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Place for bluelighters to share thier music

y0, whazzup fellow music creating ppl?
Do any of u guys do music shit on your 'puters?
I mainly use FruityLoops (sequencing) and RubberDuck (303 baby!) for my stuff at the moment.. oh yeah and SimSynth2 sometimes too.
I'll have to upload one of the few songs i have actually finished and see what you guys think.. the other 500+ are all bits and bars of dodgy crap.. =]
Oh yeah, and what sort of hardware do u guys mostly use for your stuff? I am thinking of gettin a keyboard so i can sequence easier but i wouldnt mind just getting something like a groovebox so i can do more live stuff.. Any suggestions?
y0 y0 y0! Waazzzup my nougat?
get a CS6X for ure little keyboard (heh heh) and get an MPC3000 instead of a groove box (heh heh)

Alrite so what's ure budjet again?
KompleX H.Q.
Doh, too expensive... one day =]
well, back to downloading samples from that 'internet' thing....
y0 y0 y0! Waazzzup my nougat?
oi, that diskonnet login doesnt work!!!!!!!

i wanna upload an MP3 I produced earlier this year, well, I just stole a beat and looped it
. You just have to hear the rhymes this guy is busting off on my track, just pathetic
yeah i managed to get copies of fruityloops and a few others like soundforge and cubase for the comp.
fruityloops is fun.
So should I upload a chunk of a recently recorded DJ set?
If so, how long do you reckon I should make the "chunk" ??
I guess I might as well add my name to the list even though I havn't made anything worth hearing yet...
All the details are in another thread somewhere, so do a search if you really want to know... here's the summary:
Started making music on-and-off in high school using trackers, moved onto rebirth then fruityloops, then at the start of this year I bought some real equipment... started with an MC-303, then added a Sequential Circuits Spilt 8 (synth), then a Roland R8 (drum machine), then a Roland M-120 (line mixer) and then finally, a Jupiter 8 (if you don't know what that is then I don't wanna talk to ya
Havn't had much time to make music seriously, so anything I've got really isn't worth hearing... but once uni is finished... well, I'll just say the neighbours won't be too happy (unless they like techno
Common Sense isn't all that common
Ok, finally got something finished and uploaded.. put it on my personal web space with my service provider cos i wasn't using it for much else...
Where are the seagulls?
It's a trance track, so don't get excited all you techno lovers... and it's nothing earth shattering either, just a nice smooth track, nothing too innovative, but for my first track produced with all my equipment I'm kinda satisfied. The recording quality ain't that great 'cos my mixer sucks as does my sound card, but you get what you pay for i guess

Lemme know what you think, blast me if you think it sucks, I can take it

P.S. Could one of the mods move this over to social? Ta!
thats a very tidy track there Tars

was probably worth the 20 mins it took to download it

Hey - scratcher here. Yes no techno, trance etc. Dont know if you want that in here, but as soon as I put something down ill post it for your curiosity. Just started as well, have been playing various instruments for some years now, from saxaphone, to bagpipes (yep really) to guitar and bass guitar. Did the band thing, but turned electronic some years back. Now im into scratching. Ill let yas know.
Tars - lovely, smooth, easy listening.
I say..I...I..I...I...I
I want the knife.
thats some funky shit there..gotta love that food.mp3 komplex...hehe when i finish my
X-ams im gonna put some of my shit up..hmm mite put some up this weekend....
at hte moment
we have over 7 live acts playing in the main room =)
if this nite goes good the next one will be bigger and better..thus allowing MORE melbourne talent to play...fuck if i had have heard KOMPLEX's stuff before i finalised the lineup he would have hat a set there for sure..... oh well
Sorry man heheh next time =)
So...yeah I'm TRYING to help others out there like me...who are sick of facing bedroom walls while rocking in their own little space......
huh? what?
where did u find my trax?
i thaught i got all of em off the net!!??
hey fuckers
goto www.rave.net.au
umm profiles, techno/acid
and listen to a shit quality, poorly recorded, crap set of mine at a party earlier this year
this set is crud
but its all i got on the net at the moment