspaper, your gaze drifts from the latest stock-market figures to an ad, that's a fnord. When you've heard your fiftieth terrorist story since coffee, and just crave a little quiet time with your Friends while they enjoy the product placements, that's a fnord.

I've always suspected that most mainstream pornography is basically like this. It's way easier to find videos of combative/degrading sex than loving/intimate sex. At one point a porn act(or/ress) posted on /r/sex to say that the emotional labor required to fake the latter means it doesn't get made:


Either way, if the porn is totally comfortable/immersive, nobody is going to want to click on ads, and most porn sites are funded by ads. If the porn is weird and makes you feel sad and lonely afterwards, you're far more likely to click on that ad where you chat with a Siberian sex slave or whatever. A pornsite isn't a collection of videos curated by some charity that wants to help you masturbate, it's a business and -- because it's free -- you're the product.

Anyway one of the consequences of this theory is that I pretty much only jerk it to hentai these days. The drawings may not be the best but at least they seem happy.
Almost nothing is stomach flipping for me in general, in porn I think only fish/crustacean/insect stuff will bring me there.
What else?
Ah ofcourse I cannot begin to comprehend the existence of Scat porn.

I remember coming across some Japanese stuff that had both of these things in, it was so wrong.
Yet again hell will be a full place I know that much
A conspiracy of the world's controlling powers conditions everyone from a young age to be unable to consciously see the word "fnord"; instead, every appearance of the word will unconsciously generate a general feeling of uneasiness and confusion. Fnords are scattered liberally in the text of newspapers and magazines, causing fear and anxiety in those following current events. (However, there are no fnords in the advertisements, encouraging a Consumerist society – leading to more power for the controlling forces!)


For example, when you find yourself watching an infomercial on TV, that's because of fnords on all the other channels. When, reading the newspaper, your gaze drifts from the latest stock-market figures to an ad, that's a fnord. When you've heard your fiftieth terrorist story since coffee, and just crave a little quiet time with your Friends while they enjoy the product placements, that's a fnord.

I've always suspected that most mainstream pornography is basically like this. It's way easier to find videos of combative/degrading sex than loving/intimate sex. At one point a porn act(or/ress) posted on /r/sex to say that the emotional labor required to fake the latter means it doesn't get made:


Either way, if the porn is totally comfortable/immersive, nobody is going to want to click on ads, and most porn sites are funded by ads. If the porn is weird and makes you feel sad and lonely afterwards, you're far more likely to click on that ad where you chat with a Siberian sex slave or whatever. A pornsite isn't a collection of videos curated by some charity that wants to help you masturbate, it's a business and -- because it's free -- you're the product.

Anyway one of the consequences of this theory is that I pretty much only jerk it to hentai these days. The drawings may not be the best but at least they seem happy.

A fan of Discordia & Robert Anton Wilson?
I'm conflicted on rimming but totally get bukkake. Not quuuuite my thing but I'd try it, sure.

What is the attraction to bukkake? Personally I find it quite ad isrespectful thing to do, you get semen in the eye for example it hurts & God only knows what it must taste like. If I was a woman & someone did that to me I'd have their balls as a necklace.

I don't like porn, as I find it boring/fake, & I'm just not a voyeur at all. But I find anything with feces, people playing at being babies & wearing diapers, & I've never heard of insect/crustacean stuff but that sounds horrific too. I HATE spiders.

I'm with you on adult babies, that to me is pushing the limits to a point where it is borer freaky, the simple connotation of it is wrong.

Also hate fake tits

NOTHING worse on a woman than huge lumps of plastic stuck under their skin & they think it looks good.

I can add extreme fisting to my original post too, sorry lady there is no way you're gonna pull a rabbit out of that mans arse no matter how far you go looking for it.
I really find the obsession that Japan has with teen school girls very disturbing and this kind of porn I fild very unsettling. Just the fact that while they may be 18 or upwards in real life, its IMPLIED that they are underage. I also don't like porn where the woman looks very young and petite and there are monster cocks.
Maybe I am crqazy but I love the look of a plastic woman. Big tits, butt etc.
I like being degraded (within reason) & I like cum on me & I fantasise about gang bangs. I also love being choked & bitten/slapped. These are all quite common, particularly for masochists & submissives.

I agree about cum in the eye though...gotta keep the eyes closed during facials.
I also don't like porn where the woman looks very young and petite and there are monster cocks.

You ever seen that black guy called "Mr 18"? He has an 18inch dick & his main line of porn is doing really small women in the butt :(
It is so wrong, when you see a woman crying you think to yourself whoever else is in the room NOT doing anything to stop this should be dealt with, to me it is borderline rape.
I just don't get why anyone would enjoy this unless they have some weird hate for females & have some weird Misogyny issues deep inside their head.

