Pills in a Fridge


Oct 24, 1999
okaya.. my bf told me when i got my two little cute pills for next weekend, that i should put it in Saran wrap and put it in the fridge. He said that way the chemicals would stay inside. Is this true? Or should I keep it in room temp?
wonder wonder wonder

****if you are coming to japan or need info plz contact me!****
If we're talkin' abou MDMA here, it's one of the more stable compounds out there. No special storage method is necessary... but I understand yer b/f's paranoia, you don't want anythign bad to happen to those li'l angels

peace -Adj
Here is whut I have heard from a friend...
They chilled some pills for a week one time to save them for a party. There were 4 pills in all, and they took one each to start. 2 hours later neither of them were feeling anything, so they took the 2nd. Again nothing happened, so they went to bed. It sounds to me that chilling them is whut happened to the pillz. Be carefull not to hurt the little babies!
-I didn't do it and I'm not payin half!
-Which way to the nearest DRUG store?
alright, let's get the facts straight. pills in the fridge is a good thing cuz it helps preserve the active ingredients from breaking down. i regularly put my pills in a dark glass bottle with a dessicant to absorb moisture and stick it in the fridge. E probably doesn't need all this extra attention, but i do it "just in case."
speaking of "facts," you "active ingredient" is mdma and it isn't going to "break-down" in any of our lifetimes.
if you want to keep you pills locked in a refrigerated vault sealed with 4 foot thick titanium walls into which no light nor atmosphere can penetrate, that's your business. however, the only thing you'll be helping is your peace of mind, not the pill.
placebo effect anyone???
Sorry guys!
My miss understanding... I just got a stupid look and a little punch on my head from my boyfriend...
He was talking about the Acid that i got with the pills..
But the pills were fine after they got refridgiated! yum yum

Happy Rolling everyone! :p
****if you are coming to japan or need info plz contact me!****
pills of any kind always have the potential to become inactive. its not necessarily the active ingredient that is 'self-destructing', but the interaction between pill fillers, moisture, light, etc. true, pure MDMA crystals last indefinitely, but we're talking about pills. i wouldn't worry about a week or two, but i would definitly keep them away from extreme heat, light, and moisture for an extended period of time.
[This message has been edited by barndog (edited 28 December 1999).]