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Stimulants Plugging Adderall: What Am I Doing Wrong?

....Methamphetamine (yes I'm aware this thread is about Adderall) .....

Haha, not to make you feel bad but the guy never said methamphetamine once. He said amphetamine, or maybe I'm reading wrong?

Either way wouldn't plugged amphetamine be better for the reason that acid in your stomach makes amphetamine less potent (I can't remember why but it's why people take antacids to make it stronger)

You must have misread the first part of my post where I made it clear that this thread was about Adderall but that I was about to talk about methamphetamine, for the reasons outlined in my post that you quoted.... So yeah I think you misread a post or two ;)

I definitely disagree with the statement that oral amphetamines is the highest BA, through my own experience, I know that the rectal ROA is the best way for me to use methamphetamine. This is my subjective opinion/experience.

@OP, could you describe your prep process, step by step? How did you go about prepping the pills into liquid solution for rectal administration?
You must have misread the first part of my post where I made it clear that this thread was about Adderall but that I was about to talk about methamphetamine, for the reasons outlined in my post that you quoted.... So yeah I think you misread a post or two ;)

I definitely disagree with the statement that oral amphetamines is the highest BA, through my own experience, I know that the rectal ROA is the best way for me to use methamphetamine. This is my subjective opinion/experience.

@OP, could you describe your prep process, step by step? How did you go about prepping the pills into liquid solution for rectal administration?

Oh I read it right I just was being dumb. I thought you thought this was about meth. Haha, but I don't think meth would be comparable to amphetamine because their syntheses are so different usually. The best way to compare would be to get your self some pure amphetamine (extract from pills? or speed powder/paste in Europe) and some pure methamphetamine (Find a way to wash street meth to completely purify it, probably not necessary for some of the pure mexican shards and blue Breaking Bad meth that's going around) and try different ROAs and maybe other salt forms. Is street meth a freebase? If so it probably wouldn't be any better as a salt...
... but I don't think meth would be comparable to amphetamine because their syntheses are so different usually.

actually, it's the other way around...
amphetamine, no matter how pure, could never compare to methamphetamine.

The main difference between the two is the addition of the methyl group that gives methamphetamine its name. The methyl group allows the methamphetamine to travel faster than amphetamine across the blood-brain barrier (bbb) in turn, making methamphetamine much more potent than amphetamine. The methyl group also makes meth more stable than amphetamine.
Even though methamphetamine and amphetamine have a lot in common (methamphetamine breaks down into amphetamine in the body) they are still different in chemistry, effects and potential for addiction.

Compared to amphetamine, methamphetamine produces relatively intense mind alteration and relatively mild body alteration. This difference in effect is the direct result of structural features in methamphetamine that allow its molecules to pass through the blood-brain barrier relatively easily, and thereby cause greater degrees of alteration in the brain’s neurotransmitter levels. Methamphetamine’s stronger impact on the brain’s neurotransmitters is directly responsible for the drug’s heightened potential to produce addiction and toxic side effects when compared to amphetamine.

The best way to compare would be to get your self some pure amphetamine (extract from pills? or speed powder/paste in Europe) and some pure methamphetamine (Find a way to wash street meth to completely purify it, probably not necessary for some of the pure mexican shards and blue Breaking Bad meth that's going around) and try different ROAs and maybe other salt forms. Is street meth a freebase? If so it probably wouldn't be any better as a salt...

Powder methamphetamine is the hydrochloride salt form which is strongly hygroscopic (absorbs water from the air quickly.) The HCl salt is smokable as is.
Crystal "crystal meth" refers to methamphetamine grown into crystals. Many p eople believe that crystal is the freebase form of methamphetamine HCl, but this is not true.
Methamphetamine is smokable in its normal HCl form, but taking the time to grow it into crystals makes it easier to smoke.
Meth in visible crystals (rather than powder) is likely to be relatively pure as it is difficult to grow crystals from impure material.
Methamphetamine freebase is an oil and is uncommonly sold on the street.
actually, it's the other way around...
amphetamine, no matter how pure, could never compare to methamphetamine.

