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Please help pregnant on heroin

I don’t understand why people want to bring people down and make them feel worse, I already feel like the biggest piece of shit ever. I didn’t get pregnant on purpose, I’ve been with my boyfriend three years now and when we went to sober living and got clean well some of you know how that goes. Due to my Christian beliefs I couldn’t bring myself to have an abortion but the stress of being pregnant was too much people like him make me want to prove him wrong yes I’m an addict I’ve made more mistakes than I care to admit but I’m not worthless my baby isn’t worthless maybe he’s here to save me...

You don't have to explain yourself, you've done nothing wrong. I don't know what's wrong with people like him either.

You are not worthless. I'm not exactly a christian, but I don't think I'd be able to bring myself to have an abortion if in your shoes either.

A LOT of us here are addicts and have made a great many mistakes in our lives. All we can do is try to do our best going forward, like you're doing.

I'm glad you're still here. :)
I’m going to go in and ask about subutex, maybe she will let me taper off of that over a few weeks when it’s normally 4 days at the detox centers I go to. Where I live the line at the methadone clinic is like soooo long I know because my mom goes and encourages them she’s a real big supporter of mine. She definitely does not enable lol she’s really educated on addiction. Usually the people in detox with me coming off methadone take some sort of opioid like something mild for a week then they switch to subutex for a week, but that’s inpatient
I’m going to go in and ask about subutex, maybe she will let me taper off of that over a few weeks when it’s normally 4 days at the detox centers I go to. Where I live the line at the methadone clinic is like soooo long I know because my mom goes and encourages them she’s a real big supporter of mine. She definitely does not enable lol she’s really educated on addiction. Usually the people in detox with me coming off methadone take some sort of opioid like something mild for a week then they switch to subutex for a week, but that’s inpatient

That's understandable. I'm not as familiar with buprenorphine use in pregnancy.

I hope you find good medical support.

The biggest thing, to my understanding anyway, is to avoid a cold turkey withdrawal. I mean it's hard on anyone, and when you're pregnant your body is already kinda busy with the baby. :) I've heard of doctors tapering women under supervision without much risk.

If you decide to taper, slower is probably better, given that it's putting less strain on your body. Your doctor should be able to help you work out what the options are.
@Sofuckedrn I honestly feel for you and your baby. So regardless of if you stay on bluelight or leave, I want you to know I'll be wishing you the best <3.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask them. Our community isn't always perfect, but a lot of us really do wanna help. <3
I don’t understand why people want to bring people down and make them feel worse, I already feel like the biggest piece of shit ever. I didn’t get pregnant on purpose, I’ve been with my boyfriend three years now and when we went to sober living and got clean well some of you know how that goes. Due to my Christian beliefs I couldn’t bring myself to have an abortion but the stress of being pregnant was too much people like him make me want to prove him wrong yes I’m an addict I’ve made more mistakes than I care to admit but I’m not worthless my baby isn’t worthless maybe he’s here to save me...

I often feel I was sent to save my parents. My mother used cocaine and alcohol VERY heavily when she was pregnant with me and I’d like to think despite being a crack baby I was able to make something of this life.

Don’t let anyone make you feel like shit, look at this as the beginning of something new. A new life with your man and beautiful baby. As others said so long as you do this safely and controlled taper, the baby will be ok.

If you can later on, update us please. I think more than a few of us would like to know how things go, and will pray for ya.

If i went to the methadone clinic the baby would be born addicted to methadone. I’ve read a lot of information advising not to quit cold turkey because it could cause pre term labor, miscarriage etc I have tried Kratom, I was clean from heroin for two years from Kratom it was a little liquid drink called kshot unfortunately since my heroin stint Kratom hasn’t been much help. I can’t stay on heroin until I have the baby they will put me in jail. But I can get a consistent batch I just don’t understand how to taper down like how fast.
I got on methadone when i was pregnant with my son. I was clean until about 7 or 8 months along and my life sort of fell apart. I relapsed, knew i couldn’t continue using if i had a prayer of keeping my son, and a friend brought me to the clinic with them. It’s not ideal, but it’s the best medically for you and your baby. The baby is not in methadone withdrawals for months, they kept my son in the hospital an extra week and a half, tapering him on tiny doses of liquid morphine. He was healthy and happy, no serious concerns and he left with me when he was discharged. Nobody was nasty (and this was years ago, i’m sure it is even more common now) and by being up front/honest and getting off of street drugs, i showed i was trying to do the right thing. You are making it worse by skipping OBGyn appointment, please go see them. I wouldn’t recommend another second of using dope, especially nowadays when fent is an issue. Methadone is the safest thing for both of you, believe it or not. If you are going through withdrawal now, so is your baby. Once you give birth, the doctors can wean the baby safely. I know there’s a lot of stigma attached to this kind of thing, but i have been there. @MsDiz is absolutely right, see your doctor and start on the clinic ASAP.
Hi @Sofuckedrn

