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Please Help Me


Dec 22, 2015
Life feels so hard and I can't understand it anymore
And I am like a sedentary stone awashed
over and over an ocean of sorrow and
Over and over the cold water ebbs and flows to
freeze my blood cold

And I panic and I have nightmares
And my life is a nightmare
I want to hide in a dark place and
overdose on the phone with
Someone who doesn't love me anymore

Then I can let go but I'm afraid
I don't think there's anything out there
And if I'm still alone when I go
It'll get worse because you die a memory
and no ones here for this scared little boy!

Oh man you're a God next to me it's not your fault
Don't feel guilty for me at all!
You don't anyway you're cruel!
I made so many mistakes and
I can't do anything right

Please standby while I reboot the old life again
It's always the same
its misery and abuse
You can abuse me more if you like
I still love you!

I love you still
Please help me
How do I move
I want to hang myself
Or drown and
If you'd like
Its your call my man
The way you talk to me now
Did you ever love me at all?

Please call me a good boy again
Please call me a good boy again
Please hold me tight and
Call me a good boy again
Joey, you're a good boy!

(No I'm not)
Joey uncuff them from the bed frame now please
Come again?

I'm not sure how you are...hiw do you know ‘them’?

Do they tell you things. What I mean is - do you hear voices?

Are you a danger to yourself or others?

Any thougts of suicide or self harm?

How would you rate your mood on a scale out of 10?

Do humans actually exist?

Is this world just a construct of my mind... In which I appear this way and I'm experiencing these things.... But....

I know that it's not true to what reality actually sees when it looks

That cryptic everything we can never know because we think with linearity... One thought at a time...

Unless you hear voices.

Are you hearing voices?

DO they tell you.... (AND THEY DOOOOoOOoOoOoO)

COME JOIN US! I can introduce you to (gurgle voice) THE OTHERZZZZZZ....

Hey @BK38 that's how you tell people when you don't understand their statements

you're actually in a state of surrealism

and (andandandand)

you also don't really care what they meant

Because it's funnier to introduce them to the gurgle people from the basement

It's a basement in a very scary house too. PEOPLE SAY ITS HAUNTED...

it's not haunted at all no matter what lines you cross onto the dots - people are basically just stupid.. and say stupid shit to make it about how dumb ALL of their ideas are.

No not me. I'm not a person! I'm a pathetic junkie!

The gurgle people from the ghost realm your town in the basement can educate you on these issues.

I will force you with a gun if I need you too

Whatever has happened, clearly it is a not enjoyable to say the least.
I wish you the best. Today is not necessarily tomorrow.

The way you treat yourself shows others how to treat you.
Hurting yourself teaches others to hurt you.
Loving yourself, shows others how to love you.

I can give you links to much of my poetry to try to tell you what I'm saying. (send a message if you want them)
But I think your journey is yours to create for yourself.

If you let others create your world for you, you are their mercy if they are ever gone.

You have much more to share with others when you can make yourself feel good.
When you know yourself and are proud of it, others can seldom break you.