Plz help me i need HELP!!!me venting HELP!


Oct 26, 1999
my gf just broke up with me in the worst possible way EVER and i can't stop thinking of how i could have made it better, i'm in a state of shock and feel like nothin else in my life could go more fuckin wrong, i could not stand being one day with out this girl now never to see her again! what am i gonna do, i think about getting totally fucked up and thats so wrong. i need help i'm afraid of what i am gonna do (not kill myself) but hurt others just be a fuckin rude person to everyone and i cant do that! i dont want to do any more drugs than usual cause of this its so hard to think of life without her since i thought the world of her and would do anything to help her protect her ANYTHING and i should hate her for this but i still love her and can't stop thinking of how i could have fixed this. and the way she broke up with me was totaly wrong she woke me up in the morning on the phone and pops the question she goes "nate i gotta ask you a questions" and im thinking fuck its not gonna be good for some reason and she asks how i thought our relationship was and i said fine i hope and she goes i dont have the same feeling for you as you do for me and think its wrong for us to be together and we should stop seeing each other!.....mind you this i had no idea!!! i thought everything was goin great! everyone else thought it was great and we made a great pair. but i killing me not to see her and hug her and kiss her. and the worst thing of all i asked her to come over after work so we could talk in person we did it was good and we decided to go out and drink (wrong fucking move!) so we ended up getting trashed and sleeping together, now i think she must still like me but she tell me that she made a huge mistake and that she was sorry but we still cant be together ever and it crushed me i will not me the same person for a while.. when they say love hurts they ain't liein

i will always luv kate
sorry for it bein so long i just need to get it out.
im in neeed of major support right now please help me!!
Nate aka TraiN
You need to chill with my friend Matt, he just went through the same bs you described almost word for word. He's been getting all fucked lately too, it's not good to do when your not feelin good like that. Once again I have to say it... healthy body healthy mind makes the drugs worthwhile. He just started rollin with his now ex-gf too so he's really confused with everything going on. Matt's been talking me ear off about this for the last 2 weeks now, I don't mind but I don't think anything is gonna fix the problem ever, time will just make it a little easier to forget, but when you love someone for real you always will no matter what.
Good luck bro
IMOKRUOK - Roll On Roll Off
Hey Train,
I'm sorry you're hurting, and I'm sending you good energy my friend. Something real quick to think about: "I thought the world of her and would do anything to help her protect her ANYTHING" - anything? Then just keep loving her. HER, not your "girlfriend", or that heartless wench who dumped you, just her. Right now, you know her better than you ever have, because she has given you the gift of her truth. Honor that gift with your truth, and you will not have lost anything - you will have gained a great deal: a relationship based on truth. And when you have that, suddenly titles and definitions lose their importance - what does it matter what you call it? You have a true friend. And that is the greatest gift there is. Hang in there, and keep giving love - you WILL get it back - from sources you never dreamed of! Sorry if this seems brusque, but I have to go and I just saw your post.
Love and Peace,
Guru Daddy
Big hugz and kisses your way, sweet thang. I don't know what else to say other than that I believe in you fully and you have all my support and love. You know you can count on us Bluelighters for anything you need, just ask and we'll all do whatever we can. Our emails are all easy to find, we're here for you.
[This message has been edited by flux (edited 30 December 1999).]
damn ! this sure has been the season for relationships to go into the shitter. I feel for ya, i had a similar fate recently. women have the most lack of tacfulness in all creation. mine was telling me its over while i was comming out of the most god awful trip ever. now that is a total mind fuck. but it's over , i bitched and cried for several weeks. but now i'm over it and moving on. hardest thing is letting go. but once you do, it does start to get better. not over night, but slowly it does.
And besides , a show was on tv not long ago and had statistics that there are 3 women for every man on this planet as an average. now then theres probably 1 million of the men who are gay , so now the ratio of girls to men increases to like 4 or 5 to 1... hell its looking better already !
peace ...
..And it won't be very long / till i'm going going gone (and is there really something wrong with me )...
My heart goes out to you... I got dumped fuckin rotten on Christmas... It was my ex-husband that told me that I asshole I was seeing was sleeping/dating someone else for quit a while now. I wanted to die man.
I had 2 choices... be bitter and never speak to him again. Or accept the fact he doesn't love me or feel the same way I do, and move on. At least I can still be friends with him.
Love comes and goes.. and yes it fucking hurts when it goes, but experiencing love for someone far outweighs the TEMPORARY pain in the end. You'll get over it. And plenty of people in your life are gonna love you.
But don't hold your breath on her loving you back. She has already made her feelings clear. Let her go. There is never a shortage of people looking for love.
I wish you the best.
Babe.. I totally know how you feel

