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perc and roxi question for new guy


Sep 17, 2010
i've been wondering about this for a long time so i finally decided to join and ask someone since i dont have the answer. Anyways a year ago or so i had a ton of perc 7.5s..i would take 5 or 6 at a time and get super rocked. Lately ive had a bunch of roxi 30s and I usually put them up my nose. (2 at a time) The other day I decided to eat 60mg of roxi and its weird because I would get way higher off 40mg of percocet( which i know is the same but has tylenol in it) Anyways, when I ingest any kind of opiate is it stronger when accompanied by tylenol cuz it sure seems that way. Thanks %)
Its honestly probably just tolerance or oral vs. nasal administration. Meaning that there is a more pronounced initial rush (from what I understand) snorting, but a much shorter duration.
ya i know the difference in highs between nasal and oral but when i take the roxi orally i got more higher on percocet at a much lower dosage
They are both metabolized by the same enzyme substrate in the liver (CYP450 2D6). Depending on your enzymatic makeup (essentially the way you metabolize acetaminophen) it could prolong/increase the effects of the oxycodone.

From Wikipedia:

The P450 gene is highly polymorphic, however, and individual differences in paracetamol toxicity are believed to be due to a third isoenzyme, CYP2D6. Genetic polymorphisms in CYP2D6 may contribute to significantly different rates of production of NAPQI. Furthermore, individuals can be classified as "extensive", "ultrarapid", and "poor" metabolizers (producers of NAPQI), depending on their levels of CYP2D6 expression. Although CYP2D6 metabolises paracetamol into NAPQI to a lesser extent than other P450 enzymes, its activity may contribute to paracetamol toxicity in extensive and ultrarapid metabolisers, and when paracetamol is taken at very large doses.[47] At usual doses, NAPQI is quickly detoxified by conjugation.[46] Following overdose, and possibly also in extensive and ultrarapid metabolizers, this detoxification pathway becomes saturated and consequently NAPQI accumulates.

Theoretically, what this boils down to is that if your body uses the CYP2D6 substrate more readily than others to metabolize acetaminophen, this could increase the concentration/duration of oxycodone in your bloodstream. It could also make you more susceptible to acetaminophen toxicity due to the amount of toxic metabolite produced.
so is it possible that the acetimin. can actually make the effects of an opiate more intense?
You could have easily answered your own question by doing a minute of reading, just to let you know buddy.

The answer is YES! :) I prefer opiates oral (cept' H obviously), they are certainly longer and stronger, and tylenol, although a wicked harsh drug for your body to process, does indeed potentiate Opes!

Happy friday peeps ;)
It seems this only happens with people of a certain enzymatic makeup though. I know for me, acetaminophen doesn't make any difference at all.
It seems this only happens with people of a certain enzymatic makeup though. I know for me, acetaminophen doesn't make any difference at all.

Yea, I have specifically taken doses of oxy by itself and then an equivelant dose with tylenol in it and see if it potentiates it at all, and so far I have noticed ZERO potentiation. I have done this MANY times as a sort of "home study" on the potentiation potential of tylenol.
ya idk what it is...i dont like to go nasally because i dont get that warm feeling like i get when i eat them, but i dont like to eat roxi's because i have to eat 90mg or more. I can eat 50mg of perc and feel lovely though....its so weird
ya idk what it is...i dont like to go nasally because i dont get that warm feeling like i get when i eat them, but i dont like to eat roxi's because i have to eat 90mg or more. I can eat 50mg of perc and feel lovely though....its so weird

You're going to die of liver failer/poisoning... The amount of acetaminophen in that dosage is INSANE. Roughly 3,000 mg... Thats pretty close to the lethal limit. Dude you are not a very bright individual. It's ALL in your head. Its LITERALLY the SAME drug. Tell me this, go take 2 roxi's and eat some tylenol, tell me if its the same.

And whoever told you tylenol potentiates opiates is FULL OF SHIT. I dont care what science you try to back it up with. I have experience, and experience wins over theory ANY day.

