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plugging opium

^because it fits the description i've read on various sites, and because it fits in with with my experiences with tar.

I know that tar can be adulturated, and often is. but it just doesn't make sense to go through all the trouble to make "fake" opium from heroin. u'd have to find a plant that produces a latexy resin with the same smell and consistency and then mix the heroin into it somehow. and i think you misunderstand me when i say "gumming up." i mean it seriously seperates specks of plant matter, a brown/yellowish liquid, and this stuff that feels like liquid latex or something, which i understand is characteristic of raw opium. i highly doubt there's any tar out there that still contains this much of the original planet resin in it.

also, if this were tar, it wouldn't so much be adulturated as it would just be completely concealed in a resin-like substance.

i mean, i honestly wish this were black tar heroin, but it's just not as far as i can tell. the potency of my non-opium isn't nearly as high as even most of the heroin that i've had, but it does correlate with the average potency of opium.
DexterMeth said:
Pod or seed putty is pure shit. It's not even worth getting paid to make. I know from multiple experiences.

I guess you could make it to eat or mix in a drink, but why not just cook down your liquid to a coffee-cup size amount and drink it. Saves time.

Because you can cook all your pods down and reconstitute them later on with no loss of potency - and not have incriminating poppy pods laying around.

The putty is worthless to smoke, this much is true, but it is absolutely potent.
Have you guys ever heard of growing your own poppies and extracting the opium yourself? What is all this "what you have is not real opium" bullshit?