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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Poppy Seed Tea - Experienced


Mar 16, 2009
My monkey's tattooed on my back, just so you know where I'm coming from.

I moved to a new state and was without insurance for the first time in over a decade, =NO MEDS. I cold-turkey'd it down off 100 mg of methadone and 100mg of oxycodone daily for 10+ years. Sick as the proverbial dog for a couple of months. Clean and sober for a couple more, but the pain was intolerable. Still having insurance issues, so doctor being out of the question, I happened upon this bastion of like-minded folks and started reading about PST.

At first I thought- no. Just NO WAY. How retarded? You can buy them in the supermarket FFS!

But eventually I gave it the college try.

I started low, about 200g and HOLY SHIT- that old familiar tightening at the back of my head, the rubbery sensation in my (aching) legs, my eyes pinned-out almost before I finished drinking it and not long after, the good old tingly-scalp assured me my pain was about to be mediated. I was saved.

That was a couple months back. I've tried every variation of hot/cold water, sifting, straining and a huge variety of store-bought versus bulk seeds. Since then I've refined the process into it's simplest form, because I often need to work my alchemy quickly. Here's my process:

I funnel the seeds into an empty 2 liter bottle, use my trusty white bowl to add about 32oz of tap water, shake vigorously for one minute (any more than that is out of question as I'm impatient as fuck anyway) then set the bottle on its side and let it sit for ten. I loosen the cap, squeeze the bottle and strain the tea back into my trusty white bowl. I always end up with a little less due to absorption, but it's no prob. And for those of you who debate the effectiveness of a second and third wash? I always do two and mix the 1st and 2nd yield together, then pour into two 24oz bottles; one for me, one for the fridge. If the tea's particularly good, I'll do a third and fold it into half of the mix (of 1st/2nd yield) and fridge it as well.

The bulk seeds from the place I work are the most consistently good, and of all the store brands I've tried (which I only resort to when we're low on bulk seeds at work) I only bother with one these days, think: an island of spices. More often than not, with this brand, of the 6-8 jars I buy, at least one (and usually more) contain seeds all clumpy and sticky- JACKPOT.

I know right off if my tea's any good or not: the first tip-off is color; true, not always the best indicator, as I've had light-colored teas that were quite potent and darker brews that weren't as strong but for the most part, the darker the better. Second, and again, with its exceptions: the taste. The stronger the flavor, the better the tea USUALLY but either I'm getting used to the taste or it sometimes just doesn't strike me (it's much easier to take even the most bitter brew when ice-cold from the fridge, FYI) because there have been a time or two where I've had good effects from mild-tasting tea but it's the exception, not the rule. Next, the effects, usually apparent quite quickly, though the full effects often creep up and I don't peak until well after, but right away I know whether to expect a nice, comfy trip or not. My body is particularly sensitive to the alkaloids and if the back of my skull doesn't get tight almost right away, it's no good. Luckily, now that I've been through the trial and error of it all, it rarely happens.

And just further testament to the veracity of my potion: at one point I went a couple days without brewing any and on the third day I awoke with that old familiar feeling in my throat (tickle/itch) and companion runny nose, my legs ached worse than usual and it dawned on me: withdrawals. Granted, they were über mild compared to my most recent cold-turkey adventure, but enough to reinforce the potency of my chemistry. If it didn't work, and was just a placebo effect (also impossible for me and some days I'd settle for one, let me tell you) then the withdrawals wouldn't happen.

So there's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I should warn anyone thinking of trying this that despite its innocuous appearance, the stuff is as addicting as any ope or narc, I assure you. I'm locked in now, for sure. My next step is to find some way of ordering my seeds in bulk through work without having to explain what I want them for (ouch) or finding another place to do this, as the grocery market is far too hard a dealer and folks at work are starting to notice we're suddenly going through a LOT of seeds...

If I had a credit card, I'd venture into "arranging" because I can't find anyplace here to buy pods locally, but that particular hobby is on my TO DO list.

Just thought I'd share my experience here if anyone was interested.

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What would be a safe starter dose for someone with little-to-no opiate tolerance?
Have you tried pods? I have never bothered with seeds but pods where very nice.
What would be a safe starter dose for someone with little-to-no opiate tolerance?

