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Harm Reduction Poppy seed tea

Dec 17, 2022
I’ve been doing some reading about poppy seed tea. Been thinking about trying it for the in between periods when I don’t have painkillers to deal with chronic pain (instead of kratom). Everything about poppy seed tea that I’ve been reading seems all over the map. Some people say it’s really helpful, but others make it sound like it can be potentially very dangerous (even saying something about that it could kill you).
I guess in hopes of harm reduction I figured I would just ask others thoughts on it. Is it true that it could potentially be that dangerous?
It can potentially be lethal, if your tolerance is low and you use alot of strong seeds.

Years ago, when I was on methadone and had run out I tried poppy seed tea and found it had essentially no effect.

Fast forward a bunch of years, long after stopping methadone, I tried poppy seed tea again with no active opioid tolerance. I did alot of research and found a vendor that the poppy seed tea heads swore sold the strongest seeds.

So i bought some, and I figured, shit that first time I tried poppy seeds did nothing, so I'll try washing a whole pound of seeds (454 grams). I drank it and in about 45 minutes i started feeling it. For the first 3 hours or so I felt great, I was like holy shit this stuff is amazing. Super high, itching like a maniac, it was blown away.

But then, after those first 3 hours, to my surprise the high kept getting more and more intense, and I'm was like oh shit I definitely took way too much. I spent the next 6 hours or so alternatively throwing up, or uncontrollably slipping in and out of consciousness. I took a bunch of stimulants to try to stay awake and told my girlfriend to keep an eye on me. At that point it wasn't euphoric anymore, it was frightening, I felt poisoned and continued vomiting until it was just bile. It was an overdose.

Then after 6 hours of that hell, it started to ease up. At that point the feeling of euphoria started coming back, the nausea eased up and I started to feel good again. I stayed high for a good 18 hours, maybe more, my eyes were pinpointed into tiny little dots well into the next day.

Fortunately I have a naturally high tolerance to opioids, which was probably enhanced by having once being maintained on 380mg/day of methadone. But if say my 120 pound girlfriend, with zero experience with opioids, had drank that brew, she could have easily died without medical intervention. It felt like it was a good 300mg+ of morphine, maybe more which was way more than I was expecting. Then again, I did exhaustive research and these were universally described as the strongest seeds on the market (sold by a vendor who sold these seeds for this purpose -- a vendor that isn't around anymore btw). Still I didn't take it seriously like I should have (which was based on my prior experience where it had no effect).

Strong seeds can contain as much as 1mg of morphine per gram of seeds (although the morphine is not in the seeds but rather is opium residue coating the exterior of the seed, which you rinse off with water and strong agitation). The high presence of oils and strong shaking that is involved in preparing sort of creates an extended release morphine solution since some of the morphine sort of gets encapsulated in the lipids, forming a liposomal barrier which slows the absorption (at least that's a theory of mine, since poppy seed tea lasts much longer than immediate release morphine).

A week or so later I tried washing just 80 grams of the same batch and got sky high for a long time. So those were some strong seeds. 454g was an overdose.

But they can very wildly in potency. Also, addiction to poppy seed tea is known to have one of the nastiest withdrawal syndrome, similar in nature to methadone.
It can potentially be lethal, if your tolerance is low and you use alot of strong seeds.

Years ago, when I was on methadone and had run out I tried poppy seed tea and found it had essentially no effect.

Fast forward a bunch of years, long after stopping methadone, I tried poppy seed tea again with no active opioid tolerance. I did alot of research and found a vendor that the poppy seed tea heads swore sold the strongest seeds.

So i bought some, and I figured, shit that first time I tried poppy seeds did nothing, so I'll try washing a whole pound of seeds (454 grams). I drank it and in about 45 minutes i started feeling it. For the first 3 hours or so I felt great, I was like holy shit this stuff is amazing. Super high, itching like a maniac, it was blown away.

But then, after those first 3 hours, to my surprise the high kept getting more and more intense, and I'm was like oh shit I definitely took way too much. I spent the next 6 hours or so alternatively throwing up, or uncontrollably slipping in and out of consciousness. I took a bunch of stimulants to try to stay awake and told my girlfriend to keep an eye on me. At that point it wasn't euphoric anymore, it was frightening, I felt poisoned and continued vomiting until it was just bile. It was an overdose.