Welcome to Bluelight <3

If I had a nickel for everytime someone came to Bluelight with some kind of pressing issue going on then I would be several nickels richer then what I am now lol.

You are going to hear both sides here, and to be real. Just do what you find comfortable doing the most.

I can say that my step-sister was on heroin pretty bad and got pregnant (no not by me) and she went though something similar. I was in rehab at the time (2006?) and from what she told my mom & stepdad is she was getting on methadone. It really seemed to work for her. From what I understood from both my mother and her, is the only thing the hospital really did is ween the baby off methadone by tapering.
I don't recall my step-sis dealing with any legal issues besides the childs father not really being in the picture.
Here we are several years later, and since shes been on methadone she's had 2 more children, and all her kids seem like they are all happy, and they are all healthy without any significant issues.

Soo with that all being said. I think it would be wise to look into some form of MMT/Sub Treatment, and it would help you cope with things in the long-run too instead of having to do a shot of H.

There are places here in my town that are recovery houses for pregnant women. I don't really know what their rules are,, but I know they work some type of program. They seem happy too, and the babies seem like they are well treated. I don't really remember the babies crying much.

Whatever you end up doing, just know that you have a support group here on Bluelight.
I don’t understand why people want to bring people down and make them feel worse,
Plain and simple: There is a lacking (deficit) that needs fed. These types will only weigh themselves down with burdens that eventually become overbearing and result in more self-destruction. Not a doctor: Lived it and can attest that there is some validity in what I opine. I am in hopes that we can all get past ourselves and think of the well being of others once in a while... regardless of how we feel, it can only improve our existence. Another opinion.
This is in no refference to any specific post(s) but a global observation on my part.

So, welcome to bluelight. I'm a little late in the game I see, but making a showing, fwiw.
I do have experience with opioids and other but must confess that any pregnancy related advice I will have to pass on. There are plenty of those with some knowledgeable, experienced and empathetic members here to see you through this if this is what you came here for. Try to be as open and honest as possible to ensure more apropos response(s) is all I have.
Hope to see how this all works out. Stay around and keep us posted? If anyone gives ya shit, give it back ten-fold or simply report the offending post (bottom left of *post and probably more in line with BLUA ;) ). Need to learn this myself a bit.

Whatever the case take care of you, yer baby and yer ol' man... if he is supportive.
See ya around?
Best Always
One of the bigger issues with methadone mainteance is how brutal the withdrawals are. This won't be an issue for the baby, if withdrawals are sufficiently bad, they will give morphine or even fentanyl in the NICU.

I think it's far harder for the parents than the baby.

Any half decent parent would do almost anything to keep their child from suffering.

But in situations like this, ultimately the baby's long term health had to be the greater consideration.

Most pain experienced at that age won't ever be remembered. The child won't even know it happened. Still obviously the baby should be weened off slowly to minimize may suffering.

Someone here mentioned how they sometimes taper babies off methadone through the mothers breast feeding. I have heard this too, there's a lot of good options for ensuring the safety of mother and child and getting the baby off opioids after delivery.

The main concern is pregnancy is a huge strain on a woman's body, it's best not to add any additional stress. And withdrawal is a HUGE stresser.

You can't blame a mother for not wanting their baby to be born dependant. I don't like the idea that if I had a baby it would be born dependant on methadone. :(

You want them to have the best possible start in life.

But ultimately this is probably harder on the mother, in having to see it, than it will ultimately be for the child.

Opioids, provided they're kept at a stable level, aren't harmful to the baby. Not as much as a withdrawal would be.
Which is why generally medical practice today is to keep the mother comfortable on a substitution therapy and ween the baby off after it's born.

If you can get clean before getting pregnant and are confident you can stay clean until delivery, obviously that's ideal. But we don't live in an ideal world. And sometimes people get pregnant in unideal situations, like being opioid dependant.

