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Perth Pills - Summer '06

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i had a light green mitz a couple of weeks back while on a quick trip to perth. purchased from a club in perth so i didnt test. i got a nice munted feel ffor 15-20 mins then just a cruisey feel for the rest of the nite. only had 1 the whole nite as price was higher than in qld. imo low/med mdxx.
White Hearts

Would say theyre about 4mm x 8mm but didnt measure exactly. Round pill with a heart press, embevelled edges if memory serves, no score. Smelt about average 'chemical pill' smell. Mandelin test went greeny with a bit of blue within about 5 seconds, went predominantly blue within 20, continued along those lines.

Personally I was well impressed with one of them while I was out and about, ones I had after did not compare however (for reasons other than serotonin depletion etc). Couple of mates were pretty impressed with them, plenty more were disappointed. At a guess I'd say there's a bit of inconsistency in the batch. Would be good to hear other's opinions on these...
i had a light green mitz a couple of weeks back while on a quick trip to perth. purchased from a club in perth so i didnt test. i got a nice munted feel ffor 15-20 mins then just a cruisey feel for the rest of the nite. only had 1 the whole nite as price was higher than in qld. imo low/med mdxx.

mmm, my mate had one last night and was flying! very intense peak..no real come down
imho i believe the twitie was mdea or mde.
It was purchased in a club so no test results, but after taking it, i began to compare myself (and my looks skin ect) to my friends, was not talkitive, and generally a bit fucked up from it. mdea tends to do this to me (from a previous roll many many months back).

a good solid mitz 3 hrs after did the trick and was back on the normal mdma roll
crasy horse look on page 0ne for info on hearts....

went ta a party last nite and most had mitz they were fuck LOL they all rekon the mitz r great... a couple had red supermans and they were fly too so looks like good all round :) party safe ppl
hey a mate came round with these babys and they look a treat so we tested them up and found a mdma/speed mix like the pink dolfins a while back so had ta try one and fuck yeah great pill i got pics as well.... bout time a great mdma pill cam back ta perth it was one of the greatest love up feeling iv eva had.....

Name: Beige E's
State: Perth, WA
Logo: e symbol
Colour: beige
Shape: Cylinder, domed
Height: 6mm
Width: 6 mm
Texture: great press
Edges: no bevelled edges
Report Quality Rating: not rated.
Smell: it smell hell weird different ta every other one ive eva smelt
Tested: yes
Mandelin Reagent: Purple
Marquis Reagent: went a dark green hell fast then ta purple in under 5 seconds :)
rated: 8.5 ta a 9 out of 10
substance suspected: mdma/speed great mix
Consumed: yes
User Report: these are great best ive had in ages off an mdma mix anyway... regular user and these hit me hard wanted ta dance, fucken loved up like no tamoro :) these r great pills lasted bout 2 and a half ta 3 hours... pill usaly only last bout 1.5 ta 2 if im lucky so it was great.. get ya hands on these if you can

party safe ppl


  • party pics 003.jpg
    party pics 003.jpg
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I've removed a few posts here, guys you know the rules. If you want info on a pill, please include more specific details than just a logo.

9. DO include as MUCH detail as possible when reporting a pill, or requesting information. When requesting or providing information on an ecstasy pill, please include a detailed description of the pill you're refering to. Details such as the pill colour, bevelled/scored/speckled (if present), height/diameter dimensons, texture, and logo should all be included in your post.