Then after 6 hours of that hell, it started to ease up. At that point the feeling of euphoria started coming back, the nausea eased up and I started to feel good again. I stayed high for a good 18 hours, maybe more, my eyes were pinpointed into tiny little dots well into the next day.

Fortunately I have a naturally high tolerance to opioids, which was probably enhanced by having once being maintained on 380mg/day of methadone. But if say my 120 pound girlfriend, with zero experience with opioids, had drank that brew, she could have easily died without medical intervention. It felt like it was a good 300mg+ of morphine, maybe more which was way more than I was expecting. Then again, I did exhaustive research and these were universally described as the strongest seeds on the market (sold by a vendor who sold these seeds for this purpose -- a vendor that isn't around anymore btw). Still I didn't take it seriously like I should have (which was based on my prior experience where it had no effect).

Strong seeds can contain as much as 1mg of morphine per gram of seeds (although the morphine is not in the seeds but rather is opium residue coating the exterior of the seed, which you rinse off with water and strong agitation). The high presence of oils and strong shaking that is involved in preparing sort of creates an extended release morphine solution since some of the morphine sort of gets encapsulated in the lipids, forming a liposomal barrier which slows the absorption (at least that's a theory of mine, since poppy seed tea lasts much longer than immediate release morphine).

A week or so later I tried washing just 80 grams of the same batch and got sky high for a long time. So those were some strong seeds. 454g was an overdose.

But they can very wildly in potency. Also, addiction to poppy seed tea is known to have one of the nastiest withdrawal syndrome, similar in nature to methadone.
Oh wow, that’s crazy what happened to you. Thanks for sharing your experience and knowledge. I have somewhat of an opioid tolerance but I’m also a pretty small girl like 110 pounds. Lol maybe I shouldn’t even f with it
Poppy seed tea seems very potent. I should start growing a few indoor plants real soon. They are legal, right !

I am going to look around to find a bag somehow. It seems peaceful. And I love tea.

Micro dose of course. Sori for the o.d. I felt like that from Dilaudid in an i.v. An o.d. is awful. Sori again.

Wow. You're strong. I am glad you got through everything and for the awesome reminder about the possible extreme potency of poppies.

The 'potent' ones. That was awful. Much appreciated though.

Thnx. I will look for the oily ones. They sure are like that from the plants.

I am hoping for the best too. But too much is a lot to comprehend sometimes. They are very intriguing most definitely with different strengths too.

If nothing else they could be fun to grow. lol Take Care. :)

And yes caution required most definitely.
Poppy seed tea seems very potent. I should start growing a few indoor plants real soon. They are legal, right !

I am going to look around to find a bag somehow. It seems peaceful. And I love tea.

Micro dose of course. Sori for the o.d. I felt like that from Dilaudid in an i.v. An o.d. is awful. Sori again.

Wow. You're strong. I am glad you got through everything and for the awesome reminder about the possible extreme potency of poppies.

The 'potent' ones. That was awful. Much appreciated though.

Thnx. I will look for the oily ones. They sure are like that from the plants.

I am hoping for the best too. But too much is a lot to comprehend sometimes. They are very intriguing most definitely with different strengths too.

If nothing else they could be fun to grow. lol Take Care. :)

And yes caution required most definitely.
If you end up growing them, keep me updated if you can… I find it very interesting.
It’s good to see you tonight amiga 🌺
I've grown them indoors.

I posted pictures of my plants in this thread: https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/poppys-indoor.922327/page-6

It was alot of fun, and alot of work. I frequently miss growing them, it exciting to wake up in the morning to see the changes from day to day. They are mesmerizing. I've not the kind of guy who says or thinks, "oh look at those beautiful flowers", but in this case it was different. Once the petals fall off you have only the pods. My girlfriend thought they looked creepy, almost alien-like.

Perhaps they are aliens 👽. Poppies are, by far, the most addictive plant known by man.

They are not easy to grow indoors though, they need alot of light (artificial) and yet they don't like heat, so it's a tricky equation to balance and is very time consuming. When I started growing them indoors I thought it was something I was going to do every year. But I ended up being too good at and wound up with alot of very strong pods, which isn't good for someone who is a former opioid addict. I don't totally abstain from opioids but I'm not looking to get hooked, especially to something as addictive as opium. I would eventually become a slave to the plant. It is a plant that has enslaved millions of people.

