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Detox Please help!


Jul 20, 2017
Hey guys,

I have a situation that hopefully y'all can help me with. I've been taking Vicodin for about 6 months now between 40-60mgs a day and I've finally decided to stop. I've gone through opiate and benzo WD before so I know there's hella anxiety involved.

I was wondering if I could take a few diezapam for a day or two max and not go through benzo WD. It's been almost 2 years since I've taken any benzos and I just need them to get over the anxiety of opiate WD. Any help or suggestions would be amazingly appreciated!

Thank you!
I was wondering if I could take a few diezapam for a day or two max and not go through benzo WD.
Short answer:
Hells yes.
No worries if taken as indicated.
Take them puppies and kick opi inda ass.
Careful as one probably knows; benzo withdrawals are quite the bitch.
Ever get a proper welcome?
Welcome, always a pleasure to meet new peeps... specially if the subject is drug related. :D
Be safe and congrats on kickin the bobo
Short answer:
Hells yes.
No worries if taken as indicated.
Take them puppies and kick opi inda ass.
Careful as one probably knows; benzo withdrawals are quite the bitch.
Yes, the really are. Worse than opiates IMO.

Thank you for the reply! The anxiety is the worst part for me, it really takes me to dark places. I can handle the depression and body aches but when the anxiety gets out of control I wish I were never born.
And in my opinion. Terrible.

And this anxiety can cause a lot of tummy issues... not saying there wont be any.
Take care and keep us updated if you wish. Would personally like to know how you get on with it....
I wanted to get your opinion on something. After going through benzo WD almost 2 years ago, instead of taking diazepam to get past the anxiety of opiod wd, could I take Klonopin for a couple days?
Dude from OP April First 2020 and ya still aint made ya mind up and still givin me the sh**?
Yeah... bean through many a WD. K?
Thanks maybe someone has something to add.
instead of taking diazepam to get past the anxiety of opiod wd, could I take Klonopin for a couple days?
IMO/E; yes as they are both long acting as benzodiazepines are concerned iirc. Clonazepam has a faster onset and shorter half life than diazepams longer half life and more gradual onset if even noticed.
They will both work. The diazepam may take 5-10mg whereas the Clonazepam may only need .25-.5mg... howbeit maybe more often
Evey one is different.
Just in case OP comes back this may be old but possibly pertinent:
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Dude from OP April First 2020 and ya still aint made ya mind up and still givin me the sh**?
Yeah... bean through many a WD. K?
Thanks maybe someone has something to add.

No, I didn't mean to say what you suggested wasn't logical or rooted in experience. I was just providing my own train of thought and process. I'm sorry if I'm the one who was a jackass.

I really do appreciate your advice as I'm doing this completely alone. I've been taking Vicodin secretly and my wife or family doesn't know the extent. I'm trying to get through this without them finding out. I'm hoping they'll just think I'm in a bad mood for a few weeks and be done with it. You honestly have relieved alot my anxiety about it. Thank you.
have you tapered down the opioid usage?
I mean it can be mostly over in 3-5 days, bro.

Yea, I've tapered down from about 60mg per day to between 2-3mg per day.

My biggest concern is having my wife find out which is why I'm trying to alleviate most of the symptoms. Taking care of my 9month old is extremely difficult going through WD :(
are you getting any psychological support? you need to get to the bottom of why you are using to be able to maintain recovery. it took me many years of failing to even get started at quitting, despite genuine intention to, to learn that recovery is more than just stopping using.
from about 60mg per day to between 2-3mg per day.
WUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT? You have it licked, podna. Congrats, ya deserve a big pat on ya back. You did all the work on your own and am looking for a nudge to jump off?
My biggest concern is having my wife find out which is why I'm trying to alleviate most of the symptoms.
If ya can get it to 1mg split twice a day (I know it sounds impossible and quite ridiculous) then what little will be left of withdrawals can be explained away as burn-out, a stomach virus or even just having a couple bad days... it is allowed to feel ill. I do not condone fibbing but the alternative is completely up to you. But 5-10mg diazepam or .25-.5mg clonazepam once or twice a day can mask the symptoms (if any) and a little bit (prescribed dosage on label) of loperamide in case one has stomach issues will fix that.
No more than three-four days on the benzos, heard?
Get back at us?
One love

it took me many years of failing to even get started at quitting, despite genuine intention to, to learn that recovery is more than just stopping using.
Very well put. Thanks
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It's been a hell ride to say it lightly but I think the worst of it is behind me. Thank you for the encouragement, it has helped me more than I can express. Still feeling anxious and dead inside but I know that takes time to heal.