The main difference between the two is the addition of the methyl group that gives methamphetamine its name. The methyl group allows the methamphetamine to travel faster than amphetamine across the blood-brain barrier (bbb) in turn, making methamphetamine much more potent than amphetamine. The methyl group also makes meth more stable than amphetamine.
Even though methamphetamine and amphetamine have a lot in common (methamphetamine breaks down into amphetamine in the body) they are still different in chemistry, effects and potential for addiction.

Compared to amphetamine, methamphetamine produces relatively intense mind alteration and relatively mild body alteration. This difference in effect is the direct result of structural features in methamphetamine that allow its molecules to pass through the blood-brain barrier relatively easily, and thereby cause greater degrees of alteration in the brain’s neurotransmitter levels. Methamphetamine’s stronger impact on the brain’s neurotransmitters is directly responsible for the drug’s heightened potential to produce addiction and toxic side effects when compared to amphetamine.

Powder methamphetamine is the hydrochloride salt form which is strongly hygroscopic (absorbs water from the air quickly.) The HCl salt is smokable as is.
Crystal "crystal meth" refers to methamphetamine grown into crystals. Many p eople believe that crystal is the freebase form of methamphetamine HCl, but this is not true.
Methamphetamine is smokable in its normal HCl form, but taking the time to grow it into crystals makes it easier to smoke.
Meth in visible crystals (rather than powder) is likely to be relatively pure as it is difficult to grow crystals from impure material.
Methamphetamine freebase is an oil and is uncommonly sold on the street.
I don't think you got what point I was trying to get at by saying that. I was talking about physical properties of the material and how the body absorbs and metabolizes it. But anyway, I appreciate the information... I had no idea crystal meth was in the HCl form but I knew that HCl was used to make it so I should have used my common sense.
^yeah, I must have missed that sentence in your post where you said "I'm talking about physical properties of the material and how the body absorbs and metabolizes it."
all I saw was "I don't think meth would be comprable to amphetamine..."
and "is street meth a freebase?"

next time, I'll try and read your mind harder thru the internets.
next time, I'll try and read your mind harder thru the internets.

Well next time read my full sentences and you might be able to READ SOMETHING. There's no use for you to even reply to smart off, that's spam. It's against the rules of this forum to have space wasted on useless text.

Don't get mad at me just cuz I made you feel dumb, bro.


ANYWAY, is amphetamine really stronger plugged than snorted? It doesn't seem like the type of buzz I would wanna plug... feels snortier.
ANYWAY, is amphetamine really stronger plugged than snorted? It doesn't seem like the type of buzz I would wanna plug... feels snortier.

I suppose that's due to the fact that Adderall is provides a high very similar to Coke (from what I've heard.) To sum up the rest of the thread, no Adderall isn't going to be any stronger plugged, however, it's quite possible that freebase Amphetamine would be based on the almost 100% bioavailability of rectal administration.
Znegative has an amusing and informative thread floating around on this topic...I believe the title is "Backdoor Alternative" or something similar.
well you may be right in that sticking adderrall up your ass has a 99percent bio-A.....but dude do you really reccomend that shit?? ha ha
well you may be right in that sticking adderrall up your ass has a 99percent bio-A.....but dude do you really reccomend that shit?? ha ha

If they were weak I would. Ive only ever did the 30 mg orange/pink ones that are small. IR. I crushed them up and snorted them. No burn, very nice long lasting buzz with no tweakiness. Gave me lots of motivation, felt like the perfect pair with weed and opiates. I can see the addictive nature of all 3 of these. I how ever can't see the addictive nature of MDPV. Imagine someone plugging that... with it's short-ass high and all. lol. But I don't see the need to plug adderall either, I really doubt it's much stronger and introducing bacteria into your anus that often shouldn't be recommended on a health board. I'll admit I enjoy sticking things in my rear but I'm not gonna recommend it from a health standpoint.
well you may be right in that sticking adderrall up your ass has a 99percent bio-A.....but dude do you really reccomend that shit?? ha ha

Uhh, I don't condone the abuse of any drugs, but do I have something against the rectal ROA like repressed homophobic feelings like it appears you do? No I don't have anything against the rectal ROA, as long as it keeps folks off the needle and is just as effective as shooting minus a little bit of the Wow-Factor that good methamphetamine produces at pretty much any recreational dose.