I'm interested in this too. Lookin to try it soonish (never it before). But from what I've understood it all depends on the potency of the seeds, so there's no way to really tell until you give your brand of seeds a shot.

The smart thing to do would prob be to take a few gulps every 10min or something like that. But then again I'm prob way to lazy and will end up downin 400g worth and then re-dosing in 45min if required.

What do you guys reckon? Any tips for a good newie dose?
yea i heard the pod had more desirable alkaloids than the seeds...
Hi guys. Sorry, been busy.

Let me see if I can share some of my experience here: first of all, you will become dependent on PST if you use it regularly, as I said in my OP. So tread carefully.

When I first tried it, I went way too small. It did nothing and I thought I'd wasted my time. I did, sort of. Just needed more seeds. I remember reading about the kid who allegedly ODd on 2lbs of seed-wash and thinking 2 POUNDS? HOLY POPPYSEED BATMAN! I imagined 2 lbs of seeds would fill a bucket or some shit. Ha. Barely.

I fluctuate between six .20lb pkgs (when I'm broke) and have used as many as 10. Really, the first wash (if the seeds are good) is still good at 6. In fact, I'm WDing today and could only afford 6 and while I'm waiting for the ache in my legs to lessen, I've got a good head on at the moment, my eyes feel fat and my pupils are pinned.

Problem with anything more than 8 or 9 bags is that the 2liter bottle method I use doesn't leave a lot of room to get a good shake through. If the water can't move freely and vigorously through the seeds, it's not going to wash anything of use off. Also, bear in mind that on the first soak, the seeds will absorb some of the water, so if you do a second or 3rd (I always do) you have even less room.

Me, I re-use 24oz containers to pour off into. So, I use 24 oz of water (a little more on the first soak since you lose some to absorption) per wash. Sometimes, on a bad day, I just down the first run while soaking the second but usually I mix the two together in a big bowl then pour them off into 2 sep containers. I do the same with the 3rd and the occasional 4th (if I've got really good seeds I'll do 4 but otherwise, meh.)

My consumption is up to that first 24 oz of brews 1 & 2 then, couple hours later I chase it with the 3rd (or 3rd &4th). I save the other strong brew for the morning. Or the next night, depends.

You will be different. I've no idea what your personal tolerance for opes is or how good or bad the seeds you get your grubby little hands on will be. Moderation, as in all things, is the key. Generally, the darker, bitter brew will be stronger. Generally. But I've gotten a good ope head off milky-white water. Rarely, but it's happened. I think it has to do with where the seeds are harvested, how they're processed, etc. All things the end user has no control over.

Until you know your limits and are familiar with the strength and quantity, I'd start small, as I said, do two washes, blend them, drink one, save the other. If nothing happens, you can always chase with the second.

Please be careful though.

While I suspect the kid who ODd was probably using something else as well as the tea, you just never know. Also, there's the fact that opiates stay in your system for a good long while. Naturally your levels will increase over time. Maybe it was an accumulation-deal? IDK.


Yes, I've developed a bit of a tolerance to the PST. But that's ok. It still does what I need it to (I'm a chronic pain sufferer with no insurance) so I rarely fuck around. I never drink more than my 24oz brew to start and I never drink all of the 3 washes in the same day/night. I space it out. After a few days of using more seeds, I back down the total, skip a day, etc. But laymen alchemy isn't for everyone. I know my metab, I've been prescribed various narcs/opes for the last 20 years (until recently) and I have a pretty good idea of what I'm doing and what to expect. I really don't feel comfortable making specific suggestions, especially for first time users. I simply wanted to share my experiences. You can go ahead and take from it what you will.
Have you tried pods? I have never bothered with seeds but pods where very nice.

Would love to, but alas, can't get my hands on any. I've looked, too- craft store, florist, garden centers- a big fat NOPE.

