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People binge drink ‘to get high’

Underage binge drinking usually starts at 13, increases during adolescence and peaks in adulthood after which it gradually decreases.

what's after adulthood? death? yeah i'd say your binge drinking will decline after death =D
^ And while we're picking that particular sentence apart, how can it be that underage binge drinking peaks in adulthood?
Well brilliant news this generation will be less hypocrite than the last
What a shite article. I do not even know where to begin with this one. Snowshovel outlined my favorite busted up sentence though lol.

According to the figures he provided, in 1996, 21,000 people underwent treatment for alcohol abuse while the number increased to 51,000 in 2003.

This doesn't necessarily mean that there are MORE binge drinkers, it could very possibly be a result of MORE people getting caught. Lets face it, law enforcement has gotten tougher on underaged drinking in the past 10 years. There is also the fact that alcohol/drug abuse treatment now is often an obligatory aspect of a punishment whereas it was once more of a voluntary decision.
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“Young people use alcohol as a substance and no longer drink socially. Alcohol is consumed for the effect and the experience it gives, and not to enjoy a bottle of wine,”

This speaks volumes about Dr. Scafato's attitude. Like many people, he seems to think that using a substance "socially" is somehow not really using it at all, while using it "as a substance" (whatever that means) is morally degenerate. It's the same hypocrisy that makes my drinking buddies say they "don't do drugs". Too many people think drug use is deviant and abnormal, because they don't count moderate use of alcohol, tobacco, caffeine etc as "doing drugs", and think that all drug use is about getting as fucked up as possible.

Of course, even more annoying than sober people who think that way, is druggies with the same attitude, who think that their habit is a phase you grow out of as you grow up, get a job etc. You can be a responsible adult and get high on all sorts of stuff - all things in moderation (including moderation! ;)).

Lev said:
What, like Methylone? :p

(UK only)

That ain't legal in the UK. I think it's legal in Japan, but you won't find it in many other places.
Crazeee said:
“Young people use alcohol as a substance and no longer drink socially. Alcohol is consumed for the effect and the experience it gives, and not to enjoy a bottle of wine,” said guest speaker Dr Emanuele Scafato during a conference on binge drinking yesterday.

Perhaps Dr Scafato hasn't noticed, but alcohol taste fucking disgusting and anyone who drinks something that taste like piss and/or ammonia for the taste or just to enjoy the experience truly has a problem.

Binge drinking is defined as the consumption of five or more drinks over a short period of time, with the intention of getting drunk.

If you need 5 or more drinks to get drunk, you need to stop being a pussy, stop drinking diluted shit, man it up and drink some 80+ proof liquor straight from the bottle.

He mentioned a study carried out locally a few years ago, which established that over 23 per cent of fatal traffic accidents in Malta were alcohol related. “On average, there are five or six deaths a year related to drink driving,” said Mr Mangani.

There is a general consensus condemning underage drinking but most people act in a manner which opposes their words, said Assistant Commissioner Michael Cassar.

“We need to go to the roots of the problem,” he said. “It is not enough to condemn underage drinking when it is so deeply ingrained in our culture.

The problem with the culture in Malta is that they have a coin depicting the baptism of Jesus yet they're all a bunch of crazy drunks. They just need to figure out if they're Christians or drunken sinners and stop trying to have it both ways.

Underage binge drinking usually starts at 13, increases during adolescence and peaks in adulthood after which it gradually decreases.

When 13 year olds are binge drinking, the problem is with the parenting because there is absolutely no reason a 13 year old should have access to alcohol or be able to drink like that without an adult noticing.

“More and more people are binge drinking and using drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy simultaneously. This is no longer a matter of one-off parties but is taking place regularly, in village feasts for example: either in the portable toilets or in the band club,” said Dr Grech.

Lord knows I love to party and consume drugs and alcohol in portable toilets...
IAmJacksUserName said:
Having a dad who is a major wine person, I disagree. No non-alcoholic grape juice could ever hope to match the greatness of the taste of good wine. Why do you think people spend $100 on a bottle of wine when they could buy a bottle of cheap vodka with a much higher alcohol content for just a few bucks? A lot of people do drink for the flavor, guys.
I think he enjoys both the alcohol and the taste. I bet people enjoyed the taste of Coca Cola when it had actual cocaine in it, but they also enjoyed the high.
man, i cant drink after completing a 6 month accutane treatment. I used to drink in high school occasionally. Like I could down 8 beers in one night, have a good time, drink some water and not be too bad the next day.

During my accutane treatment, I didn't drink for 6 months straight. Now If I have even 1 or 2 beers, I get a headache when the alcohol wears off and generally feel shitty. Can't really handle more than 4-5 beers. I find that this is for the better tho. : )
KissTheSky said:

That ain't legal in the UK. I think it's legal in Japan, but you won't find it in many other places.

why not?its a beta-ketone not a phenethylamine,not mentioned at all in the uk misuse of drugs act.it might be hard to find,but i dont think its explicitly illegal in the uk.
why can't binge drinking be social drinking?

If i hit the bar with some friends we easily down the amount considered binge drinking, yet are still social and not 'fall down drunk'. I drink high quality alcohol and I drink to get buzzed if I'm at the bar, not to get fall down drunk (that happens at house parties).

How do they expect kids to get through college without the crazy drunken parties, it's work hard play hard.

