Peptides (CJC, MGF, Frag-HGH, etc)

Gaian Planes,
I saw you have some personal experience using cjc right? Have you used for lean mass by itself before? I'm looking into it and really want to try it out, just trying to get all the info I can first. What's reasonable to expect from a 6 month cycle of it?
^ hey man, I honestly think you can expect more from this than GH. Although I've never done a GH cycle...the thing with GH is it is so short-acting. One surge (unless you inject multiple times a day) and its over within 10-20 minutes. In and out. That is good for people looking for a timed precision response...but I'm after more of the sustained deeper body change (my tongue in cheek goal with GH-releasers has always been to be able to run into walls without hurting my body :D :D :D).

fizzy has it right, with this stuff I think its best to use for recovery especially from anaerobic cardio exercise (like mountain biking). btw, thats so cool fizzy that you started back to mountain biking again recently (same here isn't it a fucking blast to carve the hell up out of some trails?).

You will notice off the 'hook' recovery rates with CJC and that type of exercise. Also you'll probably notice some lean mass gains (because of elevated IGF levels). But, if mass is what you are after I think a test cycle with IGF is much, much better.

Also, you will notice almost surely an increase in well-being/centeredness in body. I don't know about you but my body is constantly demanding food and complaining/aching if it doesn't get it. That largely disappears with the extra GH...your body can run much more efficiently on low calories (its good to cut on). But still, the goal is to OVERFEED while you're on it, you won't end up gaining much at all (probably will lose some here and there), but the more protein you get into it the more GH you can make (your body will naturally 'crave' to make it because the hormonal glands will being 'milked' by the CJC binded to them).

Honestly, I think CJC might be better than IGF for most people...I think IGF direct supplementation might shutdown IGF natty production too hardcore.

Anyways, dosing protocol, inject SC 500ug twice a week. It takes about a week or so to notice that it gets going, but when it does, it is pretty ridiculous. Nutrient shuttling is fairly eat a meal and you can literally feel your muscles inflate with the nutes/insulin response...its great.

You can feel the surge throughout the day (usually its once when waking up and eating and then once more and then once when you're falling asleep.

You burn fat quicker as well.

This will be the first time I'm using CJC alongside a very regimented lifting routine (before I was using it to recover from plyometric finger training for climbing so I wasn't after mass gains there obviously).

Right now I've whittled down to 133 (from 155 last spring), so I'm hoping to put on 6-7 pounds to get to 140 and at the same time cut 2-3 last pounds of fat off (recomposition I guess this is called).

Here's roughly what I'm gonna do I think (I might buy a little more CJC, lower the IGF dosage, and squirt some with the IGF I haven't decided yet, because like I said I think direct IGF supplementation is a little harsh/shock for your body):
week 1: CJC, 500ug 2x per week (mon/thurs)
week 2-7: ~25ug IGF post work out (i do a really simple push/pull split and do 15 laps of intervals in the pool after)
week 8- ~12: CJC 500ug 2x per week
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Has anyone here used CJC-1295 in conjunction with GHRP-6? I spoke to someone who is using this combo and they claim to have better results than using 5iu of HGH a day.

100mcg of CJC-1295 & 200 mcg GHRP-6, three times a day for a body building dose.

I'm going to give it a shot (well, 3 a and I'm curious if anyone else is using the above combo and what kind of results are you getting? THANKS!
aces11 said:
Hi guys, new to the forum, and this cjc thread has really caught my eye. I've been looking for new info on this stuff and seem to have found a pretty good place. I've been doing a lot of research and have been wanting to try this out. My main and only goal is to create new muscle cells, put on and keep new muscle. What do you think I can expect to see from a six month cycle? What about adding ghrp6 as well? I've been reading they work very well together. Any thoughts would be great, thanks alot!

From what I read, administering both GHRP-6 (or any GHRP) and GHRH (CJC-1295) together synergistically increases that newly created pulse.

GHRP-6 creates a big pulse of GH but GHRP-6 + GHRH creates a much bigger pulse of GH. It is a waste of potential GH release not to dose the CJC-1295 at the same time as the GHRP-6. There WILL be benefit & synergy from dosing the two at the same time.

GHRP-6 acts in essence by turning up the positive signal to release GHRH & turning down the signalling of the inhibiting hormone somatostatin. I'm going to run 100mcg of CJC-1295 & 200 mcg GHRP-6, three times a day. I've seen real world results, and am VERY impressed.
I dont understand why you would inject CJC three times a day (and at such a high dose). It stays in your bloodstream/binded to your glands for a long while (like 2+ weeks noticeable after the last dose). So, I dont think a 3x per day protocol is necessary at all.
Gaian Planes said:
I dont understand why you would inject CJC three times a day (and at such a high dose). It stays in your bloodstream/binded to your glands for a long while (like 2+ weeks noticeable after the last dose). So, I dont think a 3x per day protocol is necessary at all.