Some day I will plant some of these seeds I've got leftover and grow my own garden, though.;)
I have read in my country most seeds are no good anymore. It would be mad to consistently get a nod out of a supermarket product though, lucky you.
Im surprised at you felt anything from seeds. not that they dont work, but your tolerance seems high. but you never know seeds strength varies
I have tried it twice and could not tolerate taking it again due to the unpleasant taste. it leaves an unpleasant oily taste and just the thought of it now is making me ill. did not seem to have much effect either.
I tryed it but had to use a shit load of seeds 5 island spice jars but bingo I was not ill anymore (Tramadol) but it is allot of work and it would cost a bundle to maintain. This was in dec 2009 I checked in my store the other day and they were out of poppy seeds WTF someone is on to me??I live in the mountains lol guess I am not the only fhen
i've tried this before, thats the same way i made it. put the seeds in a empty 2 litre, add the water and shake, hell i've even put the bottle in the dryer on no-heat cycle for 30 minutes+, the more u shake u would think that the more u shake free from the seeds.
anyways after a hour or so of super shaking, i let it sit for a few minutes, watched all the seeds sink to the bottom, pretty cool now all im left with is a off-white mily subtance, looks almost the same as if i were making kava-kava tea. i filterd the shit thru a cheese cloth (i bought at hobby lobby) and make a decent glass of the shit. smelled awful so i had the idea to mix some grapefruit juice with it to make it stronger, and more powerful(muwhaha!)
so i drank the entire glass, downed it like i was a thirsty fish. did the second rinse. this time i put the 2litre in the dryer for 90mins, and every 90mins id reset it to another 90 mins, (12 hours later)...
the effects are nice, you can tell ur on it, the same feeling as a good dose of morphine. the effects of warmth, high feeling, europhia, well since of comfort, itchy nose.
wish it lasted longer , lasted about 6 hours with me, and my tollerance is up and down a lot. anyways the next day i did the second wash, the seeds were mashed to bejesus n back (lookd like) and well i got high again lol, 2 good yerilds per batch of seeds, i used about 3 ounces of seeds that batch. buy them in bulk at health food stores.
About 5-6 years ago, a few fellow BL'ers and I came up with and posted this exact way of preparing PST My original TR with the 2 liter method mentioned for almost the first time . Rmx1, Malfunkshun and Juggalotus (me), we all decided that the 2-liter method was by far the easiest and most effective. The only difference was that I used juice to help mask the gawd awful flavor that the seeds produce.

In the past, I was also using PST in place of meds for similar reasons. After using it for almost a year, I found that without it I was in more than just physical pain. I found myself addicted to PST. Sounds like a joke you say? NO JOKE.

In a good pound of seeds I would feel almost as if I had taken close to 100mg of morphine orally. I would nod out in mid sentence, eyes glazed and pinned, and I would scratch till I was sore/bleeding. This was from ONLY seeds, no other meds/pharms. I ended up losing a lot (out of my life) from this stuff. It indirectly caused me to think I needed to be on MMT. After about 4 months of MMT my wife left me, I lost my mind, my job, my house, my everything.

Just a bit of friendly advice, if you don't NEED PST, keep it in perspective and respect this material. It can ruin your life as easily as heroin (which I ended up getting addicted to after I got off the clinic and couldn't handle Methadone w/d).

@ OP

Glad to hear you are finding relief from something that really is very simple. I wish you well in your life and hope you find a way to control the pain. I understand how hard it is to deal with chronic pain and very much sympathize. Take care and always be careful =)

- Noddy
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If I had severe pain and no insurance, I'd probably be doing my grocery shopping at little stores owned by guys from countries where poppy seeds were used in large amounts in the cuisine, and were sold -- preferably raw and unprocessed from that country -- in large amounts all the time. I'd be shopping there first and foremost for the cheap and semi-fresh vegetables, of course. Nothing takes care of pain like a good diet.
I have tried it twice and could not tolerate taking it again due to the unpleasant taste. it leaves an unpleasant oily taste and just the thought of it now is making me ill. did not seem to have much effect either.

I don't get that... I really don't mind the taste at all. I kind of like it because of what it entails. I find the taste completely neutral, not bad, not good.

I started using poppy seed tea to get off kratom, by using it every other day. Well, I kept using it and at some point used it like 4 or 5 days in a row. Lo and behold, new withdrawals. So now I'm tapering. I can't wait to leave opiates behind forever.