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pink cobras, yellow snowmen and pink motorola

Chilly Water

Jan 29, 2007
all suck.

the pink motors are raised up. now theyre full of trip if thats your bag but they are NOT rolls.
what exactly is in the pink motors? word has it that they are 2CT7. they were not what i expected.
Thank you Chilly Water!! EVERYONE should do exactly as you just did. Nice heads up. I tested the pink cobras and there was no reaction to marquis. I was told that pink motos were also available. I'm guessing these are all the same garbage. It would be nice to actually find some MDMA!
Trixiem said:
what exactly is in the pink motors? word has it that they are 2CT7. they were not what i expected.

i'm not real sure. a close friend decided to give em a whirl saturday night to test the waters before a big concert next month. he said they (motors) hit after only 20 minutes and he immediately began to trip. he mentioned having lots of energy, visuals and such. also that they're fun and not too intense but are semi long-lasting. they're def. something to possibly mix with a good pill.
thats exactly what my friend said as well. hit quick, but wasn't an ecstasy high. i haven't tried them personally.
Trixiem said:
what exactly is in the pink motors? word has it that they are 2CT7. they were not what i expected.
What is the press like on these? I'm wondering if it's that same small, thin press that the aliens were. Could be the same thing...
Hahaha dude I ate a pink cobra (imprint) and it was trippy as fuck. Felt like it had speed and a trip in it and a tiny little bit of molly. I think it was 2c-b since i've taken pure 2cb before and it felt very similar. My reagent test went bad!!! I left it in the car for a week by accident and it was exposed to air/heat and i'm fairly sure it went bad. I tested the cobra and it didn't show up as anything and that can't be right.
^^^ If you left your reagent in the car for a week, it is probably bad. Buy a new one and keep it in a cool, dark, dry place. :)
IFearCarnies said:
What is the press like on these? I'm wondering if it's that same small, thin press that the aliens were. Could be the same thing...

they're small and thin and almost impossible to break into halves. they're also pink with the M out-pressed.

i ate two friday night and they are fun if you aren't expecting to roll. basically i tripped balls for about 5 hours.