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Peeing and rolling

when im rolling hard, i cant pee unless i run the water and concentrate on not concentrating on it.
and sometimes it stops midflow and is harder to start up again than it was in the first place.
Please read and memorise this! (I have repeated it so many times in this forum...)The reason most people have trouble peeing while on MDMA is because MDMA causes increased release of a hormone called anti-diuretic hormone AKA adh or vasopressin. This tells your kidneys to release less fluid as urine. This may become a problem if you drink large amounts of water while high, as your body can't excrete it, and the sodium in your bloodstream becomes too dilute. This is calledhyponatremia aka water intoxication . See this FAQ for more on that topic. Please explain this to your E using friends too, and how to easily prevent water intoxication - it's all in the FAQ.
I always find it hard to pee when I am on E. I'd be standing in front of the urinal for 5 minutes and then my mind would wonder away. All of the sudden, I realise that I am in a toilet. Then I try to pee again....but the whole cycle goes again. So sometimes I really have to concentrate hard (which sucks when you are high). Either that or I have to wait till I come down.
fengtau - yeah i get that a lot too, but not only when i'm in the toilet. i find it happens more as you start to come down.

Not being able to pee while on pills is not necessarily to do with ADH. Often you do have urine in the bladder, but releasing it is very difficult. This is due to the stimulant effect of the E causing the sphincter that closes off the urethra to close off very tightly. This is the same effect as the jaw clenching that MDMA causes. Taking magnesium can help to alleviate this to an extent.
The best experience when peaking...

I am very new, but 2 weekends ago when I was peaking I had to piss. This was the best feeling I ever had.... so I say go ahead and piss, just make sure you're ok to stand up, or just say screw it and sit :)
Thank you for the information babydoc. I didn't know that. I noticed with me, in the beginning of my roll I tend to have to pee alot as if my body is preparing itself not to go anymore. LOL...Then whether I drink alot of water or not, I don't go and there have been times I wound up very dehydrated to the point that when I finally went I peed blood in my urine causing a severe bladder infection. I now do my best to drink about 12oz of water an hour when rolling and that seems to work. Thanks again babydoc for all your info. I'm gonna have to check that link out to learn more about it! Take care and Happy Rolls!
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Jhon said:
Not being able to pee while on pills is not necessarily to do with ADH. Often you do have urine in the bladder, but releasing it is very difficult. This is due to the stimulant effect of the E causing the sphincter that closes off the urethra to close off very tightly. This is the same effect as the jaw clenching that MDMA causes. Taking magnesium can help to alleviate this to an extent.

This is the probem that I get. Its not due to ADH because there is ALOT of urine there. Its just my urethra is clenched and I can't relax it. It only happens in the morning after the 4th-5th pill. It gets quite painful and irritating.

My solution is to not do so many pills anymore as it ends up ruining my entire night.
This is due to the stimulant effect of the E causing the sphincter that closes off the urethra to close off very tightly
How do you know this to be the case? I am not saying it isn't, but I haven't heard this before and would like to know more.

I wouldn't have thought it was similar to jaw clenching - though I am yet to see an explanation for why MDMA causes clenching, discussions in health q & a indicate that the trigeminal nerve is stimulated by serotonin, therefore increased serotonin possibly = increased action of the trigeminal nerve.
All amphetamines are known to increase muscle tone. This includes all manner of muscles including the bladder sphincter, and arteriole walls, causing raised blood pressure. I'ts probably because the body responds to adrenalin (very similar in structure to amphetamines) in this way because of the so-called "fight or flight response". All these effects combine to make sure the body doesn't have to worry about any of the usual things such as urination, hunger etc, and can just concentrate on getting the hell away from that lion!
The stimulation of the trigeminal nerve will increase muscle tone in the areas that nerve controls. The vagus nerve will be stimulated in a similar way, increasing tone in the torso.