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Poll: Thoughts On CBD Oil

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Bluelight Crew
Aug 31, 2006
Vote for the response you think is the most helpful in answering the question posed! The responses appear in chronological order and were selected on the basis of first-hand knowledge.


  • Zerix said:
    I was wondering if anyone here tried smoking/vaping pure CBD oil/wax. I noticed a couple places online selling 100% CBD oil (and found one site selling CBD wax) and was pretty surprised! Then again, of course there is no THC so it's just considered what, basically a hemp extract?

    Anyone who tried and tested? Is it beneficial with all the goods minus the anxiety/paranoia?


  1. My girl actually just received 2 containers to trial for pain and medical reasons. One is almost pure CBD oil with a tiny ammount THC (0.173% THC + 2.3% CBD so still legal) and one with THC and CBD (7.15% THC + 2.34% CBD medicin). I tried it one time at two drops and noticed no effects of the CBD oil, buts 2 drops is a tiny dose. My gf hasn't felt anything of a high on higher dosages. But it does help her with the pains and aches, although very subtle. The THC oil is very nice way smoother when dosed sublingual and vaporised then my synth noids (which I always vape). My gf sadly gets very anxious and paranoid on the THC rich oil like she also had on hydrophonic sativa like weeds.

    I tried the CBD oil also to see if a smallish dose would level of or complement my synthetic noids high. But it sadly did't, so no anxiety lost on that specific experiment. Although again a low dose, as my girl actually needs her meds so I will not be conducting any trials with it.

    I am actually curious about CBD and it's possibility's and the alcohol extracted oil is legally sold over here. So in time when I am indulging in cash again I will happily start trying out the oil.
  2. tacodude said:
    Just got a CBD tincture. I find it best to use 5-10 mg before smoking is the best way to go where afterwords kills the effect from smoking a bit. While I was hoping it would reduce my heart pounding that did not happen, but tension is definitely reduced and my veins don't bulge from whatever blood pressure/flow is causing it. I have also felt a bit more emotionally connected and grounded although since I have been depressed due to my life situation it really brings out my sadness that I would probably be better off blocking off until I could figure out how to deal with the situation that makes me sad.... Better than being tense wound up and angry though.

    Edit: I'll add CBG and CBC, which are both very beneficial compounds one for inter-cranial pressure, glaucoma, etc. while the other is better for general pain relief and inflammation, are both precursors to THC, CBD, etc. so to find them in cannabis it usually is due to a missing gene that leads to the CBG or CBC being produced, but not converted to the more common alkaloids. Basically by the time the plants harvested all the CBG it may be creating is immediately used to create the next alkaloids.... Supposedly industrial hemp contains them both as well as there are CBD extracts that are derived from hemp that are legal to order online. I would be very interested in having one of those extracts lab tested by an analytic company to see exactly what cannabinoids are in it as I suspect these extracts may be high in CBG and CBC too, but they probably are not grown with good quality control and may contain plant nutes and pesticides... Yuk! Plus I don't have $150+ to buy a tincture and send it off to a lab to test unfortunately.
  3. I vaped CBD but didn't feel the full effects of it. I've been looking for an organic vape. I use the CBD oil drops under my tongue and that has helped me MAJORLY! I have anxiety and was on Kolonapin for 10 years. I no longer use it thanks to CBD. I tried to smoke THC but it makes me paranoid and gives me more anxiety. CBD is beneficial, I've wasted so much money on companies that sold crap. I use the 24 % oil. which is considered the weakest. But it rids my anxiety! I take 5 drops in the day and 3 drops at night. It's amazing stuff and saved my ass. Good luck! Chinhee
  4. terarc said:
    I take CBD daily it's a great antidepressant and anxiolytic and does wonders for my chronic headaches. It has no psychoactive effect though, and I feel it is more beneficial when paired with an equal amount of THC. As stated above, whole plant extracts with the other cannabinoids and terpenes present are generally better too. Interestingly enough, I don't (or at least no longer) feel any medical benefits from THC alone.

    By the way, although indica strains tend to have more CBD than sativas, generally almost all modern cannabis strains contain very little CBD compared to THC. Sativas will have 10-20% THC and sometimes almost no CBD, indicas may contain the same amount of THC and maybe 0.5-2.5% CBD. It's not really enough to feel the benefits of the combo still, you need to seek out specially bred 'CBD rich' strains (4% CBD or more) such as those by CBD crew, or take CBD extracts alongside using normal high THC cannabis.
  5. Hilary said:
    CBD products have helped me tremendously for pain, insomnia and anxiety. My son and next door neighbor are also big fans. I have no adverse side effects, nor have I heard any.
  6. Yes. I have used 99% CBD crystals and put them in e-liquid. It's handy and all that but not worth the money.

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