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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

(Pentazocine/50 mg and 50 mg, Cannabis) - Inexperienced - Trippy and confusing....


Aug 16, 2012
This is going to be a pretty basic trip report because there's not too much to report, but I just thought I'd put it up since I see so few about pentazocine being used for this purpose. I was actually just intending to get a narcotic effect out of it while working my way up to a higher dose to test for hallucinations, but it looks like I'm a bit more sensitive to it than I expected.

For the record, I never really use opiates/opioids so I have no tolerance to their effects, except for a high natural tolerance. I am however effected by hallucinogens really easily these days, and I can sense their effects at very low doses. I have very mild HPPD that mostly consists of visual static these days, so that's also there to consider but I don't mention visuals which I can tell are just due to that.

T+0:00 - Insufflated 50 mg of pentazocine and an insignificant (0.5 mg) amount of naloxone. This turned out to be a terrible idea.... I don't know if it's just been a long time since I took any drug by this route or if this pill just doesn't agree with me, but the drip was AWFUL. I puked immediately afterwards and probably lost a little bit of the dose, but hopefully not too much since I still felt something quickly and I've heard it's bioavailability might be much higher this way than orally, and then the terrible taste and burn was keeping me really negative and took an entire hour to finally disappear. Never doing that again....

T+0:15 - Took another 50 mg pill orally. I hadn't originally planned to take two, but I just felt a little cheated from the throwing up I suppose.

T+0:30 - These next few ones are rough estimates, but I want to say it was around this time I had started smoking cannabis, which I would have put off a bit longer but I wasn't really intending to use this dose to test for hallucinogenic effects.

T+0:45 - From here to around T+1:15 I started noticing some come-up anxiety. I was becoming dissociated but in a sort of uncomfortable way like salvia, but nowhere near as intense. It made me nervous at first, but it was bearable.

T+1:15 - This was when the most significant phase started and lasted a few hours, it was characterized mostly by very lightly psychedelic-like visuals and lots of sedation and dissociation. My mind was very foggy. The visuals mostly consisted of things looking weird or unreal in that just-below-threshold kind of way, neon color splotches moving around in my peripheral vision, slightly colored edges on objects, and this CEV where the thick wall of purplish visual snow I normally see with my eyes closed became a spinning tunnel of red, yellow, and blue that made me think of the kinds of visuals I used to get from smoking on a MDMA comedown, but more simplistic. This wasn't very vivid, but it was stable. It morphed around a bit more than that too, but that's the main thing I remember now. Mostly what got me was the dissociation, at one point a friend of mine came over and was putting on TV shows and movies and I couldn't follow anything at all, I would stare at the TV for ten or fifteen minutes just to realize I hadn't seen a single thing on it yet. There were slight hints of anxiety from it that's normal for me, but nothing ever got out of hand. My body felt like it does when I'm dissociated as well. Music was enhanced in a way similar to psychedelics and I felt that I could let my mind flow down some really crazy paths while listening to a song, but the sedation and dissociation combined were enough to make me forget that I was even listening to music whenever I tried.

T+3:30 - I'm pretty sure it was around this time that the experience came down a bit and suddenly was more like an opioid high, maybe because the kappa-opioid activity decreased back below its dysphoria threshold? Whatever the reason, it was fairly enjoyable and I had a decent body high and got lost in some fantasies quite easily. I also nearly passed out a couple times around the end, but I ended up staying up late enough with my friend that I eventually fully came down and was a bit functional again.

I'm not really too sure about the times after that, but I'm pretty certain it didn't last longer than six hours at most. I'm glad that I got this much out of this dose, I assumed I would need more, but I guess I'm sensitive enough to it. The effects were fairly weak anyway, but I thought it was interesting. The mindset wasn't the most comfortable though, and it doesn't really seem like it gets very deep.... I'm not sure yet whether or not I'll return to this compound. However, I do have enough for at least a couple more tests, so I guess I'll just hold on to it for now and see what happens.
If it's Talwin NX it can't be snorted. Naloxone might be active intranasally. That might be why you felt the opiate effect a few hours later. Maybe under the tongue would be better?

Naloxone nasal sprays are given out to users and addicts for ODs by harm-reduction groups in some cities. This is because many people, even opiate addicts, don't know how to inject. Also it can be hard to find a vein. It's not as well studied, but if IN naloxone has reversed heroin ODs then it's probably well absorbed.

Snorting only works with Suboxone because buprenorphine overpowers the naloxone, which is only in there for marketing and patent reasons.

I'd like to try or hear about the T's and blues combo and how it changes the high. Users would go out of their way to get PBZ through doctor shopping and even smuggling it from Canada or Mexico. It must have done more than just be like adding Benadryl. Can't find a real experience report using the original T's and blues.

Anyone who does try it injected with pills should use a micron filter, because there's talc and all kinds of shit in them.
That could be, but I was told that the dose of naloxone probably wouldn't matter intranasally. I can't back that up though. I never thought about sublingual, I might try that next.... Either way, I was going more for the kappa- than mu-opioid effects, so I'm not too concerned with that. It would be nice to have a bit more euphoria though.

I'm interested in that as well, I've seen a lot of people mention it but I've never seen a report. It sounds like an odd combo to me, but I'll bet there's something special about it.
How much do you weigh? I smoked a nice sized joint and took 50mg orally, talwin doesnt have naloxone in it here in canada.I felt it for an hour or so but a few days later i took it and nothing. Maybe i should have insufflated it.
~230 lbs. I've definitely felt it for longer than an hour each time I've taken it, even the times I just took 50 mg orally. Opioids normally don't do very much to me, but I seem to be at least somewhat sensitive to this one.
~230 lbs. I've definitely felt it for longer than an hour each time I've taken it, even the times I just took 50 mg orally. Opioids normally don't do very much to me, but I seem to be at least somewhat sensitive to this one.

Damn i thought u felt it so much cause u were small im 270lbs and opiates dont do much to me either.