Pills and Mushies!!!!


Jan 12, 2000
I was wondering if anyone else has shared an experience that I did!!!
Me and my good freind Mr Geezer (and some others) had started of the evening with a double drop. We topped up a bit later and then ate shitloads of mushies... I was lovin it! We had gone out to see some sights and the last thing I remember is putting on my walkman, (with some class trance tunes), and jumping down of a statue where we were all sitting! Fourty five minutes later I suddenly realise, (to the click of my tape running out), I'm on platform two of the citys main station sitting on a bench at 1.30am! The only memory I have is wandering up to a cop-car, (with two security guards leaning in the window), and borrowing a light off them. Never the less, I made my way back to the student house where all my mates were and consumed many more drugs and had a great night! I was just wondering if anything like this had happened to anyone else?????
Everything begins with an "E"!
fuck ya dude! hippie flippin s great, i tried it about a month ago, nd i had a ton of fun, i had a few more mmories of the great night that you seem to have of yours, but hll, if u cant remember it, its gotta be great!
One weekend my friends and I started flipping in Ocean City MD, and I blacked out. That was on a Thursday... The next thing I remember is waking up in bed, not knowing where I am, so I went outside... It turned out that I was at my friends dorm room, at the University of Rhode Island and it was Tuesday! Hee Hee!!!

Binkies are way functional, they're kewl, and they're cute!
THEY ARE *NOT* LAME!!! grrrrr... = P
Five days!! Fuck me! I don't know whether I'd find that funny or fucking scary!!
Everything begins with an "E"!
well, not really five days... sorry. My bad!
Everything begins with an "E"!