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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Pentedrone (first time) - 4 Days straight, powered by Penta


Jun 26, 2011
Hello, it's going to be my first trip report, I'd like to apologize first for my eventual mistakes and grammar issues (I'm a foreigner), thanks :)

I am in love with stimulants and the last ones I frequently used on different occasions were 3-fa, 4-fa, methiopropamine, and mephedrone.
Trying to stay away quite bit of time from mpa because of the irregular heartbeats for several days it caused me, from the nightmares and mood's rollercoasters the 3&4Fa were responsible for, and not being able to put my hands on 4-mmc again, I decided to give something new a try. And Pentedrone (alpha-methylamino-Valerophenone ; not to confuse with Pentylone) did catch my attention.

The powder I received was fine and white with a rather pleasant smell in my opinion.
It was about midnight when I decided to give it a try. The previous night I had slept only 4 hours. I was alone, it was raining and I had about an hour and a half of walking to get myself home.
Not carrying a scale with me at anytime, I decided to dose gradually, starting with a very little bump, which I insufflate.
I am surprised to notice almost instantly that my nostril feels a bit sedated. Not feeling anything else, I double the dose, which still isn't sufficient.
Fast forward a couple bumps later I decide to snort quite a big line. Shit hurts quite a bit, I've seen worse tho. This time my whole mouth feels pleasantly anesthetized :\ , very much like cocaine.
10 minutes later the effects are finally showing up. I finally snort a last medium line and start walking my way home.
I put on some music and feel very good and motivated. The music sounds surpisingly good and I can't help but sing along to Seek & Destroy. I put on the last EP from Kill the Noise and it sounds incredibly good. In the end, what was supposed to be a boring walk turned out to be a fun ride home.
When I get home I get in front of the computer, get some work done and can't help but redose. I end up playing games, listening to music, redosing, watching porn (this gets you quite aroused) and lurking youtube, and I am surprised at how fast the sun comes to rise.

I have to take a train in the afternoon and decide to try to get some sleep right now not to suffer a comedown during the ride (which is, by experience, rather unpleasant).
I can say I tried. But I didn't make it. I have to be there in a couple hours and I feel very tired, but also like I won't be able to sleep anytime soon. So after half an hour of arguments between a little angel & devil above my head, I decide to redose and feel somewhat guilty. Whatever.
I instantly feel refreshed and perfectly functionnal. %) I am also able to eat perfecly. And here I leave.
I redosed as soon as I was arrived (always snorted, I never ate it) and shared some of it with a friend so we could spend a good night in town. I'll fast forward it, I'll just say it was a very fun night.
He gets home and will later find sleep with no notable issue. I personally keep redosing and packing my stuff because I'll soon be late to.. work.
It's now 8am and I am at work, I don't really feel tired but the energy seems somewhat "synthetic" nonetheless. I am perfectly able to work and I seem normal to others, my pupils (which often get like bowling balls over nothing) are not dilated, no visible vasoconstriction; the only thing that could sell me out for a knowledged person watching out would be the jaw clenching. Though it is only slightly present and I can prevent myself from doing it if I want to (and even then, I'd like to say I redosed with some pretty good lines). A gum will do the trick :D
The day goes fine, I feel like my social skills are enhanced, I am easily entertained over normal stuff and I am overall quite productive.
It's the evening and I have 4 hours of sleep available before I start work again from 3 am to 9 am, then having a day of rest at home (that's quite a special schedule I know).

Fuck this, who needs sleep anyway =D I redose with the biggest line I had since my first. I am alone so it's fine but I'm almost rolling right now, it truly feels like 4-mmc just about 30% less powerful. Jaw is clenching, eyes are wiggling 8( and the music is rocking.
By the time I'll have to start working again, I'll be normal, just way more motivated than I really should :D .

Fast forward when I get "home" at about 10 am. Me and my co-locator (another friend than the one from the other night) decide to fully clean and re-arrange our apartment. Which at the time is a mess (try to picture yourself an hotel room that's been used for a month straight by Raoul Duke and Mr.Gonzo and you may be close to it). So we dose some Pentedrone and instantly get supa-motivated to clean it all. It's almost ridiculous how maniac we get on details. Here we are, moving all the furnitures to another room so we can clean perfect every little inch of every corner. The whole thing to the rythm of hard rock,dubstep, classical music, and gansta rap.
We'll redose twice and when we finally cleaned the whole thing, it's already 2-fucking-am. 8o
We barely believe it. We cleaned like crazies for more than 15 hours straight. Without even a 5 minute break to eat or smoke.

Now I'd like to make notes on my psychological state during that day, which was my fourth day without getting any sleep. But I can't. I don't know how it went on my friend's side, but all I can say is I've been absolutely hypnotized by the cleaning. My friend recorded some funny moments during the day and I was very surprised when I saw those clips because I was seeing myself doing some stuff and talking about some random other stuff for minutes and to this day I still can not remember any of this. The best I have is one or two moments at the beggining of the afternoon, other than that, it feels like my brain wasn't recording anything until we stopped.