The CJC-1295 & the total 24 hour dosing of GHRP-6 together comprise a single comparison with exogenic GH administration.

I would not inject CJC 3X a day alone. But, in conjunction with GHRP-6, it makes sense. I believe 2mg a week is optimal for body building, less for anti-aging purposes. You are correct, CJC does bond for a long time, and if I was only to use CJC, I would use it 2X a week.

CJC-1295 is a long-lasting analog of GHRH and therefore only twice a week dosing is needed to keep GH levels elevated. GHRP-6 (all the GHRPs) as soon as they are injected create a 2 hour pulse of GH release.

Administering both GHRP-6 (or any GHRP) and GHRH together synegistically increases that newly created pulse. GHRP-6 creates a big pulse of GH but GHRP-6 + GHRH creates a much bigger pulse of GH.

I can't speak from experience, just from what I have read. Attempting to maximize the total amount of GH release over a 24 hour period I think you would want both GHRH chronically elevated and several GH pulses amplified.

CJC-1295 chronically elevates GHRH without desensitizing or creating a waning GH release profile. This raises the troughs of GH (i.e. GH remains elevated & consequently so does liver-synthesized IGF-1). Elevated levels of IGF-1 have been shown to contribute to growth.

GHRH + GHRPs administered together synergistically amplify a two hour pulse. Pulsation had been determined to be highly necessary for tissue growth. The studies do show that some GHRPs increasingly exert an effect up to about 400mcg (or 4mcg/kg). However adding more than 100mcg (1mcg/kg) of GHRH did not add to the synergy.

Optimally you could dose 100mcg of CJC-1295 w/ 100-400mcg of GHRP in the morning (on an empty stomach 25 minutes before eating); again in the afternoon/PWO; finally just before bed.

That protocol would create a weekly total of CJC-1295 of 2.1 mgs.

There is benefit to adding more CJC-1295 but this will only increase Base GH levels & IGF-1 levels not pulse amplitude. The CJC-1295 clinical trial demonstrated that the CJC-1295 dose (aprox. 2.1 mgs) could be doubled, tripled even quadrupled and exert ever increasing positive elevations of GH & IGF-1 levels.

It doesn't matter how/when you dose the extra CJC-1295 (i.e. you will dose 100mcg 3x per day w/ GHRP and the remaining CJC-1295 as is convenient).

You could administer the extra CJC-1295 w/ the daily CJC/GHRP doses or twice a week in two large doses.

As non-diseased aging adults our pituitary gland continues to possess the ability to secrete large amounts of GH (well above what is youthfully normal). Obviously there is a limit and this limit is arrived at in part by the negative feedback signals. Optimally dosing GHRH (analog CJC-1295) & GHRPs (GHRP-6, GHRP-2, Hexarelin, Ipamorelin) can likely achieve a GH releasing profile similar to and substitute for mid-high level exogenic dosing of Growth Hormone (GH).

GHRP-6 has a finite life in blood plasma. Like all peptides it is subject to enzymatic degradation. Once administered it exerts its effects for a couple of hours before all of the peptide is broken down into amino acids or amino acid "strings" incapable of exerting an effect. They are in effect "digested".

That effect that GHRP-6 exerts is basically "asking the pituitary to release more growth hormone & having the pituitary comply with the request". After GHRP-6 dies, so dies its request.

Or so I've been told. :) The above info come from Dat, they are not my own findings.
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I'm going with 150mcg of HGH Fragment 176-191 a day post work out. What kind of syringe should I use? I'm thinking 30 gauge. Where do I get them? Can somebody PM me with a website? I'm extremely new to this...
I'm looking for where I can buy the acetylcholineesterase inhibitors, they are;

Pyrostigmine (120mg/ed)
Galantamine (8-16mg/ed)
Huperzine A (50-150mcg/ed)

In the earlier post, in the eyes of god said, you can get these for 50 cents a day and make your cjc much more effective. I'm finding these for around $3-4 per day. Any help? Specifically Pyrostigmine
I looked before and can't find Pyrostigmine anyplace. I do know where to get the other two, Huperzine A and Galantamine though.

Huperzine A can be bought really cheap. It's a natural alkaloid found in some Chinese herb and is OTC. I'd post the link for you here, but not sure if I'd be breaking forum rules or not, so PM me if interested.
Also wondering where the info came from or what studies talked about acetylcholineesterase inhibitors making such a big difference while using cjc? Is there any dangers to using these prescriptions drugs for 6 months?
Im not sure about studies with acetylcholine inhibitors- basically what you're trying to inhibit is somatropin which inhibits GH release. Acetylcholine inhibits somatropin so pro-acetylcholine drugs are employed to reduce somatropin. I don't think any formal studies have been done. Theres not been that many studies on CJC yet! I think most of this is anecdotal.

