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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: Tripping Past 2020

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Rather haphazardly I decided to try a small dose of the (un-tested/confirmed) Tiletamine, some 4 hrs after my last beer. I had just smoked bowl when....

I avged the weight of the full tube and took out what was to be 5 mg but with my cheap scale I imagine it to be off a fair bit. I’d wager <10 mg for sure.

I divided it in two and gently sniffed 1 half per nostril.

Within minutes I had slight alerts of that disso body buzz. And the fan in the laundry room seemed to be slowing. I could hear the wum-wam-wum of the blades rotating

My head felt like Mr Makey’s when he loosened his tie (floating on a short string).

The relaxation was euphoric. My headspace continuing to clear

I shut off the video game as I was getting careless and simply cba.

The body buzz deepened as my clear head floated blissfully. It felt mildly erotic.... and I rubbed one out. Climaxing seemed unimportant as I slowly began my descent (~+1hr) but I managed without issue.

By t+1.5 I am definitely coming down but I’m still pleasantly removed. I cleared the threatening drip, brushed my teeth and took a melatonin (in hopes of resetting my sleep schedule) before laying down.

A reckless choice but it turned out well. Wanna make the trek into the city to get this tested before I continue (guilt free) at proper doses
No guilt needed. Just so you can have peace of mind. Guilt is for when you know you have done something bad, although of course we are often guilty of doing wrong or harm without being fully aware.
I just meant...given the source (and a recent mix up with a different, mislabeled Chem from this vendor, which lead to several concerning reactions), it should have really been confirmed before I started titrating this. And mixing dissos with alcohol is never a good idea (but Tbf it was a number of hours later, as the booze was wearing off).

I don’t feel bad about getting high. Just about being reckless - combining it with alcohol and jumping in before I had a chance to test it (I can’t even seem to find reagent results online?).

Also, I’ve been feeling guilty about my recent lapse with booze and nicotine... but not about getting high lol... However, I awoke after a short sleep feeling much better than I have in weeks. No desire to drink and I’m feeling rather motivated.
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I just meant...given the source (and a recent mix up with a different, mislabeled Chem from this vendor, which lead to several concerning reactions), it should have really been confirmed before I started titrating this. And mixing dissos with alcohol is never a good idea (but Tbf it was a number of hours later, as the booze was wearing off).

I don’t feel bad about getting high. Just about being reckless - combining it with alcohol and jumping in before I had a chance to test it (I can’t even seem to find reagent results online?).

Also, I’ve been feeling guilty about my recent lapse with booze and nicotine... but not about getting high lol... However, I awoke after a short sleep feeling much better than I have in weeks. No desire to drink and I’m feeling rather motivated.
Yeah I get you, I was just musing the semantics. I know what you mean and you are right, we can all feel guilt when it comes to substance use in any way depending on the situation.

Maybe I was just trying to distinguish between different types of guilt. I’ve felt guilty for taking drugs before.

I never felt guilty for using coke, whatever the dollar.

The times in past, scattered out and never addiction forming, I did use heroin or crack, I always felt guilty about it. As an example, but anything can create that feeling when we are questioning our behaviour or don’t feel fully justified.

I suppose I feel a little guilty for tripping too much this year, but that guilt can be the ammunition and momentum we need to finally roll out of bed one day (evening most often for me lol) and say, right, nuff’s enuff. Getting shit together now. And we can compensate for it down the line by using that guilt as motivation.
Craving escape, I’m drunk again.
That makes 4/5 days

But after 2 mos of abstinence its wearing on me. So I smoked (vaped) some cannabis for the first time in a few weeks.

I’ve since hydrated sufficiently (something I’ve neglected recently). and my headspace has turned around.

I’m still apprehensive about tripping but the idea is oddly intriguing atm. I’m off Wednesday and thatd be a better time... for many reasons.

So I think I’ll just have another bowl and ride this wave. And go for something with subjectively less headspace on Wednesday, as a way to reintroduce myself to psyches (a lighter 4 sub, dxm, mdma or maybe a modest dose of ald 52)

As it’s been >4 mos, during which time I’ve been slacking and with depression rearing it’s ugly head ive become very self critical. I don’t need an asswhooping but something soothing with a bit of a push.