I think the real question is, dude, what's your problem with the rectal ROA, or with me recommending it? Having extensive experience with these compounds, I know for a fact and from experience that the rectal ROA works exceptionally well, and I would even go as far as to say it's better than IVing, because regardless of how much meth you're doing, whether it's 5mg or 500mg, it only took me like a fraction of a gram of common sense (you won't find this for sale at your dealers den, but most people are born with it. Some don't view it as a skill worth mastering, which is foolish as fuck IMO especially if you're an addict) to come to terms with and reach the understanding of the fact that by shooting up, I'd have to worry about two addictions, one to the needle and one to the drug.

With the needle comes a million drawbacks (no pun), and by simply plugging my speed, I don't ever have to worry about my water source being contaminated, I don't ever have to worry about hitting a vein, poking and repoking myself every 4 hours, losing touch with reality so fast (which is the point, for many users, I think...), god forbid you miss even the tiniest bit of a shot and endure the pain of a missed hit, worrying about it forming an abscess, worrying about contracting hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, worrying about the needles themselves: never reusing them, always having fresh clean ones, never disposing of used syringes improperly in a way that endangers others, I could probably write a short novel about all the troubles I'm sparing myself by having the self-control to stick strictly to oral or rectal dosing of my methamphetamine. I mean do we really need much more reason/logic to rationalize doing the same drug in a safer way?

There's a reason why I recommend the rectal ROA over other ROA's, obviously... In fact there are quite evidently multiple logical reasons why I would do so. The most important aspect of it being that methamphetamine already packs more ponies so to speak, than a 700+ horsepower American Muscle Car, and to expand on this metaphor/analogy, adding in the IV or Smoked ROA in my opinion is like installing nitrous on the car that already goes faster than your ability to maneuver it when the road gets dark, narrow, and rough.

Methamphetamine is strong enough on it's own, there should never be a time when one should feel the need to inject it, especially when there are safer, equally effective, if not a little less hardcore route of administration: rectal

I've noticed you bashing the rectal ROA in multiple threads, and I have yet to hear a convincing argument from you about what the rectal ROA ever did to you, or why you go around making people feel uncomfortable when they're trying to learn about a subject that they probably are already either hesitant about, or they, like so many of you, draw this big red line around sexuality and drug abuse, and not like it matters at all, but it may be interesting enough to post, but I'd say 99% of people who I've met and gotten to know enough to find out that they also use the rectal ROA to get more out of their drugs without having to shoot up or fiendishly suck a glass dick all week long, well, it just so happens that with the exception of one of my close friends who is bisexual, the majority of everyone else I've met who plugs, have been straight, about 75% of them males and 25% female, and I have no figures on ethnicity, because its much more common than most people realize, amongst the latino, african american, asian, native american, caucasian populations.

So yeah, I've always wondered why there's always someone who brings sexuality into this, like the words you chose, written like you can hardly believe that people use drugs rectally enjoy "sticking adderall up their ass" as you put it, because whenever I plug, I never think of it as me "sticking ______ up my ass", because that carries negative, dirty, connotations, that simply do not apply or have any basis in logic, and this is not a forum where speculation and bias reign king. We deal in facts, and if some of you can't handle the fact that a lot of people use their rectum as an ROA, well, because so many people do it, it's a very popular topic here in Other Drugs, so if you don't have anything meaningful to add (and I would define your post as one unworthy of bandwidth causing unnecessary disruption and distraction from the topic at hand) then please consider not posting at all. No one is holding a gun to your head saying "answer every thread or else".

Most people who make these sort of immature comments are either just that, immature, or maybe they have some reason for associating plugging with anal sex, and that's fine, whatever floats your boat, but so many people are quick to assume that everyone who plugs associates it with an act of sexuality.

/rant, it's just always the most annoying shit when people spread misinformation about plugging when it could save a lot of people a whole lot of misery, because all too often people start shooting up because they were too worried about what others thought when they should have been thinking about themselves and their long-term health. It's not really a "ha ha" laughing matter, drug abuse isn't pretty, it's ugly, messy, and it only gets uglier and messier over time unless you actively are looking out for yourself and educating yourself about the compounds you introduce to your body.

