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Popping 2/3 pills at once and what 2 much will do.

usually when i drop 2 to start or after one it just hits me alot quicker and is alot more intense. this one time i ate 3 to start with and it hit me in like 15 min. it was the most intense feeling in the world! i initially started blowing up and it lasted not too long, only like an hour and a half, but there was alot of me blacking out and passing out on my floor. it was like anything i did or touched was blowing me up. i would reccomend to do it at someones house or a private party not a large event. i was ok after passing out and it only lasted a few seconds but still people freak.
if u wanna roll your ass off.. then go for it beb. ;D
if you worried about how its gonna turn out then dont do it! the last thing u want isa bad trip. do it with pills u alrdy done before so yu'll hav an idea how strong they are. the come down isnt soo horrible tho.. well depends on the pills. but overall its worthh that 'come down' IMO . HAVE FUNNNN ;DDDD
wouldn't recommend it, cept maybe for fun
and you do drugs for what?
Emotional discovery
Spiritual awakening
Ego death
etc, etc
I've been dropping for twelve years, off and on.
The first time I double dropped was with the 1998 batch of double stacked mitsubishis--those good ones (anyone remember those?)out in LA...
Best advice is to enjoy the lesser doses as long as they do the trick. Double dropping is not only a physical change, but a psychological one. I went through a period of time there where I needed at least five pills to get through the night rolling. I wound up hitting a triple drop right behind a double and passed out and panicked everyone, including myself. Deaths are rare with this drug, but it CAN happen. However, that is not the only concern. A ten+ pill/week habit is a pretty good indicator that things are gonna get pretty bad before you wake up and straighten out.
Now, I just wait until I find good rolls (A challenge, eh?) and I start with 1 and hit another just when I start feeeling the first, and thats it. Thats the roll for the night, good or bad. Remember, this drug is HARD on your liver.
Less is more.
I agree.
Thank you all for the advice.
I only pop pills when i'm out at a rave or club and the main reason i asked was cause i wanted to get the best peak while out on the dancefloor and if popping 2 at once is just gonna smack me out then i guess i'll space it out a bit.
Also, i find that when i'm dancing, i tend to get tired quick.
Now.. i've only tried speed a couple of times on it's own and i didn't quite like it, tho, i'm sure if i take a bit with the E's it will give me that extra energy but what i wanna know is.
Will it effect the feeling of the pill?
Will it be a worse cumdown?
Cocktails (e.g. X & speed) can be quite different from taking either of two on their own. Personally I much prefer to experience the effects of a single drug rather than have two working (fighting each other?) together. The e/speed combo gives me pretty nasty comedowns. I find long after the e has worn off and you want to go into that nice post roll sleep the meth keeps you awake and anxious even though you feel really drained. I also find the e/speed mix does not take kindly to my stomach, and sometimes have trouble keeping my pills down. Each person is different though. Just be careful mixing your drugs - they can have a very different effect taken together than taken separately.
I think the best advice if you're double bombing is make sure you know your pills - best if you've had one of them previously so you already know what they like, and know what to expect. Also make sure you're in the right environment. This doesn't mean you have to stay at home, just that if you're pretty out of it then have a nice (quiet?) place to sit. Also the people around you, good if you can be with friends who, when you're rolling hard, you can stick with and follow them around.
Have Fun!
this is what i have found through personal experience
with average quality pills (anywhere from 50-75) i find that with my metabolism and tolerance i will roll maybe 2 hours off one and its weak, a tease
dropping 2 at once ie popping them both in your mouth and chewing can be extremely intense, right before carl cox came on at this party i was at i had already consumed 10~ g dried mushrooms and i bought 2 vws and ate them both....too much too much, the main reason i dont like taking that much at once is the memory gaps and black outs.
my preferred method is taking one(+a half) depending on the strength and then as soon as i come up off that one drop another.
i havent rolled since new years, moderation is the key i used to eat tabs like candy and it fucked my tolerance, hopefully back to normal.
oh yeah just some advice when combining mda and mdma. last time i rolled (NYE) i took 2.5 white doves which were tested on dancesafe and found to be mda, should have stuck with 2, then about an hour later dropped an orange smiley....damn
got some weird ass side effects off that combo and not all desirable at that:
extreme grinding
my arms HURT...like really bad cramps throughout my forearm, i wanted to dance but i couldnt they hurt so bad
intense visuals (i had no problem with these=)
all in all i would not recommend a high dosage combo of these two, especially not out in public, sorry if this is off topic