Thanks :)
crazyhorse, I agree with thi inconsistentcy in white hearts, I had them about 3 weeks ago, got 10 all up, shared them between 6 mates, i had 1.5 to start so did another friend everyone else had one, then we snorted some, well I was fucked to say the least, so were two other chicks and the other mate who had 1.5, but the other 2 dudes went home cos they were feeling pretty shit and tired. IDK, I thought they were great, good and chatty, eye wobbles, felt the love etc etc. Not really strong but good for the setting we were in (quiet house gathering) and I didn't feel totally headfucked when I had cones after =D
I am pretty sure I had these variants of Green Mitz a few nights ago http://www.pillreports.com/index.php?page=display_pill&id=2983
They were pretty crumbly, non-dancey and made me hallucinate. I would rate these 6.5/10

The other Green Mitz I had recently looked 98% the same but was harder and less crumbly with a slightly smaller mitz logo imprinted. These were one of the best pills I have ever had 9/10.
just picked up batch of doves and mercedes and as reported on PR these are from the same manufacturer as the dolphins/butterflies/apples, with the pink to orange colour variation, size of pill, flat, beveled. Came in a mixed bag the lighter merc's where almost white and others where dark orange with dark specks. the doves were light pink to orange, they seem to have been in the eastern states for a while and seem to have landed in perth. Have not consumed, although a mate has and enjoyed them, dancey and energetic. I personally have not tested but it's suggested these are a mixture of low/medium mdma and apmhetamines. If they're the same as the one from over east they seem to be decent pills.

Name: White Dolphins
Logo: Dolphin diving to the right on one side, blank on the other, no score.
Colour: White with minimal beige flecks.
Shape: Round
Height: ~4 mm
Width: ~8 mm
Texture: Fairly solid press, didn't crumble without some encouragement.
Edges: Bevelled both sides.
Smell: Same old aniseedy, not as smelly as the russians but still enough to make you squirm at memories of chewing :/.

Mandelin Reactions: Green after about 25 seconds, quite a slow reaction compared to other ones tested recently. Turquoise - deep blue after about 1 min.

Haven't tried these yet although a mate has who rates them pretty highly. Had good loved up euphoria despite dropping 5 days previously. I think (although it's hard to make out) they're the same ones featured in a photo on this report, despite it being about Zorros. It looks like the first pill out of the three in the photo.

Will sample in next couple of weeks but has anyone else come across these? Tested them/ tried them etc?
Here's are a more high res photo of those Beige E's that Chaddyevo3 was talking about. Test results slightly different, but came up the same as amphetamine and a MDxx compound:
chaddyevo3 said:
Name: Beige E's
State: Perth, WA
Logo: e symbol
Colour: beige
Shape: Cylinder, domed
Height: 6mm
Width: 6 mm
Texture: great press
Edges: no bevelled edges
Report Quality Rating: not rated.
Smell: it smell hell weird different ta every other one ive eva smelt
Tested: yes
Mandelin Reagent: Purple
Marquis Reagent: went a dark green hell fast then ta purple in under 5 seconds
rated: 8.5 ta a 9 out of 10
substance suspected: mdma/speed great mix
Consumed: yes
User Report: these are great best ive had in ages off an mdma mix anyway... regular user and these hit me hard wanted ta dance, fucken loved up like no tamoro these r great pills lasted bout 2 and a half ta 3 hours... pill usaly only last bout 1.5 ta 2 if im lucky so it was great.. get ya hands on these if you can
hey tribesman mine def came up mdma and i hav had them like 3 dif times now and all my mates and me reckon mdma they giv us suched a loved up feeling..... have you had them yet??? and how did you put a bigger pic on it????
I havent had them yet, I say a speed/mdxx mix as my marquis results definitely had specks of orange in it but still came up mostly purple to black in the same test. The mandelin was purple to black also.

I just uploaded a picture from my camera into the gallery and then added it to the post, you can upload large photos there :)
I had a single whole beige E the other week, the same as in the picture. Great pill but not very strong considering I am a fairly new user, it was about my 12th pill ever.

EDIT: will be gettin some more tonight for next weekend, hopefully they will be the stronger ones.
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there must be two dif batches out coz i tested again ta make sure and it def came up mdma/speed mix...... heaps of my mates have had them now and they all recon great pill nice and strong and last ages well more them most pills usually last.......they look exactly the same.......... doesnt seem ta matter which one ya get they both seem betta than anything going round atm
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