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Percocets after alcohol?


Dec 10, 2015
Hey guys I've been up all night trying to look this up but no luck. This past day I spent it drinking alcohol starting at around 11am until about 9/930. About 4 or 5 of the big family size coronas. It's 235am now would it be safe to take 3X5/325 percocets?
With alcohol in your system, it's not recommended using any medications that contain acetaminophen. Save them for another time.
Yes, dangerous to the liver, also potentiates respiratory depression.
If you have tolerance to both booze and opiates you will probably be OK w/r/t the latter if the doses are sane
As far as the liver goes, do a cold water extraction, it's easy and will save you liver damage with or without booze
Should be ok by now. About a gram of paracetamol isn't all that bad, even with alcohol. Just don't make a habit out of it.
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do the CWE. it's as easy as brewing coffee and will save you liver issues and stomach upset. even when prescribed Percocet for pain and taking it more or less as directed I do CWE because I'm a heavy drinker and I don't want more pressure on my liver
Thanks for the info guys, it's my first time messing around with these things and probably won't happen again for a while tho.