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☮ Social ☮ PD Umph: Hearts Rainbows and Butterflies Social

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I gotta leave for very cold place very soon essentially to watch my father die alone.


Here man, I've had an amazing day, and I'd like to give half of it to you. Catch the vibes. Please :)

Anyone remember my girl issue? Well, I got her :) I got all worked up planning on how I'll tell her I want to explore a romantic relationship with her and it was all useless because without words we both mutually agreed that we wanted to be lovers :) It's not a serious relationship, it's just a whole new dimension of love for this girl. And I think she's the "one" :) I've known for a while actually, just pointing this out haha
So today I experimented with propylhexedrine. I had done so on two other occasions about two years ago, with very unpleasant results. Those times I had cut up the cotton from the inhaler and eaten nit, and it led to very strong peripheral side effects and stomach weirdness.

This time I cut up the cotton from one 250mg inhaler, and put it in water that had 1/2 tsp of citric acid dissolved in it. I let it sit, stirring occasionally, for an hour or so. I decided I wanted to divide it into 5 50mg doses, so I had measured out, in an ice cube tray, 5 ice cubes worth of water. I put a drop of yellow food coloring in the solution also so alert me and anyone else that it was not, in fact, regular ice. I then put the solution back into the ice cube tray and let it freeze.

After a while, I decided to try a 50mg dose. Last time I tried 500mg the first time (working off a couple of sparse and misleading Erowid reports), with frightening hallucinations and delusions, and 250mg the second time, with extremely uncomfortable side effects. So I figured 50mg would be a good place to start. I put one of the 5 ice cubes in a glass of water and let it melt, and drank. It tasted like lavendar and methol, which was pretty nasty, but it was alright.

After about 30 minutes, I started to feel a lightness in my body, a faint and pleasant stimulation, without energy. I decided to take another ice cube (50mg), bringing mmy total to 100mg. Another 30 minutes went by, and I started to feel really damn good. My skin was very sensitive and I had a feeling running through my body that reminded me of MDMA, though not the same. So far it was 100% good, no discomfort or negativity at all. My wife and I started talking, and really opening up a whole lot about our past with each other. It just felt SO good to talk. I had a little bit of the nystagmus feeling of MDMA, but not to that extent. Physically I felt lazy but very good, especially in my skin. I took another 25mg and felt it prolong and perhaps increase a bit.

After a good couple of hours, I felt a minor "lossy" feeling, where I was coming down somewhat and the goodness was less. This compelled me to ingest another 75mg... if it sounds like a lot more, it's because it was. At the time it seemed like a great idea. After this dose kicked in, I began to feel more like I had earlier mentally, but physically the coming down side effects had already begun, namely, a fast heartbeat and a stimulated, cracked-out feeling that wasn't nearly as bad as withy most strong stimulants, but that still was something to deal with. I decided to make an exception with my kratom boycott to help the side effects. It worked somewhat, but less than I had hoped. But I still felt a good bit better (not that I ever felt bad, per se - it just had uncomfortable aspects). Throughout the side effects, I still felt very chatty and enjoyed talking, though less so than during the peak.

Then, for some unknown reason, I decided to ingest the remaining 50mg, for a total of the entire 250mg inhaler. Predictably, the side effects increased. I decided to try taking a half a shot of tequila to help me feel a little less cracked out. It worked better than I had expected. Throughout the course of two hours I took about 3 shots in half-shot increments. Generally 3 shots of liquor will make me feel all crappy and intoxicated, seeing as how I have no tolerance and my body dislikes alcohol. But today I barely felt the intoxicating effects. Rather, it merged with the propylhexedrine to add to the warm glow effect and the chattiness, and it reduced the side effects.

After a while, though, the side effects overwhelmed the alcohol, and the alcohol itself added an element of nastiness to the feeling that I can't explain, but it's the same nastiness that alcohol alone usually makes me feel. This all happened starting at 3pm, and I took the last dose at probably around 7... it's 4am now, and I'm still feeling that slightly unpleasant body weirdness and cracked-out feeling. I just took some valerian root, a large amount, and I'm going to try to sleep. Fortunately this substance seems to produce an almost lazy body feeling, rather than the amped-up energy of most strong stimulants.

Overall it was a good experience and I was pleasantly surprised. The peak was good indeed... some of the most direct drug-induced euphoria I've felt in quite some time.
Smoked about 10mg and then 15mg a minute later, and let me say wow. DMT certainly makes its presence known even at such low doses. The extraction worked beautifully!
Sounds like fine product Cloudy! :D Wasn't your first time was it? Glad you liked it. :)

Thanks for the report Xorkoth, I like to read something a little different now and then. Interesting stuff it seems but not something up my alley.

I still have 1,3-dimethylamylamine laying around but I think that is a stim even lots
inferior than benzedrex :\
Xorky, perhaps smoke some weed when you're starting to feel crappy on stims, if you have any around. :) I find its a lot better (for me at least) than alcohol. Sometimes the weed might make me a bit more paranoid, but its an even trade-off IMO to get rid of the sweats and jitters.

Ahhhh I just went out and bought a dank-ass breakfast sandwich with ham and cheese and egg, and I brought it home, set it down, went to the other room to wash my hands, and when I came back my kitty cat was licking my sammich and eating the ham from inside it. :!
I gotta leave for very cold place very soon essentially to watch my father die alone.

He won't be alone if you're there with him. <3 Best wishes, friend; you have my sincere condolences. Take good care of your pops, and tell him you love him as much as you can. You'll be in my thoughts. <3
im thinking i might lick a plate i had some 2c-i drying out on....

its already been scraped so the amount that is there is probably less than 10mg.....
Sounds like fine product Cloudy! :D Wasn't your first time was it? Glad you liked it. :)

Thanks for the report Xorkoth, I like to read something a little different now and then. Interesting stuff it seems but not something up my alley.

I still have 1,3-dimethylamylamine laying around but I think that is a stim even lots
inferior than benzedrex :\

I have about 1g from 100g of bark. All came out to nice and white. I didn't clean the jar well enough (where I put the pulls) and some weed ended up turning some of the dmt brown.

Yeah it was my first try. It was enjoyable being able to find a use for my goggles outside of labs. I wish i just had a nice set of glass ware.
I also found that ~20mg is a nice little dose. Stack on a little bit of weed and it is like taking a hit of colorful nitrous
I also found that ~20mg is a nice little dose. Stack on a little bit of weed and it is like taking a hit of colorful nitrous

You should load up 100mg and rip it until you can't any more. :D

Hehe, evil Roger coming out ;)

Well I am high as a kite. :D

This new acid is definitely legit; I'd say about a good 100ug :)

I realized that benzos might just be that addiction that was waiting for me. They make me very tired, lazy, and generally out of it even the following day. I also see how I have to go out and spend more time with people even if a lot of those people get under my skin and sometimes make my life uncomfortable. I think the main part of integrating a psychedelic experience is being able to be in that state around other people. I think it would be a real everyday psychedelic integration if you could talk to a "sober" person while fully tripping and be completely comfortable with it.

I'm going to move into that house I was hangout in on friday night. :)
Does anyone else think Ketamine tastes like pasta and ammonia?

A strangely sickening tasty taste omnomnomomnomnomnom
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I am man :D

I'm powerlaughing to Dumb&Dumber :D

One of my favorite movies of all time :)
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