@OP/bloodshed, I don't think you need to worry about bacterial infection, considering that your rectum was designed to hold and then pass fecal matter, which is like, more than 50% bacteria and nasty stuff. It's your circulatory system that you should really be worrying about, which is again, why I don't recommend mainlining it or smoking it, because the way I see it, unless you're getting 100% pure methamphetamine (which you are not), no matter what ROA you use, you're going to be administering or at least dealing with contaminates/bulking agents/filler/binders/etc.

When I plug pills, that's one less thing I have to worry about, because all the inactive ingredients are passed along without any problems during my next bowel movement, and since the rectum is already a storage cavity for things that are not sterile... you shouldn't have to worry about plugging for bacterial reasons..... Unless your water source is like......... a cesspool or septic tank or something that shouldn't be used as a solvent to begin with.

edit: Oh and OP / Little Penguin, I recommend that neither of you start shit with each other, I can guarantee you that won't go down smoothly. Personal attacks on other members will not be tolerated, there's no point in bickering.... We are all here to learn.
actually, it's the other way around...
amphetamine, no matter how pure, could never compare to methamphetamine.

I couldn't disagree more.

I was able to source a 30 day supply of Desoxyn once and the stimulating effects that I got from it were nothing like Adderall (for instance.) While Methamphetamine may cross the blood-brain barrier better, the Serotonin it releases tends to massively reduce the stimulation felt from Meth. It's subjective to everyones personal opinion so it depends on your preference.

However, I found 20MG's of Adderall to be WAY more stimulating than 20MG's of Desoxyn.

I have left you alone. Could you please return the favor, even if you couldn't possibly disagree with me more?

Just pretend I don't exist. I would appreciate it. Thanks.

(please all excuse this off topic post.)
Also, I want to make it clear that I'm not insecure or harboring repressed homosexuality. I have no problem stating that my preferred method of getting off is by way of blowjob with my lady's finger or a plug up there (dirty talk helps too). People can joke, but my experience with anal play on both me and my woman have shown me that it tends to actually be far cleaner than I ever imagined. Sure you have to clean the beads off sometimes, but it isn't horrible or more than half the time.

Anyway, getting back to the point; I feel like rectal administration is a lot more work and a lot more awkward due to the location of the anus on non-mutants. I can't imagine the payoff from it would be worth it. I like smoking because it's fast, it doesn't involve a lot of implements, and mostly for pretty, swirly vapor.

If it works for you though, plug away, my friend.
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I have left you alone. Could you please return the favor, even if you couldn't possibly disagree with me more?

Just pretend I don't exist. I would appreciate it. Thanks.

(please all excuse this off topic post.)

As you wish. Just attempting to contribute my thoughts. As far as I'm concerned the argument we had is water under the bridge....
I don't want to reignite anything, but I was curious as to exactly what effect the addition of the methyl group to amphetamine has? Does it just alter the affinity for dopamine receptors?
I don't want to reignite anything, but I was curious as to exactly what effect the addition of the methyl group to amphetamine has? Does it just alter the affinity for dopamine receptors?

The addition of the methyl group allows Methamphetamine to cross the blood-brain barrier much better and therefore in much larger quantities than Amphetamine.

In addition, Methamphetamine has just as much of an effect on Serotonin as it does on Dopamine or Norepinephrine.

It's quite possible Methamphetamine has more affinity for Dopaminergic and/or Adrenergic receptors and transporters, but I don't have the IC50's in front of me at the moment :\

Ill look it up for you when I'm not on a cell phone.
The addition of the methyl group allows Methamphetamine to cross the blood-brain barrier much better and therefore in much larger quantities than Amphetamine.

In addition, Methamphetamine has just as much of an effect on Serotonin as it does on Dopamine or Norepinephrine.

It's quite possible Methamphetamine has more affinity for Dopaminergic and/or Adrenergic receptors and transporters, but I don't have the IC50's in front of me at the moment :\

Ill look it up for you when I'm not on a cell phone.

This is why I love Bluelight. I'm always learning things. I had no idea that meth triggered the release of Norepinephrine or Serotonin. You usually just hear people talking about the withdrawals due to lowered dopamine levels.
