Please sound off about The Dark Side...

special k

Nov 4, 1999
The Dark Side has been up and running long enough for everyone to get a feel for it.
Please take a few minutes to let us know how to improve things, if we need less or more of anything, or any other general comments.
Also do you feel that the Dark Side has filled any gaps on Bluelight?
Please be as honest as possible...

[This message has been edited by special k (edited 13 July 2001).]
People don't seem to use the DarkSide *heaps* - but I think the people who do contribute to it will say that, yes, it has filled a gap in Bluelight. It would be naive of us to think that people indugling in drugs of all sorts are never going to go through really 'dark' times in their lives (actually, forget the drugs...this is just a part of human nature!) - and to have somewhere to vent and get advice etc etc...I think it's really valuable. There's always a not so positive side to things in life, and for Bluelight to accomodate for this, well, I think it's very responsible
Keep up the good work!
I believe it is going well....I just think it will take a little bit of time before others on the board begin venturing in here to check things out. It will grow, it just needs to be recognized. BUT so far I think it has been a quite helpful forum for those who have contributed and shared their problems in here. And there seem to be a lot of people eager to give their words of wisdom to those who need it...
have a day...
The dark side is definately filling a gap in bluelight, it was really needed I think. You dont know how much I wished it was here about 5 months ago!
Although I havent posted anything in here I do read it fairly regularly. I think the mods and all the people who do post replies do a really great job, keep it up, I know it is appreciated!!
One thing: we don't get many posts in here, but that's good, right? Wouldn't it be horrible if this was the busiest forum on the board?
As has been said: I don't think we're saving anyone's life, but I think we are helping, even in a small way. And I could have really used this forum myself a year or two ago.
i think it's REALLY great that BL is acknowledging (sp) that mdma can be harmful and dangerous when abused. I'm not saying that the dangers where never covered in BL discussion but i feel that this message board as a whole is pro-drug slanted(JMO, and that's okay that it is, most everyone here uses, used to, or will soon)
but, the people that do go a little overboard and end up in the dark side serve as a a reminder to the rest of everyone else, which is a good thing. mistakes are learning experiences, even other people's mistakes. BL doesn't just preach bullshit about the possibilities of abuse, the people in this forum are living proof.
also, seeing people admitting their issues makes others more comfortable with confronting their own, on and off the board.
all in all, thumbs up. this forum will grow, even though i wish it wouldn't for obvious reasons, but it will grow with time.
i'm still new but i read the posts here a lot and i think u guys do a great job moderators and bl-ers alike and ppl get some real help instead of being "assraped" in social
i honestly think it's great.
with all this information on the board about the use of drugs.. its almost.. in my opinion.. necessary to have at least one category with information on how to stop using drugs.
props to all involved, keep it up.
It been great... well run by the mods and well supported by the users
I'm kind of partial to it myself... great idea if I do say so myself.
BTW, have you people read the announcements? There is a ton of great info in there!
I think this is a great forum, but i can see a problem arisng when people start saying that "Everyone is just asking for the same advice." We in this forum can never "get bored" of a topic just because it comes up often: a person in the state of mind that this forum is designed to help isnt going to sit down and type in a search, (s)he wants personal answers NOW.
Obviously, we can't just give a link to someone who's in need of personal attention, someone who needs someone real to be out there listening to them.
My suggestion is this (and i know some of us mst be doing this already): whenever you're giving advice/ responding to someone, read, and re-read everyone else's opinion and advice. We can all learn from each other how to become the best damned amateur therapists out there. And even if you have to repeat yourself a thousand times to a thousand people, know that its doing some good.
"Sometimes not knowing everything's the only thing that makes it okay." - Delerium, The Sandman
hats off to The Dark Side and their modErators :special k, TheLoveBandit, Simon, Griff and their contributors
Stark does have a point, but just like every forum... New to XTC for example has repetitive questions and answers alike.. being the minimal poster that I am, I too already find myself giving similar advice to different people.. and I do make it a point to read through everyone's post often times either to re-stress a point or just to make sure I'm not saying the same thing someone has said better

regardless, for as long as my fingers are willing to type and my mind is willing to repeat...(LOL.. talk about dramatic) I'll keep trying to help I guess..
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"Wait! We can't stop here! This is bat country!"
[This message has been edited by braincandie (edited 18 July 2001).]
It might not be utilized, but when it is...the people that get something out of it are probably appreciative. I wish I'd found this about 2 years ago. Instead I just went nuts. =)
From Stark:
I think this is a great forum, but i can see a problem arisng when people start saying that "Everyone is just asking for the same advice." We in this forum can never "get bored" of a topic just because it comes up often: a person in the state of mind that this forum is designed to help isnt going to sit down and type in a search, (s)he wants personal answers NOW.
Excellent point stark, this forum is very emotionally draining for all the mods and regulars. I find it impossible to reply to every post and I'm sure the others feel the same. Everytime I reply to a post, I dredge up my own dark experiences in order to establish a common ground with the poster, to make my advice more valid, as many of the others here do. If I replied to every post that way, I'd soon go nuts.
However, we've got an excellent group of...dare I say... councilors in here. People with a genuine desire to help others have been drawn here and offer excellent advice and personal experiences to others. I'm very proud of everyone in here, we've skimmed the best people from bluelight and created an excellent forum.
Thank you everyone.
I tried to reply to Stark, couldn't find the right words, Griff said it perfectly. And remember, all the BL forums work like this - go to New2XTC and you'll see the Mods there aren't posting on every single thread, because there are others who can contribute.
I think this is turning into a good little forum, with the "councellors" we've got, as Griff put it.