Are you the same guy who posted the topic "Hate oxycontin, but LOVE oxycodone" 8)
You're going to die of liver failer/poisoning... The amount of acetaminophen in that dosage is INSANE. Roughly 3,000 mg... Thats pretty close to the lethal limit. Dude you are not a very bright individual. It's ALL in your head. Its LITERALLY the SAME drug. Tell me this, go take 2 roxi's and eat some tylenol, tell me if its the same.

And whoever told you tylenol potentiates opiates is FULL OF SHIT. I dont care what science you try to back it up with. I have experience, and experience wins over theory ANY day.

Are you the same guy who posted the topic "Hate oxycontin, but LOVE oxycodone" 8)
asshole much? And 3 grams is nowhere near the lethal limit......the maximum daily limit is 4 grams, which is not a lethal limit. I have taken up to 6 grams before with no adverse affects....the LD50 of acetaminophen is roughly 800mg/kg, so while taking that amount daily for long periods of time is more than likely not healthy, it is not going to kill him, maybe raise his liver enzymes.
You're going to die of liver failer/poisoning... The amount of acetaminophen in that dosage is INSANE. Roughly 3,000 mg... Thats pretty close to the lethal limit. Dude you are not a very bright individual. It's ALL in your head. Its LITERALLY the SAME drug. Tell me this, go take 2 roxi's and eat some tylenol, tell me if its the same.

And whoever told you tylenol potentiates opiates is FULL OF SHIT. I dont care what science you try to back it up with. I have experience, and experience wins over theory ANY day.

Are you the same guy who posted the topic "Hate oxycontin, but LOVE oxycodone" 8)

I said it's theoretically possible. Anyone here who knows me knows I'm a huge acetaminophen nazi, I was not encouraging it's use, simply providing a possible scientific explanation to an anecdotal experience.

And I appreciate the importance of anecdotal experience, but without science to fill in the blanks and explain phenomena, it's not very useful.
I have never noticed a big difference in effect with or without it. Also, I dont like the ones with tylenol for a few reasons. You cant do as much because the tylenol is very hard on the liver and stomach and also you cant snort them very well at all.

Anyways I do believe that tylenol does have a varying potentiation effect on most opiates. My brother claims he gets more fucked up off 6 perc 5's orally than 1 perc 30 orally.
You're going to die of liver failer/poisoning... The amount of acetaminophen in that dosage is INSANE. Roughly 3,000 mg... Thats pretty close to the lethal limit. Dude you are not a very bright individual. It's ALL in your head. Its LITERALLY the SAME drug. Tell me this, go take 2 roxi's and eat some tylenol, tell me if its the same.

And whoever told you tylenol potentiates opiates is FULL OF SHIT. I dont care what science you try to back it up with. I have experience, and experience wins over theory ANY day.

Are you the same guy who posted the topic "Hate oxycontin, but LOVE oxycodone" 8)

5000 mg's pf apap a day is where it can start to cause liver dmg. Personally i've taken 10000mgs with no problems. THATS JUST ME. apap is known to destroy your liver! I just lucked out being a pill poppin machiene cause ive taken high dose apap all the time than went to rehab recently and got my liver tested to see all the damage id inflicted. NADDDDA. it was fine. i was surprised... but like i said dont take more than 5000mg a day as a rule
ya i never take more than 3000 mg of tylenol at a time....im going to take 60mg of roxi orally tomarrow and take 1000mg of tylenol and see what happens to confirm my statement
Tylenol doesn't potentiate anything, although in this case I agree it might be potentiating the retard enzyme.

You can't compare the effects of the same drugs through different ROA and wonder why it doesn't feel the same! Thats like saying "hey I took one half of a sandwich and ate it, then shoved the other half up my butt and it tasted different. What gives? It's the same sandwich??"

My doctor immediately took me off percs and switched to dilaudid because I was taking 3 or 4 10/325s at a time to get pain relief - because of the Tylenol. You're taking way more than that.
tylenol isn't gonna potentate the opiate, but it does help with the analgesic effect of the opiate, which may trick you into thinking the opiate is stronger. but you will get better relief with the percocet than you would with the roxy if taken at the same mg each.
^that too. (i had asked this question in a different way long ago just about something i heard (not that i actually felt a difference) and i believe Tokin answered it then too! :) )