I was going to write a book about the process, and even outlined it and wrote a few chapters. I still get messages from people urging me to write and publish it. I suppose one question is, would I be spreading misery by sharing that information? I dunno.

If I was currently addicted to real opioids (like prescription opioids) and it seemed like it was going to be an indefinite affair, I would without question grow poppies again. It was one other coolest things I've ever done, especially since so many said that growing poppies indoors was not possible or too difficult.

I know my girlfriend is glad I stopped growing them (as she was worried I'd keep growing them, and I'm sort of an unstoppable force of a nature). I mean I was growing them everywhere, and eventually even in the guest bathroom shower 😭.
Oh. . . ! You are always so helpful. With the right timing and cast that book could be the new Basketball Diaries.

That go between of William S Burroughs and Terence Mckenna. I am beings serious. And I bet it would stir up

some interest. I guess I would follow you around. Probably be cultish. No, but anyway. Thank you for your comment.

I would buy the book. Or read it whatever.

I just want to grow a few plants though. I looked for some seeds the other day. All I could find were some morning glories.

I guess it is back to on line again. And then I started thinking about them and I thought : Poppy seeds, yes but aren't they

seeds. :rolleyes:

Your poor girlfriend though, getting invaded by poppy plants. Looool. Poor her. That should be in the book too !!

It should then be made into a movie, or kind of like a literature drama with the right cast and following. Lool. I will stop now. But you have to love

the poppies. Maybe Poppy could write a song. ;)

Sorry I just did a few puffs from a dab and I am floating. <3

I am sure your book is and would be fascinating. Even if I don't grow any I really want to figure it out in my mind.

Thanks. Bye. from - the future book reviewerer !!! =D=D=D=D=D:kewl:

Sorry. I couldn't hold it in. ;)

I'm going to start cooking with poppy seeds too. Not because of you but because I wanted to and am going to anyway.

Anyone know of any good poppy seed recipes. Cooking with Potency !!!! thnx.

Awe thank you again though for your post @negrogesic It just goes to show that growing is possible. Even poppies.

I will probably start with a few if I can ever find some seeds or sprouts. Is that what you would call them. This is hilarious.

lool They do seem kind of wild.

I do have to find room to grow. Hmm. The bathroom sounds interesting. Overall, I can figure it out now that I know it is

possible. lool. Indoor growing is an art. I bet nothing nothing smells as bad as weed when it grows ??

Do they have aroma ? This is fascinating !!! Thnx . .

The best route is the greenhouse method. If it doesn't blow down.
I've grown them indoors.

I posted pictures of my plants in this thread: https://bluelight.org/xf/threads/poppys-indoor.922327/page-6

It was alot of fun, and alot of work. I frequently miss growing them, it exciting to wake up in the morning to see the changes from day to day. They are mesmerizing. I've not the kind of guy who says or thinks, "oh look at those beautiful flowers", but in this case it was different. Once the petals fall off you have only the pods. My girlfriend thought they looked creepy, almost alien-like.

Perhaps they are aliens 👽. Poppies are, by far, the most addictive plant known by man.

They are not easy to grow indoors though, they need alot of light (artificial) and yet they don't like heat, so it's a tricky equation to balance and is very time consuming. When I started growing them indoors I thought it was something I was going to do every year. But I ended up being too good at and wound up with alot of very strong pods, which isn't good for someone who is a former opioid addict. I don't totally abstain from opioids but I'm not looking to get hooked, especially to something as addictive as opium. I would eventually become a slave to the plant. It is a plant that has enslaved millions of people.

I was going to write a book about the process, and even outlined it and wrote a few chapters. I still get messages from people urging me to write and publish it. I suppose one question is, would I be spreading misery by sharing that information? I dunno.

If I was currently addicted to real opioids (like prescription opioids) and it seemed like it was going to be an indefinite affair, I would without question grow poppies again. It was one other coolest things I've ever done, especially since so many said that growing poppies indoors was not possible or too difficult.

I know my girlfriend is glad I stopped growing them (as she was worried I'd keep growing them, and I'm sort of an unstoppable force of a nature). I mean I was growing them everywhere, and eventually even in the guest bathroom shower 😭.
Wow that’s awesome! 😄
That actually would be pretty cool if you wrote a book about it all & included the pictures 💜