If that happens, it's generally better to just stabilize with what your body currently expects until delivery.
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An abortion is definitely an option. However I'm sure she has weighed that choice and would have mentioned it if she was considering it. As men, sometimes we do need to just shut up.

Heh. Abortion is a topic for another place and time. In this instance the OP had already made her choice.

Regarding men shutting up. I don't think it's unreasonable for well meaning men to join in the discussion.

But it should be kept in mind that because men can't get pregnant and women can, it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect that the average female bluelighter is probably more likely to have encountered situations involving drug use in pregnancy, or at least done significant research so they have an idea what they can expect if they get pregnant. Than the average male bluelighter.

What I'm saying is, I think men have every right to contribute. But if you want to offer advise it would be wise to do significant research on what standard medical practice is and the rationale behind it. Especially when it involves a real, specific person, and not just discussing the topic in the abstract.

Good advise everywhere really. But when it involves a specific person asking for themselves. It's not just an intellectual exercise. It's a real person with a real life who might seriously consider the advise they get. So caution should be exercised.
I’ve decided to go to see my obgyn tomorrow, the truth is if I had the ability to taper anything on my own I wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with, I am without a doubt an addict. I am going to do whatever she tells me I have to do to keep my baby and save myself. I isolate so much in active addiction because of the shame but there’s something so special about being able to be completely honest in this forum because most of you won’t judge me and the ones who do don’t matter anyway. I feel like god was involved in a way because my original post was basically begging for someone to tell me how to taper off heroin and not one person gave me advice on that. ( please don’t be offended by my religion I’m so not pushing it down anyone’s throat just felt compelled to share that) I’m hoping for a safe taper down on subutex before baby is born but I think if I’m completely honest with my doctor about my history and drug use she will know what’s best for me because I certainly do not. For the people who took time to speak to me men and women I truly appreciate it. Who knows you may just have saved a life, I’ll keep you updated I’ll definitely need support I know this won’t be easy but I’ll make it through. Goodnight all
I'm glad you're gonna be open with your doctor and get the help you need. We're not professionals (well I'm not) but Bluelight is always here to offer support and advice if you aren't sure about something.

Good work by all BLers and mods that made this thread welcoming, and thank you @D's in particular for clarifying your stance on step-sisters. Not my stance, but a respectable one.
I’ve decided to go to see my obgyn tomorrow, the truth is if I had the ability to taper anything on my own I wouldn’t be in this situation to begin with, I am without a doubt an addict. I am going to do whatever she tells me I have to do to keep my baby and save myself. I isolate so much in active addiction because of the shame but there’s something so special about being able to be completely honest in this forum because most of you won’t judge me and the ones who do don’t matter anyway. I feel like god was involved in a way because my original post was basically begging for someone to tell me how to taper off heroin and not one person gave me advice on that. ( please don’t be offended by my religion I’m so not pushing it down anyone’s throat just felt compelled to share that) I’m hoping for a safe taper down on subutex before baby is born but I think if I’m completely honest with my doctor about my history and drug use she will know what’s best for me because I certainly do not. For the people who took time to speak to me men and women I truly appreciate it. Who knows you may just have saved a life, I’ll keep you updated I’ll definitely need support I know this won’t be easy but I’ll make it through. Goodnight all

First, it's great to see you back here. :)
I'm really glad to hear you're going to see your obgyn, I wish you all the best. :)

I for one am not offended by your religion. :) While I don't count myself as a Christian, in my experience there are quite a few other Christians here on bluelight.

I can appreciate that it can be hard to talk to people in addiction. You tend to learn to conceal everything from loved ones, friends, authority figures. When I was actively using heroin every day I largely cut myself off from most people other than the other people I used with, as well as my bf (who was also a heroin addict). I didn't talk much to my family. I was too ashamed.

If the doctor is any good though, they'll just want to help you, as many of us do.
Good luck. <3
Regarding men shutting up. I don't think it's unreasonable for well meaning men to join in the discussion
Think we all mean well, being male just makes us.. yknow, idiots

Just here to wish @Sofuckedrn great success in her endeavor,
but she seems to be in capable hands with you two
Try to replace it with another drug that isn't as bad like weed and start looking for doctors that can help you manage your withdrawal symptoms until you start to veer off the smack. gl
Try to replace it with another drug that isn't as bad like weed and start looking for doctors that can help you manage your withdrawal symptoms until you start to veer off the smack. gl

She's pregnant. Most doctors are not gonna want her to go through any kind of withdrawal until she's had the baby.