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Peeing and rolling


Jul 20, 2000
A friend of mine recently told me while she is rolling, she likes to piss alot. I told her that I wait until I "come down" to take a piss. I always seem to "come up" again, for a very short time, while I piss. She says she "heard" it was dangerous to hold it in. Does anyone have any information to this?
you're asking people fro experiences of urinating while on ecstasy?? can't you just be happy with when and how you pee?
umm, there are some problems with holding your pee in i think .

I've always thought that the more you hold it in, the more water you have inside you. If you drink too much without peeing it can become too much and could cause hyponatremia, which is water intoxication (havin seizures and shit). Not to say this will happen to anyone that doesnt pee, just be careful..

And not to mention how much it hurts your bladder :\

And plus peeing while on pills feel bloooody fantastic, the adrenalin you get .. =D
Well..it's bad to hold it when you aren't rolling so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that it's worse when you are. Your body is trying to rid itself of toxins and here you are holding them in. Your body starts to take them back which can be dangerous. I suggest against holding it and just go. Besides, I get uncomfortable if I hold it too long. And it weakens your bladder. You want to be able to hold it when you're 80 right? ;)
"And plus peeing while on pills feel bloooody fantastic, the adrenalin you get .. "

It's strange with me..I fucking swear, I have not had to piss on a bean(s) in like, the past year and a half..I can't really tell you what it feels like, as I have forgotten..My body seems to prepare itself when my mind knows I'm going to be on something that nite..Hope I'm not holding too much in without even knowing it or something..
Holding your urine for extended amounts of time can lead to problems like, bladder and kidney infections. If you've never had one of these, they are extremely uncomfortable. I would suggests peeing as soon as you feel like you must pee. I have also found that urinating while on E is incredible, it feels amazing.
a little bit of alcohol usually helps me

its a diarhetic AND a depressant, so you dont get stimmed out even more (which would worsen the urination problems)

be careful not to drink too much though, alcohol would make the risk of dehydration worse.
In the movie Liar Liar, they say that it can cause you to not be able to get it up. If thats true though, then I don't think it will happen after a few hours or whatever though.
is it just me or does anyone else have trouble taking a piss when rolling???

sometimes i can just stand over a toilet for like 10 minutes and nothing will come out and then i get paranoid that my bladder's going to explode and shit ...
sitting down can help too, helps you relax and let it go.

the worst is when your tripping too hard to piss; sitting down makes it even harder, then 8)
I've been rolling for about a year and a half now, fairly constantly. I can never piss when I am rolling. I piss before, and a little while after I come down, but when I am rolling I have sometimes tried, and no matter how much water I drink, I could stand in front of a toilet or urinal all day and nothing would come out. I thought that it was kinda weird, but I guess that its not. At the same time, I don't get that much of a rush when I finally do get to go, i just feel relieved.

Dont Panic... It happens to everyone

Its because your rushing, happy, excited the adrenalin running through your body makes you feel like taking a piss.

But you cant .. hmmmmmm :D

Best thing to do is stand there, Dont look at it and dont think about it, just let it flow freely :)
Thanks for all of your replys! I too LOVE to pee when I am coming down because it does feel soooooooooooooooooo good. It is very hard to take a squirt when rolling. My friend pisses alot when rolling and she is always the first to come down and does'nt roll nearly as long as the rest of us. I told her she should only pee when nature calls and also to try and to pee before she drops her pill.
I thought I was the ONLY one who couldn't pee when I was rolling, i've had it to the point where it hurt so much and I just couldn't do it... or anything for that matter.... it sucked!!!
I though i could bend the stream of my own piss just using my mind. :p and i did, but i couldnt show anyone else.
For those that have real trouble peeing whilst rolling, the key is learning to relax. Oh yeah, everyone knows how to relax, right? Nope. Twelve years of Tai Chi have shown me that no-one knows how to relax at will without learning how... when trying to pee when rolling concentrate on relaxing the abdomen region and bladder (obviously) - it still isn't easy, but you should practise doing it - it's better for you to get rid of the toxins and it feels faaantastic!! :)
I always find it impossible to pee when I'm rolling. If ive had 1 or 2 I can usually go, but anymore than that and I have to wait till I've completely come down
tathra said:
sitting down can help too, helps you relax and let it go.

the worst is when your tripping too hard to piss; sitting down makes it even harder, then 8)
True. Turn the taps on too! The sound of water helps.