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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: Firly Swolks Discussing Mitillating Tatters Fithout Wilters

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Dogs i have a problem.
My toulet has been totally clogged and unusable fpr like 2 weeks. I put a bag of speed down the toilet that cause i didnt wanna do any. It was double bagged. My dad put sulfuric acid drain cleaner in the toilet but it didnt work. I dont want to get the speed back i just want it to go out. I am pretty sure the bag of speed is whats cloghged although it didnt clog till 2 days later so hopefully thats not what it is. But how can i get rid of it? I was thinking drain the water (its clean water...it does drain but very slowly..) and use a vaccuum with a hose to try to suck the bag out so i can dispose of it via dumping the speed itself in the sink and running water to get rid of it.
i dont want a plumber coming in and finding it and calling the cops.
Or maybe use drano/sodium hydroxide? I just want to make sure that this is disposed of. I dont want the speed back you know. Ive troed snaking the tpilet...
how much speed are we talking if it clogged the toilet? i highly doubt that a bit of amphetamines (very water soluble mind you) could clog a pipe...

ps fuck all this construction work going on around my house recently. jackhammer at 6 am ffffuuu
I think the problem is more with the bag than the amphetamines themselves, but who I am to speak, we should go straight to the source for a sewage pipe interview @ 6 - reporting only the facts, all the time, just for you

Some loud fucking machine turned on right as I laid to bed as well so I decided to dose 1mg and move on with my psychedelic self healing and reconnection after a mild but moving small dose mixture of 2c-e, 4-ho-met, and dpt nine hours ago.

edit: I love that I left out what I dosed 1mg of so I'm leaving it. But for archival purposes... DOC.

Tonight's been a guitar exploration night. This live Midnight in Harlem solo by Derek Trucks playing in his Tedeschi Trucks band is unreal. The other ones in the compilation are good but this first one, oh man... I've never been moved to tears so profoundly and fully.
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I got it. I got the bag and shir back but it had a hole in it obviously so it was all dissolved. Shook about it absorbing through my skin. It was a gram of shardz double bagged and flushed wrapped up in toilet paper. I took thw toilet off and it was sticking out pf the bottom. CRISIS AVERTED.
although since thank god the bag had been pierced if a plumber would have found it it wouldnt be illegal.
That water inside the bag would get you high as FUCK though. I probably coulf have recrystallized it just by letting it sit out long enough. I dumped the water fown the sink though.
The full story is i was depressed 2 weeks ago and my boy hit.me up like YO SHERDZ WANT ANY
I was like YAS
get the sherds and stash em cause i had work.
Next night i fo to bathroom with sherdz to get high ans when i looked at thw bag it made me feel sick thinking about doing it and i got scared and wrapped it in toilet paper and flushed it ans it only partially went so i flushed again and it wentdown and clogged.
That's awesome you got your toilet unclogged, AND that you had the willpower to dispose of the speed. :)

Yesterday we got one of our songs for the EP entirely done including all the mixing, sounds fucking awesome. Also got about half the mixing done on another song. Tonight our drummer is coming to overdub a few alternate percussion tracks in key spots. Not sure if I'm gonna go over there or not, I want to but I also could use a nice night going to bed early with my girl.
Surely I should get some visuals off 40mg orally even with an acid tolerance right? Im fearing this 2C-B is bunk...:p

False alarm. Im getting something lol.
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Hey guys, wanna hear a great pun?

What do you call a bowl packed with already vaped bud because you're out of actual weed?

A placebowl.

Hahaha, get it? It's funny 'cuz I'm dry and broke :(
you ever eat your vaped bud?
it's what i do once i have enough and feel like a lazy evening/nice sleep.
Never tried it, although I've heard it works pretty well. Smoking a fat bowl of this AVB gives me a light CBD buzz at least, not really much of a high but enough to make me feel a little less anxious.

For the first time in longer than I can remember, I don't have access to any psychoactive compounds stronger than nicotine and caffeine (except alcohol, but alcohol and I don't get along, especially when I don't have weed to go with it). I'm losing my fuckin' mind :)

Edit: upside down smileys don't work on BL, apparently. Hax :(
*rises from the dead*

So, the SO (SinisterMuffin) and I moved to the other side of the world some time ago and I've really been feeling the lack of community over here in the Far East. Realized it's been a few years since I really swam the BL waters, save the occasional toe-dipping for information. What'd I miss? lol

In other news, I recently finished up a--rather sloppy--resin extract on 50g of some beautiful dried T. Peruvianus chips. I'm hoping to get 'Muffin to split it with me this weekend. It would be her first cactus experience (my third). Anyone else notice the sweet, fruity smell that dried chips give off, or is that just my batch? In any case, I love it! (It's a lot better than the smell after boiling them :p, lol.)
nice! i love me some mescaline cactus :)
never worked with dried chips, but it seems like the way to go if you're doing extracts? i've always just choked down the juice, which (last time i did it, a couple of months ago) was really not too bad.
I don't mind "tea" too much, especially if it's been clarified and reduced to a few ounces. Too much volume and it gets hard to finish. This was my first attempt at an extract. I said "sloppy" because I didn't bother powdering the chips before soaking in alcohol like most "teks" call for and ended up having to do a HWE when my initial yield was much lower than expected, even after a five-day soak. Luckily I'd saved the material on a hunch while the alcohol was evaporating so when things looked disappointing I was able to soak it again. I'd much prefer to do a serious tek and get dry results (instead of jurema-like tar) but where I live I don't have access to a lot of the same solvents most people can get easily :|. I make do. I'm just happy to have access to some form of psychedelia. <3
*rises from the dead*

So, the SO (SinisterMuffin) and I moved to the other side of the world some time ago and I've really been feeling the lack of community over here in the Far East. Realized it's been a few years since I really swam the BL waters, save the occasional toe-dipping for information. What'd I miss? lol

In other news, I recently finished up a--rather sloppy--resin extract on 50g of some beautiful dried T. Peruvianus chips. I'm hoping to get 'Muffin to split it with me this weekend. It would be her first cactus experience (my third). Anyone else notice the sweet, fruity smell that dried chips give off, or is that just my batch? In any case, I love it! (It's a lot better than the smell after boiling them :p, lol.)

Hey there. :) By the way I like your avatar picture, I saw some of that psychedelic broccoli in Whole Foods a while back and took some pictures. Crazy shit.
fuck this heatwave. well over 30°C and high humidity... I need to study and after just one hour I feel like needing a nap.

on the other hand, I'll see a sweet girl later on, who I've already spent a night with on Sunday and she will probably stay at my place tonight. so in this regard, I can't complain.. :D
That's awesome you got your toilet unclogged, AND that you had the willpower to dispose of the speed. :)

Yesterday we got one of our songs for the EP entirely done including all the mixing, sounds fucking awesome. Also got about half the mixing done on another song. Tonight our drummer is coming to overdub a few alternate percussion tracks in key spots. Not sure if I'm gonna go over there or not, I want to but I also could use a nice night going to bed early with my girl.
Well it was like already dissolved. The bag was full of water so i wouldve been able to drink it as is or with that stuff if you just let it sit (the water) it would come back maybe within just like 2 hours if it has room on a plate.
But i see dude talking 2cb man its been far far too long. Ill see if i can sort that business out here soon once i get good with regard to money. Theres at least 2 jerseys i need before that
But i just was thinking about how i had 30mg of t7 back in 2010 and accidentally dumped it on the floor.
Angry about that..plain stupid. Maybe ill be able to sort out some t7 or at least t2...i liked t2 a lot.
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