Maybe I am crqazy but I love the look of a plastic woman. Big tits, butt etc.

Like Lolo Ferrari?
I like being degraded (within reason) & I like cum on me & I fantasise about gang bangs. I also love being choked & bitten/slapped. These are all quite common, particularly for masochists & submissives.

Someone I was with before was well into that stuff & I'll admit I went along with her to levels that I never felt I would be able to do but after I would feel guilty as hell.
I really think you cannot go about that stuff & hurt people then feel ok about it if you truly love them no matter how much they may want it, if you have any kind of respect for females (which I know is rare these days) it is impossible in my experience.

All the people I have come across that are male & into BDSM and give their women one have real issues in their head & usually linked to something back in their childhood about their mother.
I don't get it. Are you being forced to watch these videos?


I must have heard about 2 girls one cup over 9000 times and you know what? I still haven't seen it. You know why?

Cause I'm not a fucking sheep.
I don't get it. Are you being forced to watch these videos?


I must have heard about 2 girls one cup over 9000 times and you know what? I still haven't seen it. You know why?

Cause I'm not a fucking sheep.

You should watch it, it will grow some hair on your chest. =D
I don't get it. Are you being forced to watch these videos?


I must have heard about 2 girls one cup over 9000 times and you know what? I still haven't seen it. You know why?

Cause I'm not a fucking sheep.

Anyone that says "I don't get it. Are you being forced to watch these videos?" needs to learn what it is like to be high on MDPV for days on end & have access to porn ;)

2 girls 1 cup is kinda flat tbh, just girls puking on ice-cream they pushed out their butt, you do know most of it was faked btw (apart from the vomit)

The true path is in 1 man 1 jar, just thinking how he got all those pieces of glass out his bum makes me mind melt.
Someone I was with before was well into that stuff & I'll admit I went along with her to levels that I never felt I would be able to do but after I would feel guilty as hell.
I really think you cannot go about that stuff & hurt people then feel ok about it if you truly love them no matter how much they may want it, if you have any kind of respect for females (which I know is rare these days) it is impossible in my experience.

All the people I have come across that are male & into BDSM and give their women one have real issues in their head & usually linked to something back in their childhood about their mother.

You don't understand BDSM at all. Done properly, it is the ultimate expression of honesty, trust & love. I am not very personally experienced with the scene bc I tend to attract submissive men, & it's difficult finding a Dom who can top me properly. It's a common misconception that anyone into BDSM, especially pain, was abused or is mentally unwell, & while there are people like that, that's not healthy BDSM. There are plenty of well adjusted people who enjoy it. It should be obvious from my posts that I'm FAR from a doormat & wouldn't let anyone hurt me unless I wanted it. For me it's just in the bedroom, I am dominant in most other regards, but I don't judge those who live more extreme Master/slave lifestyles.

It's certainly not for everyone & no one should do things they aren't comfortable with. But I do wonder if some of your guilt is due to feminist brainwashing. In the West, respect for females has been elevated to the absurd; it's men who are now commonly disrespected, especially White men. More feminist brainwashing. I'm surprised you don't see this.
You ever seen that black guy called "Mr 18"? He has an 18inch dick & his main line of porn is doing really small women in the butt :(
It is so wrong, when you see a woman crying you think to yourself whoever else is in the room NOT doing anything to stop this should be dealt with, to me it is borderline rape.
I just don't get why anyone would enjoy this unless they have some weird hate for females & have some weird Misogyny issues deep inside their head.

I'm turned off my long cocks & don't enjoy the pain they can easily cause by jabbing my cervix. I'm also not into race mixing & conflicted about anal play. But there are women who enjoy that kind of pain (I like mild girth pain). Crying doesn't necessarily mean a sub is upset. Often good BDSM scenes are so intense emotionally they bring the sub to tears. It's difficult to explain, but it's a catharsis of sorts made up of many emotions - relief, euphoria, happiness, excitement etc - and simply pure adrenaline & release. I've experienced this myself & it was a wonderful experience I treasure. Once again, you are jumping to false conclusions about those who enjoy such things.

Now porn is staged so who knows what was really going on, but I'm talking about such things in real life.
I would like to make a point, the posts of zopiclone bandit seem all to come from an angle where he believes the only reason to look at porn is to feel sexual arousal.
I believe I am not the only one that watches revolting material because the curiosity causes an urge.

Also, not everyone into BDSM is either Dom or Sub, some can switch effortlessly from one role to the other.
I've had a switch partner and part of the fun was that while being Dom we just knew whatever BS we would come up with, would surely be coming back when role would be reversed.

Also, not necessarily one wishes to directly use violence, constriction etc, towards the sub, I mostly order the sub to do that to herself.