In the meantime, I’ll pack a bowl and hydrate some more

I feel your pain, man. It seems so many of us psychedelic heads end up craving escape. I've struggled with that for almost 20 years now. I finally managed to stop craving alcohol, which is a small miracle. But currently been bouncing from one thing to another. At the moment I'm coming off of kratom, doing a dose every other day but I was doing a lot more to try to get off of a mild benzo dependence I developed, so I still get interdose withdrawals. I did some yesterday and now I'm trying to wait until Wednesday. I bought a bunch of kava, but kava doesn't really do it for me, but it does at least help sometimes, a little. Weed also doesn't do it for me, in fact weed rarely makes things better when I'm feeling anxious. Going from a little something for escape to nothing is pretty challenging. I really wish weed did it for me. It actually kinda does, sometimes, when I am not withdrawing from something. But it's inconsistent. It's much more like psychedelics for me, I need to space out my usage or it turns on me. Weed used to do it for me, but somewhere along the line, it stopped. I get really high, and when my brain will accept that, it's great, a real experience. But it brings out latent anxieties very strongly, in fact I find LSD or most other psychedelics more relaxing than weed. Even delta-8 THC can make me anxious sometimes these days.
I feel your pain, man. It seems so many of us psychedelic heads end up craving escape. I've struggled with that for almost 20 years now. I finally managed to stop craving alcohol, which is a small miracle. But currently been bouncing from one thing to another. At the moment I'm coming off of kratom, doing a dose every other day but I was doing a lot more to try to get off of a mild benzo dependence I developed, so I still get interdose withdrawals. I did some yesterday and now I'm trying to wait until Wednesday. I bought a bunch of kava, but kava doesn't really do it for me, but it does at least help sometimes, a little. Weed also doesn't do it for me, in fact weed rarely makes things better when I'm feeling anxious. Going from a little something for escape to nothing is pretty challenging. I really wish weed did it for me. It actually kinda does, sometimes, when I am not withdrawing from something. But it's inconsistent. It's much more like psychedelics for me, I need to space out my usage or it turns on me. Weed used to do it for me, but somewhere along the line, it stopped. I get really high, and when my brain will accept that, it's great, a real experience. But it brings out latent anxieties very strongly, in fact I find LSD or most other psychedelics more relaxing than weed. Even delta-8 THC can make me anxious sometimes these days.
I can relate to a lot of that. You’re making a good determined bid with the Kratom by the sounds. It’s surely going to take a longer, more protracted and patient, gradual withdrawal as I know your Kratom doses were very high.

Weed indeed isn’t the kindest drug when it comes to anxiety. Although generally, our homemade edibles, simple infused coconut oil, barely trigger any anxiety in me vs a small few hits of vaporizer, and this is especially true when I use weed when tripping.

Although depending on the timing of the edible dose and how the comeup and peak converges with the acid, the edibles can really add some wings to the acid peak where vapor effects can be more acutely intense initially then fade back sooner.

But outside of tripping, and inside to an extent, the edibles never really trigger anxiety, while small doses of vaporized weed can launch me into a mentally tense state quite easily at times, any time on a trip and the following days.

Pity the kava can’t help more but at least you’ve been giving it a go. No harm done and nothing to lose as long as you don’t mix it with alcohol of course.

So just one point really- I’m wondering if you have tried combining a decent amount of weed with a decent amount of kava, I personally don’t think Kava would work for me without cannabis. I use the kava partly to modulate the cannabis experience, and I use the cannabis, especially vaporisation, to jazz up the kava.

Once nicely into a kava session, vaping weed is much more enjoyable, pleasurable and satisfying to me, without triggering any anxiety.

I like to modulate the effects of each by spontaneously flicking between more kava here, there, little vape here, there.

I struggle to be fully satisfied with kava’s effects without any vaporisation, and it doesn’t take much vapor, at select points, to add so much more to the experience of the kava, without near as much potential for the weed to trigger anxiety.
Well I just plugged 75mgs about 2mins ago dissolved it in 4.5mls H2O and .5mls White Vinegar just to make sure the stuff dissolved properly gotta say I am so excited right now that gram was looking so beautiful when I was putting it away in the vial. I just told my boss I would Cover this one dudes shift on Saturday, I want the overtime anyways but now I only have one day off so I ended up moving things forward to tonight. Can't wait for this to kick in one of the most Euphoric drugs out there for damn sure.
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aMT is in my top favorite drugs ever honestly I feel so damn good right now, its so beautiful. Nothing in the way of visuals really bit everything looks sorta fuzzy and soft. Where this drug seines is the body high and euphoria that just seems to go on forever, I much prefer this over MDMA and now that I have a gram it will be my empathogen of choice for the time being. I feel a little hot bit im just gonna open a Windows. The comeup tonight Was harder than my other trials tho I was kinda nausous for like 90mins but it was mild in the grand scheme of things and more than worth the euphoric state im in now. I just masturbated and watched porn during that point and it took my mind off it, lol. And then by the time I Orgasm I just felt wonderful. Contemplating taking 125-250ugs of 1p-LSD right now, not sure if I need it tho I feel spectacular as it is 😊
aMT is in my top favorite drugs ever honestly I feel so damn good right now, its so beautiful. Nothing in the way of visuals really bit everything looks sorta fuzzy and soft. Where this drug seines is the body high and euphoria that just seems to go on forever, I much prefer this over MDMA and now that I have a gram it will be my empathogen of choice for the time being. I feel a little hot bit im just gonna open a Windows. The comeup tonight Was harder than my other trials tho I was kinda nausous for like 90mins but it was mild in the grand scheme of things and more than worth the euphoric state im in now. I just masturbated and watched porn during that point and it took my mind off it, lol. And then by the time I Orgasm I just felt wonderful. Contemplating taking 125-250ugs of 1p-LSD right now, not sure if I need it tho I feel spectacular as it is 😊
Hi. Great to hear it being so nice for you. If I’m not too late to vote...DEFINITELY add the 1p.