No problem using huprazine. The other drugs I couldn't see too much of a problem- but I'm no MD.

Apologies for my shocking spelling! :D
"Huperzine A (50-150mcg/ed)"

what does "ed"=???

The site I found that sells Huperzine A doesn't say the amount of mcg per pill...
Huperzine A usually come in tabs of least where I get it from, and ED=every day.

1 bottle with 120, 100mcg tabs sell for around $12.00 from my source. Around $8 if you buy 5 bottles.
So one pill every morning with my usually cocktail of pills should be cool. Thanks for all the help man. I just orderd all my stuff. Hopefully all this works out for me...
Larr_E said:
So one pill every morning with my usually cocktail of pills should be cool. Thanks for all the help man. I just orderd all my stuff. Hopefully all this works out for me...

Good luck bro, keep us posted with your results!
anybody that might test the huperzine/cjc combo wasup...............
yo, maybe the pulse is needed for a gland recharge, if using huperzine to turn the pulse into a steady stream that is always on, is it possible to run the gland dead like a battery? hence burn it out?
anybody have first hand cjc, ghrp, or cjc/ghrp combo results to speak of?
rafter said:
anybody that might test the huperzine/cjc combo wasup...............
yo, maybe the pulse is needed for a gland recharge, if using huperzine to turn the pulse into a steady stream that is always on, is it possible to run the gland dead like a battery? hence burn it out?
anybody have first hand cjc, ghrp, or cjc/ghrp combo results to speak of?

A close friend of mine that I have known for many many years has been using cjc/ghrp for some time now, maybe almost a year. Before that, he was using HGH and AS. We train together and ever since he started using this stuff, he started putting major gains on and I couldn't keep up.

I'm about to start next week, and I'm doing so because I have seen what kind of results he has gained. Incredible. He won't go back to using HGH, he feels this combo (and from the looks of him, he's right) has many more benefits, and it works quicker and you grow more often. If you saw what kind of gains he put on, you would do the same. It's also cheaper than HGH.

As far as the huperzine is concerned, I have yet to see any concrete evidence or a study that shows that it actually helps. I'm still going to use it because it can't do you wrong, and it's not that expensive at all.
How fast is your friend seeing these results? Fat loss, muscle mass, strength???
How much is he injecting? Low doses like 30 mcg/kg or more towards the high end of 60 mcg/kg? How long has he been on it for? Any info would be great, I'm also getting ready to start this here in about a week or so. Thanks!
aces11 said:
How fast is your friend seeing these results? Fat loss, muscle mass, strength???
How much is he injecting? Low doses like 30 mcg/kg or more towards the high end of 60 mcg/kg? How long has he been on it for? Any info would be great, I'm also getting ready to start this here in about a week or so. Thanks!

HIGH doses. He is taking 100mcg of CJC-1295 & 200 mcg GHRP-6, three times a day (I start this week). Using it for a little less than a year. He later bumped up to 300mcg GHRP-6 3X a day. We have both been training together for several years, he is really hardcore and sometimes competes. I do not compete.

So, granted he had an amazing body to begin with. He said he started noticing the effects 1 month after he first started. He got extra hungry after each injection for the first month, hunger pains (similar to the effects of Equipoise/EQ) later dissipated. He was loosing a fat in stubborn areas, but he was growing extra muscle tissue and his definition got better, especially his abdomen.

Studies on mice have shown a 17% increase in muscle tissue. His strength increased as well, he was able to add more weight to his reps all across the board on almost every form or workout.

I saw his gains when he started using HGH. 7 months later, his body and his skin were top notch. He won't go back to HGH as he claims, and I can see it, that he gets better results with the CJC/GHRP-6 combo. He has to stick himself more times a day, but he doesn't mind.

Now, I'm about to start this week like I said, using the same dose that he used. He knows other BBs that use more, but he found this dose to be optimal. And after doing some research, the dose above is ideal for the purposes of adding mass and strength. I have read on many other boards of BBs using the same dose, so he knows what he is doing. I'll be keeping an accurate log of my progress, including doses, work out times, cardio, meals, diet, sleep, bf%, etc. I'll also be having bloodwork done. I've used AS before, but never HGH or a mix of peptides, so I'll be able to provide better information over the next few weeks.

I'm trying this stuff because of the impressive results that I saw...can't wait to see what kind of gains I'll be seeing.
what can i get for $200/mo. as far as a cjc/ghrp combo?

i am 6'2" and 190, would i see excellent results at these rates?