I just went through the same thing with my ex.. I didn't do it quite like your ex did, but its still comparable.. My only advice to you is to listen to what GuruDaddy said.. I totally agree with him.. My ex is now my best friend in the whole world.. Just keep loving her, things will get better. Cheer up, I'm here if you want to talk

~*~* irishgurl ~*~*
Take what you had with her and be thankful that you have such great memories. I broke it off with my bf of 3 years and I think it really hurt him. I guess because he didn't want to lose me he forced himself to be my friend. I know it was a lot harder for him than it was for me, but we remained best friends. We were apart for almost a year nad we just got back together. I think I just needed a break to realize that it was him I was meant to be with. If she does love you or she ever will again you need to give her her space to find out for herself. The shitty thing is, yes, she will be with other people and yes somedays she may not want to talk to or see you, but if you let her go you might be surprised to see that when given the freedom to be with others, it's you she'll come back to. About the sleeping with you part - she probably just did that cause old habits die hard. It's easy to fall abck into old routines and that's probably what she did. Do not take it as a sign that she wants to be back with you though. She's probably really confused and needs some time to straighten her head out(she may do some stupid things while in the process, but bear with it).
I can relate to your sitch from both sides of the fence. While my bf and I were broken up I fell for this other guy. Everything was great, and then he ran. Didn't want to be tied down. The only reason why I got throught it was because I knew where he was coming from. He explained exactly what I felt with my ex. It hurt, but I dealt with it, not only cause I had to, but because I did the same thing he did.
It will hurt for a while and there will be good days and there will be bad, but you have hold your head up and know that if it's meant to be, it will be.
Look towards the future
Stop living in the past
If things are truely meant to be
Then surely they will last!
Take care of yourself. Get to know the "you" that you lost when you were a "we"!
Look out for number one!!
We love you!!
If you can't change it - get over it. If you can - do!
train...buddy... you told me most of what was going i sort of know what's going on...
i've been single since last may, and the only girl that i've dated since then tried to sleep with my roomate the night before thanksgiving...that sucked pretty bad
nate, last May i lost my fiancee...and the worst part is i could have saved it...we could have worked it out... i could have changed... and i've grown up a lot...but it's too late now.... she's actually getting married from what i hear
so i guess i don't really have anything valuable to say...except give it'll get easier
but look, i'm here for you... and just think about how much this saturday night is going to kick ass!
"I am more than a mathematical equation...i am more than a chemical combination... my existence cannot be reduced to a scientific theory!"
[This message has been edited by soulfly (edited 10 January 2000).]
keep your head up.i have been in your shoes and i know nothing i can say will realy make it better.but i can tell you a story of what happend to me.and how i handled it and what i learned.ok im going to try to keep this short.i was with her(allison) for about 3 years.for the first year all she did was tell me about how this was true love and we where ment to be together.and i was like yea ok.lets not get ahead of things.the second year.she was still saying this is true love and we are ment to
be together.and by then i was thinking hmm maybe she is the third year.i was like YES YES THIS IS TRUE LOVE!WE ARE MENT TO BE TOGETHER!FOREVER!well out of nowhere.she hit me with the same thing.well it was 6 days later i was moveing to PA.yes i moved on six days notice to a place where i did not know anyone.i was in pa for almost 2 years.and it hurt for most of the 2 years.but now i look back on it and see it only hurt because i let it.i lived like a hurmit.i did not go out and no way was i dating any other girls.i loved only her.well its been a year now i have been back in CT.and what i learnd was.i lost 2 years of my life.i meet a lot of great people in PA and i mist out on them all.for the only reason that i would not let go.and i would not let anyone not saying to just forget about cant just let go.but if and when the time comes for you to do it dont miss it like i will only hold yourself back from being happy.
P.S being a little older and a little wiser.i see we where to young to be that serious.we both needed time to go out and find out who we are.and when that is over if we are ment to be.ill will see allison agin.
hope to still see you the 15 at asylum.PLUR
"you never know how much is enough until you tried to much"