In that already, blissfully, beautiful, elevated state, I can only see it adding and not taking away.

I should be jel lol, as I’ve never had AMT. I Adored my MDMA before allergies took all of that away from me Decades ago now and I have two Dutch MDMA pills which I would love to plug but I fear a substantial allergenic reaction but I would feel much more confident about the AMT plugged.

Without knowing anything about it admittedly just a feeling.

so if you do drop that 1p, let us know how it winds into the experience, and enjoy maxx!
Alright im gonna drop the Acid now I just took around 1.5 Tabs so should be somewhere close to 200ugs of 1p-LSD which combine with the aMT im sure will be sufficient. This is gonna be one of those nights ill never forget 😛
Have fun shadow cat. If you want to really take your trip to another level i highly recommend this set. Has Eckhart tolle sound bites in it some seriously trippy journey. Breathe and meditate into the peak. had a full obe experince on 200 ug to the set.

On another note turns out i did not make a fool out of myself from drinking they said i was totally fine and to come along and chill again tonight but im so wired ima study with my mate later on. Cbf drinking.

aMT is in my top favorite drugs ever honestly I feel so damn good right now, its so beautiful. Nothing in the way of visuals really bit everything looks sorta fuzzy and soft. Where this drug seines is the body high and euphoria that just seems to go on forever, I much prefer this over MDMA and now that I have a gram it will be my empathogen of choice for the time being. I feel a little hot bit im just gonna open a Windows. The comeup tonight Was harder than my other trials tho I was kinda nausous for like 90mins but it was mild in the grand scheme of things and more than worth the euphoric state im in now. I just masturbated and watched porn during that point and it took my mind off it, lol. And then by the time I Orgasm I just felt wonderful. Contemplating taking 125-250ugs of 1p-LSD right now, not sure if I need it tho I feel spectacular as it is 😊

I bought aMT some online when i was in high school. I was 16-17, and bought it online (back when it was legal). Also purchased some 5-meo-dipt with it.

From my recollection it was kind of a dirty, speedy high. Certainly not as dirty as 5-meo-dipt.

It was my first psychedelic. I pressured a number of friends into snorting it. Interesting times. I'm sure I'd enjoy it more now than back then.
AMT is top notch, I really love it. It can feel dirty at times, but it's like an 18 hour long MDMA style feeling, but with greater mental lucidity, and absolutely no rush or forced feeling, more like mescaline in that way. It also just gradually, gradually fades into the background, there is no comedown or crash and if you just take it occasionally, it leaves you feeling better afterwards, though perhaps a bit tired.

When I say it can feel dirty at times, I mean that occasionally the trip is a bit jangly feeling, but usually it is not. The come-up is always jangly and rather unpleasant but it's worth it for the experience. 90% of the time it clears up entirely by the time you come all the way up.
Not even sure how but I somehow got a few hours of sleep I woke up and im still tripping pretty hard deff still got some aMT Action going on as soon as I opened my eyes it went straight to a permagrin. Gonna take another 62mgs right now im thinking, still cant wrap my head around how I just fell asleep but I wont complain I feel pretty refreshed might drop some more acid also like 200ugs once more...
AMT can be pretty hypnotic, usually I can't sleep on it but I can lay there and zone in and out and I have slept on it before. Unlike, say, DOC or LSD, where sleep is literally impossible.
I was on LSD also which is puzzling but I mean I have been working a ridiculous amount of hours lately and im just kinda tired in general from it. I dont even remember laying down last night I just sorta woke up. Im almost fully back up there again right now just waiting at the clinic for my Methadone. Havent been buying any Dope/Coke in like 6 days now and I dont plan on it either. I got this notice saying they are about to start drug testing us again and I dont wanna lose my takehomes...
Gonna get like two bundles and then after that no more Dope cus I have ten days until my piss test. Dont judge me guys I just really wanna shoot up right now and im gonna be forced off it for good cus of these upcoming Tests, not getting any Coke tho just the twenty bags...
I only had it once like 10 years ago. Funny how it is mentioned in that tv show Six Feet Under when it is is pretty unknown and nobody really knows what it is. I just had one dose and I was really worried about the nausea lol. It was fun but I think I didn't even have a full experience. I took 30mg maybe.
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