Finally we went for a smoke and eventually the whole thing got weird. I couldn't talk normally, 90% of what was coming out of my mouth was just noise, resulted as a failed attemp to say things I didn't even wanted to say (quite weird feeling) And what I was able to say was pure non-sense. I felt like I didn't knew who I was anymore and everything seemed like it wasn't real. Another weird thing was when I was in the apartment, I felt like it was on another place. To explain: when I was opening the front door, I was expecting to see the outside of my other house. It really took me 2 days to get used to the fact that our apartment wasn't at that place, and I mean two baseline-days.
My mate put himself in bed and was having a hard time finding sleep, and was laughing at the inhuman noises I was making while I was trying to communicate. Meanwhile, I felt so weird that I wanted to keep cleaning stuff. It was intriguingly relaxing, and I wanted to keep going because the second I stopped I was back again on Insanity Mode. My mate finally got me out of this and it was clear for me that I wasn't going to redose, before going to bed I just went to take a shower and brush my teeth. It was literally a shock when I saw myself in the mirror. Not only I looked like a tired zombie, I was not recognizing myself. I tried not to think about it and got myself to bed.
I must have fell asleep in about 5 minutes.

I woke up 6 hours later.
And believe it or not, I felt unexpectedly good. Back to baseline, and maybe even a bit more happy than usual.
I repeat: There has been not any sign of a comedown. At all. And it's been 3 weeks since the experience.

To summarize it's in my opinion a very interesting product, but I don't know about it's toxicity or long-term side effects.
It seems indeed that you're almost sure to avoid a comedown if you take it just on a single occasion, but I wouldn't say that you'll avoid one if you start redosing too much, I probably just got lucky. You also most likely will be able to sleep once the main effects wore off.
Other than that, during my experience I kept redosing but I'd say that was mostly on "real purpose". In my opinion there is maybe a little urge to redose but it's nothing like mephedrone or similar stuff, it is totally controlable imo.
I'm not sure what to add about this substance so I think I'll call that a report for now but feel free to ask questions about it. I hope it'll help some people in some way.
Thanks for reading and happy holidays ! :)
Good read, but I found parts of it hard to follow: how long were you awake for??

There was the first day when I was sober
Then the night when I got home + the day in the train
The night with my pal in town + the day at work
The night at work + the cleaning day

I never really went on a binge before that, I can't imagine what it must be on meth.
I also have a slight infatuation with this RC and made a couple of trip reports about it a couple of days ago. First experience was nil. Second time was almost mind blowing. Do hate the cotton mouth though that seems to come along with it, at least for me anyways.
not any more dangerous than binging on a relatively untested RC for a few days, where other compounds are often sold under its name. :/

What ebola? and FlippingTop said.

You're already playing with fire. Mixing another RC stimulant with it is like throwing gasoline on the flames and wondering why they got bigger.

Tread carefully.
I also have a slight infatuation with this RC and made a couple of trip reports about it a couple of days ago. First experience was nil. Second time was almost mind blowing. Do hate the cotton mouth though that seems to come along with it, at least for me anyways.
I don't want to be nitpicky but I recall doing a little searching about these RC's and I tripped across your reports. Just to make it clear - this trip report was about Pentedrone and your reports were seemingly about Pentylone.

Here we go with the Methedrone Mephedrone style confusion again huh?
^ah thanks!

I read his trip reports and was a little baffled about the 250mg and 500mg doses!
I don't want to be nitpicky but I recall doing a little searching about these RC's and I tripped across your reports. Just to make it clear - this trip report was about Pentedrone and your reports were seemingly about Pentylone.

Here we go with the Methedrone Mephedrone style confusion again huh?

Thats what I thought at first, so I dug up an older thread on pentylone that was on here, got directed to a diff thread by another mod and didn't think too much more of it. The lack of info on the drug itself makes things a bit more difficult for an a newb experimenter like myself.

Glad I am safe and everybody else is for now. I got rid of my RCs and am trying to detox from all my drugs, even my prescription meds. Its hell.

Avoid RC's and other "legal highs" at all cost IMO. Lesson learned, hopefully to be followed.
pentedrone is really cool rc.
Good stimulation and nice euphoria without a comedown (maybe a little bit comedown).
SWIM prefer this than 25% pure local street coke or cutted xtc.

An advice, don't make lines this kind of order;
5mg - 5mg- 10mg - 15mg - 20mg - 20mg - 20mg.
if you do this, after a few hours, you cannot feel the bump lines' effect.
Do it in this way,
80mg, after a couple time (1 - 1.5 hours), do it again or do it 100 - 120 mg.
It is more effective way, as SWIM experienced.
I'm glad to have heard about YOUR experiences (we don't SWIM here--it affords you no legal protection and is annoying). :p

I really relates to what you were saying abuot not being abe to talk.that happened to me on MDPV
This substance looks very interesting but everyone (I know anyway) seems to be sold out of it at the moment... if my rats try it, I'll post a trip report too.
Ordered a gram of this (pentedrone) and will post a report when i have tested
This is some seriously potent and strong stuff, and I'm very sensitive to stimulants. However in small doses of max 10 mg taken 3-4 hours apart it is surprisingly functional and benign. There's no comedown with such small doses either.
not any more dangerous than binging on a relatively untested RC for a few days, where other compounds are often sold under its name. :/


Hey, come on now. You only don't have permanent psychosis once.
Well I'm joining the "straight stim" crowd.. tried it 3 times, with many days pause in between, and never felt euphoria, not even mood change. Some slight improvement of music appreciation though and maybe horniness (but then again any stim makes me horny and even sober I masturbate at least 3 times a day haha)
Not jittery, no comedown which is fantastic, but the effects simply seemed to mild for me to be interesting.