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Police Mistake Doughnut For Crystal Meth

Yeah I read this article, he sued and won a settlement for being wrongly arrested. The cop didn't know how to do a field test.
HAHAHAH this is too good to be true.

It sounds like the cops from one of the Cheech and Chong movies LOL.

It's like I imagine the guy being like "jeez, I know you guys love donuts but if you wanted it you could have just asked!"

Reminds me of a not very funny story where i was once pulled over for going a little too fast and a cop made me pick up an altoid I'd dropped on the floor of my car and put it in his hand so he could look at it before deciding it was just a breath mint and not a pill lol.
Lol gotta love cops, and thier incompetence.
The husband of the idiot cop that made the arrest ran for Orange Co. sheriff. Thankfully he lost. I used to go to the selfsame 7-Eleven where the guy was pulled over shitfaced and blacked out and I never got arrested any of those times.
I'm with Mycophile--the fact that it was a DONUT is just too good to be true. My brother once got stopped for driving quite a ways down a closed road (because he thought he could get away with it and it was a shorter trip from A to B). He got pulled over and when the cop said, "What do you think you are doing?" my brother with a completely innocent straight face, said, "Someone told me there was a good donut shop down here, officer."=D
I'm with Mycophile--the fact that it was a DONUT is just too good to be true. My brother once got stopped for driving quite a ways down a closed road (because he thought he could get away with it and it was a shorter trip from A to B). He got pulled over and when the cop said, "What do you think you are doing?" my brother with a completely innocent straight face, said, "Someone told me there was a good donut shop down here, officer."=D
Funny story. However based on my interactions with the constabulary in the American south, I’ve learned to give one word answers to questions whenever possible always followed by a sir or ma’am.
Yes I too have learned that in southern states, namely Texas and Tennessee
At this point for me it’s a conditioned response
Lol cops up north look at me funny when I do the yes sir, yes ma'am routine. Not used to the respect.
"You been glazed up', boy? Lips look a bit shiny... Maybe doing a bit of Dunkin this evening??"

Dunkin: Horrifying Nee Trend Among Teens Involves Swallowing Donuts Without Chewing, Police Warn
For some reason I think being glazed up means something already in the younger community lol.
I stupidly mouthed off to a cop in Tennessee when I was 19. He found no grounds to arrest me but he kindly returned the favor by writing me several hundred dollars worth of tickets.
Yes they do, I had a highway patrolman in Texas let me off with a warning because I was polite and I actually stopped. Was on a bike, he wouldn't have caught me if I'd ran, but I stopped and was respectful, he could've put me in cuffs for the 75 mph over the limit, and then they would've found my stash and I wouldn't be talking to you ladies and gentleman.
The first time I was arrested in Orlando there was a really nasty Newyorican (New York Puerto Rican) woman CO. I treated her with kid gloves because she was so bitchy and she later told me that she tried to give people the benefit of the doubt but that you couldn’t as a CO. I don’t begrudge COs or shady bail bondsmen because they don’t know if I’m the scum of the earth like they’re used to dealing with or really on the up and up.
Funny story. However based on my interactions with the constabulary in the American south, I’ve learned to give one word answers to questions whenever possible always followed by a sir or ma’am.

Oh, believe me I would never have had the balls or any other body part to do that and it was actually stupid. I have PTSD from my interactions with cops, living in inner city Detroit and seeing what they did every single day with complete impunity and being a hitchhiking hippie kid back in the day all over the country. TBH, Indiana was the worst for me personally. But I have to say, I've had some surprisingly human interactions with them every now and then--sort of the exception that proves the rule type--like the inner city Chicago cop that busted us for being out after curfew, made us take he and his partner back to the apartment where we were all smoking mj and had a lot of other stuff they could have found. They usually were brutal in those situations but this time we got not only two human beings but two with hearts still beating for a bunch of runaway kids. They sat us down and talked to us about going home and not only did not bust us but didn't even search or confiscate anything.