It takes me 5 or more drinks to get drunk easily, and I'm a light guy. I pour real shots too (1.5oz of 40% alc/vol) not the 1oz shots bars like to serve.
I think that alot of you people dont see the big picture in this article. The truth is: that alcohol is not viewed as a drug. Here in America the term 'party' doesn't mean have fun any more, but rather get wasted. Our society looks down on every other drug, but the president would probably turn his head to a drunk teenager. Alcohol is accepted, and because parents dont want to feel like low life 'users', its not considerded a drug. Ever notice how when you go to the doctors office, they ask you if you have done any drugs or alcohol? As if it alcohol isn't a drug? Right.....
i totally concur lawnmower man. Alcohols been around forever, and is totally accpetable now. People accept the risks involved with binge drinking, but what can anyone do to stop it? My generation has a self-destructive urge to go out every weekend and get completely hammered, with the intention of behaving inappropriately. I don't mean to generalise, but it's generally true! But heres the real truth, people do this so they can satisfy hedonist urges, be it from sex or violence, or anything else without feeling any responsibility. They can just say 'i got totally fucked and can't remember what i did', it's implicit that the alcohol is the excuse, the justification for every lewd, shocking, selfish, violent, indecent, brainless etc...act they committed during the night.

I myself have experimented with alcohol, never found a single drink i even remotely enjoyed drinking, had a few incidents when i was younger that i'm not proud of, but nothing major. This doesn't make me a hypocrite, everyone experiments with alcohol when they are young, how could we not? It's everywhere...I never drink now, not ever. I prefere the responsible and moderated use of various illegal substances
If drinking socially is ok, but drinking to get drunk is evil? I have a habit of using ecstacy socially. also, if you ask me, there arent many things more social than passing a dooby between friends.
personally i dont think as many people would turn to alchohol if they had other legal intoxicants to turn to. i have never spent the night and/or morning hugging the toilet after a night of pot smoking or rolling. in fact the only substances i can think of that have less pleasant after effects than alchohol are crack and meth.

Dancan said:
I myself have experimented with alcohol, never found a single drink i even remotely enjoyed drinking, had a few incidents when i was younger that i'm not proud of, but nothing major. This doesn't make me a hypocrite, everyone experiments with alcohol when they are young, how could we not? It's everywhere...I never drink now, not ever. I prefere the responsible and moderated use of various illegal substances

and i agree fully
Someone who really believes they choose a certain alcoholic drink entirely because like the taste is a liar - at the very least they lie to themselves.
Ximot said:
Someone who really believes they choose a certain alcoholic drink entirely because like the taste is a liar - at the very least they lie to themselves.

sorry, i disagree... i can enjoy a beer on a hot day after many hours of hard labour for the cool bitter refreshment it brings. However, it is the only time i can drink alcohol without wanting to recieve the effects of alcohol. And, yes, it generally will lead to me wanting to get drunk/effected, but i can still enjoy that first beer for taste/refreshment... just like i can enjoy cold water... only beer tastes better on a hot day :D

having said that... i truly do only drink for the effect these days. Otherwise, i'd be drinking water... it's cheap, and tax free...

Better still will be the day when they question oxygen... for people only inhale it to increase the longevity of their lives, and therefore the quality of their lives... thus for it's effects
Ximot said:
Someone who really believes they choose a certain alcoholic drink entirely because like the taste is a liar - at the very least they lie to themselves.
i have to disagree as well. i truly enjoy the flavor of spiced rum as well as most other hard liquer. i also enjoy the burning sensation in my mouth and throat. i do not enjoy getting drunk, however. i often find myself tempted to go for the bacardi(theres not alchohol better than rum) but abstain because i hate the intoxication it provides. i smoke pot every day and do E about once a month, so i do enjoy getting intoxicated, just not drunk.
You know, in all the time I spent as a Mod in this forum, I don't think I ever stopped and thought about where these articles come from ... I mean, who writes this shit? Articles about people drinking alcohol for the pleasurable effects?
Mr. Juan Ameen (Arab Mexican?), you're about 2600 years too late homie.

“Binge drinking is a negative investment in the future,” said Mr Cassar.

Ahh, but now there's an investment aspect to it!
And how true it is; every dollar spent on a 24-oz can of malt liquor is a dollar not spent in the furtherance of capitalism. For shame, America!
But then again, if you hold stock in the companys you pour liquor $$ into, you're a patriot after all.
If I'm relaxing I drink for the taste. I'll pour myself an ice cold imported beer (Warsteiner, Guiness, Corona) and sip at it for a good 10 15 minutes while I do a little school work or relax.

In the summer I love sitting on the dock at my lake and cracking a Corona or two as I work on my tan.

I never buy the cheap discount beer I'd rather pay a little more and have a beer whose taste I enjoy (Alexander Keith's and Moosehead are my two favourite domestics).

Hard liquor does taste good straight as well, (Crown Royal, Stoli, Centenario tequila, most single malt scotch).
wizekrak said:
If I'm relaxing I drink for the taste. I'll pour myself an ice cold imported beer (Warsteiner, Guiness, Corona) and sip at it for a good 10 15 minutes while I do a little school work or relax.

Good stuff man, people have gotta learn to savour the drink.

It's all about the wine for me though. Nothin' better than a glass or two with a meal, but then again I work with the stuff so I have to like it.

Most people don't drink for sobriety through, that article is just stating the obvious.:|
Ximot said:
Someone who really believes they choose a certain alcoholic drink entirely because like the taste is a liar - at the very least they lie to themselves.

Maybe you are lying to yourself, but there is no question you can enjoy a good beer, a fine wine or and old scotch WITHOUT expecting to get drunk. Yes you can ENJOY the taste of various alcohols, all in moderation of course.